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Who's playing Cyberpunk 2077?


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Who is currently playing Cyberpunk 2077? I am myself and having a blast but i feel sorry for the people on base consoles, the console version of the game is getting smashed on metacritic right now. It's really frustrating because I have spend months building a Cyberpunk 2077 forums and community hub, but feels all for nothing now. The official forums over there are getting hammered with negative feedback about the game.


Just hope CD Projekt Red can turn it around, just blows my mind that after the Witcher 3 being such a masterpiece, that their new game is such a disaster.

Edited by -Morrigan-
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It looks seriously good on a 4K/UHD (3840x2160) screen driven by an RTX 2080Ti. Driving cars using the keyboard to steer is ... um ... suboptimal because it makes the steering a bit too "all or nothing", and I've run over cactuses and small trees in the "Nomad" prologue countryside, and, in town, inhabitants of Heywood. (Yeah, I ran over a fellow "citizen", I think fatally.)
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I waited a couple days to start playing so they could get a few kinks worked out (probably should have done the same w/ the Spirit of Vengeance FP :rak_03:).


I'm loving it. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming b/c there is so much to see and do, but that's hardly a serious complaint.


And, like Cynical Steve, I think my vehicular manslaughter count is way, way up there given the PC controls for the car are a bit, well, let's just say they take some getting used to. There are still a few graphical bugs (my character appears bald when appearing in some mirrors), but overall the game is great and one I will likely do on all three archetypes.



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I waited a couple days to start playing so they could get a few kinks worked out (probably should have done the same w/ the Spirit of Vengeance FP :rak_03:).


I'm loving it. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming b/c there is so much to see and do, but that's hardly a serious complaint.


And, like Cynical Steve, I think my vehicular manslaughter count is way, way up there given the PC controls for the car are a bit, well, let's just say they take some getting used to. There are still a few graphical bugs (my character appears bald when appearing in some mirrors), but overall the game is great and one I will likely do on all three archetypes.



The vehicles are a *lot* more controllable if you use a controller with an analogue stick - the one I use is an old XBox 360 Controller For Windows that I bought ... um ... a long while ago, probably 2012 or 2013.


And yeah, I've seen the baldifying mirrors. Particularly annoying since one of them is the one in my character's digs.

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I think it's great and looks and sounds amazing. That said, while I can understand them wanting to maximise revenue the decision to release on older consoles is something that they'll be living with for a very long time...


I also can't drive for brown stuff - I've caught myself apologising to the people I've sent off to join the choir invisible. :D

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I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I'm playing on a base PS4. I'm about 40-50hrs in, and aside from it crashing 5 times, a few visual bugs, and audio glitches mainly on the radio... It's been running fine. I did get hit by a motorcycle that was flying through the air bouncing off buildings which made me lol. And the only time my frame rate has really suffered is while driving once I hit about 190mph. I've had to reload a save twice to get a mission to complete. Overall tho, I'm enjoying the game. I'll give CDPR the benefit of the doubt when they say "give us a couple of months to patch it up". I remember how poorly Witcher 3 was at launch, and now it's one of the best RPG's ever made. Now I probably won't pre-order their next game. (This was my first console pre-order since ME2) But I can tell there's a great gaming experience under the hood.
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What an absolute mess! I feel bad for all the devs forced to work in terrible conditions all to put out a game they knew would never be ready.

That's common in the video game industry. The deadlines are entirely arbitrary and unrelated to whatever goes into the game, which means that the entire development process is "crunch time", and there's "no time to fix bugs"(1).


It's one of the reasons I never actually got into game development.(2)


(1) This is never true, but lots of people *think* it's true. Yes, ===> that bug where the third pixel from the left is half a shade too dark, stuff like that won't get fixed, and rightly so, but there is *always* time to fix crashy bugs, and anyone who tells you otherwise is just drooling.


(2) When I was looking for a new job in late 2008 / early 2009, Eidos was putting together a team for a new football(3) simulator, and the recruiters thought I would have been a good fit from a technical standpoint (I agree, it would have been a great match(*)). Sadly, perhaps, they also were looking for people who were really *into* football, and I'm not, although I could have faked it (I *can* describe the "offside" rule in some detail)(5). In hndsight, I'm torn about it, to be honest.


(*) pun only slightly intended.


(3) I'm British, so it's football. In certain other countries, "football" means a game played mostly with the hands, and association football is called "soccer".(4)


(4) When I was younger than I am now, I had a subscription to Cricket magaizine (an American publication featuring children's fiction writing, poems, and the occasional factual article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cricket_(magazine)), and one issue had an informational piece on the difference between soccer and football. Their description of soccer sounded just like (association) football, so my eight-year-old self was totally baffled.


(5) It's a slightly weird rule about how the attacking side is allowed to pass the ball when in the other side's half of the pitch, and enforcing it is a tediously pedantic exercise involving the referee and one or more linesmen and some very tight timing, made more complicated by the key moment being when the ball is passed, and the point that the players in question are allowed to be offside when the ball is received at the other end of the pass. It's a classic acid test to see if a guy is *really* a football fan, all the more so if his girlfriend is *also* able to describe it.

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I finished the game today on PC for the first time. Did I encounter bugs? Yes I did, but I imagine so has everyone so I won't linger on them but one below.


Major spoilers below for story/characters.


Biggest bug for me was my fight against Adam Smasher (damn that man/machine is scary looking, he's like what 98% machine) at the end, he got stuck in a wall and couldn't move, easy kill. Also during that fight Takemura just froze in place beside a wall and constantly yelled stuff out but did nothing.


Story wise, I enjoyed it not going to deny that. Some of the characters were great, I loved Jackie, Rouge, Takemura, Johnny, Delamain and a lot of the other characters I met along the way.


I got the "bad" ending as a lot of people I have seen describe it as, the one where I helped Hanako out, go to the moon and sign my self over into an engram for the future. My character was always Corpo orientated (and Takemura told me it'd be best and I trusted him), so it didn't seem to out there that'd be what my character would choose.


What disappointed me was the romance options, my M|M only had Kerry who did not interest me. The romance options were so limited. Also WHY was Takemura not a romance, what a missed opportunity there people! :D



Will I give it another story run? Yeah probably in a few weeks or maybe watch for any big patches. Overall the world itself I enjoyed and the story. Was it perfect? No way but I do hope to get more story DLC in the future.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I've had a fair few visual glitches - minor things like guns disappearing, chopsticks duplicating but nothing too serious there. I did, however, hit the zero health after The Heist bug for a while which was a bit more serious. Still, I can't say that overall it's been any more buggy to me than any game that I've bought on release day.
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Spoilers: I've finished the game 3 times on my Xbox Series X. The first play-through was a 100% one where I unlocked every Achievement. The second and third were ones where I mainly played the main content just to have fun with other character builds. My favourite by far is a hacker who wields a Katana. I love hacking enemies and equipment and then getting up close and separating limbs from body. My favourite ending is the Arasaka ending (becoming an Engram), with Takemura alive, and I really, really want to bang Hanako Arasaka.


I haven't played the game in a week or two. I'm now waiting for DLC and the online mode to be released. I'm really interested to see how they handle the online component.

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