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Sorcerer\Sage Lightsaber usage


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I think the desire is the fantasy we see in star wars, great force users can also sometimes be great at other things, there is no role in the game for a Count Dooku type or Yoda type who are both great force users and lightsaber duelists. The thing is the game has these fixed roles. But there are several things the devs can do.



1. New Hybrid Class: For class story purposes, this class can actually select the path of the Consular/Sorc or Knight/Warrior, it's a class designed to be able to dps from range or melee competently if you choose and effecitvely combines abilities from the melee classes and range specs.


2. New System that allows players to add a specialisation from any other class, where they can swap like a mode during combat. e.g. if your sage or sorc could pick up a melee spec from the knight/jugg , sent/mara or shadow/assassin and be able to switch specs in combat like you are switching a druid form (from warcraft) or a mode/stance - then they can play out that fantasy fully.. So want to pelt from range for a little while, then fancy going in close quarters? then switch to your melee mode and gain new action bars (and switch weapon automatically). That is one way to do it... but this would require every class being able to gain or pick a spec from another class, and opens a lot of possibilities, which could include able to start the class quest of the spec you choose to learn.


At the heart of it you can be a Count Dooku or Yoda type, great with the force and great at duelling.


3. Add A Very interesting New Ability to Sage/Sorc that opens up some melee combat. Floating Lightsaber allows the Sage/Sorc to be able to send their weapon into melee like a pet on a cooldown (think dancing runeblade but much better), while they damage from range - this is a special ability like in one of the earlier KotoRs, this new "pet" i.e. your lightsaber that you will be using the force to essentially give it a life of its own, has a number of fancy looking moves it can do. While you damage from range, it will melee. The cool thing about this ability is that you can use those lightsaber moves yourself if you are in melee, they do a lot more damage if you are using them, because it is no longer a "pet" and presumably you are using them instead of your range abilities. They come with a dis-engage ability that allows you back flip out 20-30 yards back to range, and a force leap flip that allows you to quickly leap into combat. this force leap shares a cooldown with force speed.


I really like the idea of a hybrid system! Or even a class-less system.

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