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Do you think we'll see maybe even work with former Minister of Intelligence?


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He went retired, but he would be able to return and if not to Empire then to Alliance/Hand, right?

He is really great and interesting character that most probably survived KOTFET.

If loyalists are Keepers of Hand Intelligence, then he would fit perfectly as advisor or something.

In Empire he would fit as well for high ranking officer.


Watcher 2 is killable, so she won't appear most probably. Shame, but I liked more Watcher X but he is killable too so yeah he won't appear too.


And with Former Minister there are few persons from Intelligence we could meet again.


PS question to not make new post. I don't want to spam lol


Imperial Intelligence vs Sith Intelligence. Which is better? Do we have enough data to be able to make such comparisions?

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I don't know if he'd come back. I kind of got the feeling on Rishi that he was getting out of 'the game' entirely since, despite knowing Marr planned to reform Intelligence, he intended on getting back to his retirement.


To your other question...

We have limited information, but based on what we do know I'd have to say Imperial Intelligence was more effective than Sith Intelligence (except for maybe Lana).

Imperial Intelligence brought down over six terror cells (DK, Nar Shaddaa, Balmorra, Alderaan, Tatooine and the Eagle's own on Hutta) and a renegade Dark Counciller, stopped the Republic from getting a stockpile of city-killer smart weapons, then brought down a centuries old galactic conspiracy (without the support of the Sith, in fact with the Sith effectively working against them.) just in Cipher Nine's story. That's not counting what they did in other stories.


Sith Intelligence... seemed to fail against the Revanites and the Emperor at every turn.


I consider it a difference in the organisations; II was Imperials, trained to work together, doing just that, trusting each other and coming to each other's aid against enemies. SI was Sith, who are taught to compete and work against each other, and they probably did so and in doing so rendered SI completely ineffective...

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