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Loot rules


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I would like to suggest a small, but very important change in the rules of loot.


When going on a raid with strangers, you never know how decent they are. Most often we are talking about the Xenoanalist in hard mode, when the leader of the group puts a master loot seconds before killing the boss. This causes the natural indignation of the rest of the people who went there for the sake of a drop chance, and not to be deceived and, as a result, to present a rare mount to a complete stranger. This happens during almost every event.


Huge request to rework this and remove from the game the ability to change the loot mode in battle.

Edited by RinnoriSavari
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I agree fully, once the fight starts the loot should be locked, happens on Dreadtooth too. Also, no harm in taking screen shots, and sending them to CS, no idea if they'll do anything, but this sort of behaviour does constitute trolling, and bad behaviour on a players part. Not sure what the exact phrasing is in the ToS, but CS might take the mount of the guy, and warn him, or worse, if they are a regular violator .
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I've always felt that the bigger by size or higher HP the NPC/mob has, the bigger the loot/reward. A HUGE droid should yield far more than 2 desh, etc., and the silver and gold star mobs should drop bigger/higher gear and companion gifts.


As an aside, if my toon is (for instance) at level 90, shouldn't the gear loot drops be higher than my toon's level? That would be nice :jawa_biggrin:

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