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Wasted money on the two new food event Tacticals.


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Just found out that I basically threw away 4500 Prosperity Tokens on the 2 new tacticals because I didn't read Swtorista's guide first.


As stated in swtorista guide:


There is also some tactical you can buy with tokens that give you more prosperity tokens when you do the two event minigames. IT IS NOT WORTH BUYING, as it only gives an extra ten tokens for the story cantina rush, and an extra 20 for the hard cantina rush. This means, with the tactical costing 2,250, you would need to run the cantina rush mission on story and hardmode together 75 times to break even. If you got the perfect rush bonuses every time you would have to run them together 57 times to break even.

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Was wondering if the game devs are paying royalties to the diner dash people. I don't spend time in the Star Wars universe to wait tables and cook.


I doubt it, they are very quick to grab them from others, but I'd say they are really bad at paying out ;)


But getting back to the OP topic. I was going to get the tactical, but after what you & sworista said, I think I'll just keep my 'tokens' and buy decos :)

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