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Can Someone Please Fix the Chat Bug


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I keep seeing references to a "chat bug" but no actual specifics. I ran into a weird issue the other night where two friends and I were all on fleet. two of us suddenly stopped seeing new comments on chat, but our friend continued to see them. Now the three of us were on a voice call so we were not actually speaking in chat and it took a little while before we even realized something was off. From what I understand about "squelching" that's not what this is. Even if it were I think it would be strange that the two of us would be squelched since we weren't even using chat. I'm wondering if this is the bug people are talking about.
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I know someone knows what I'm talking about. Please, it's getting really bad. Worse everyday. Can someone help with this. Sorry if this isn't the right place for this.


Thank you.

You've made an unjustifiable assumption that the one person who knows what you're talking about is actually reading the forums.


To make a usable bug report, you have to describe (as seen from the user's point of view) what the bug is, or at least what happens.


For all I know, you're talking about one or other of these long-standing bugs:

* Sending a clickable link to a specific item clears everyone's chat logs.

* If a character with a two-part name where the parts are separated by a space sends a chat message, recipients see the second name without an initial capital letter: e.g. if Yerka Kolar sends a message, you'll see it from Yerka kolar.


Or maybe this recent thing:

* In the Steam client, the chat options that formerly showed who delivered the final blow on an enemy in combat don't appear.


Or maybe something else. What are you seeing?

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I know someone knows what I'm talking about. Please, it's getting really bad. Worse everyday. Can someone help with this. Sorry if this isn't the right place for this.


Thank you.


I have an issue, you know what it is...just guess, and let's discuss.


I haven't been experiencing any issues with chat, beyond the obvious trolls and the other one where someone will just send a chat message filled with a thousand blank spaces making it nearly impossible to read anything.


Who else wants to guess?

Edited by Primeconvoy
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I know what your talking about. Your not going crazy. Started for me about a week ago.


Seems for me it always starts while in a group doing a flashpoint. Your talking in group chat as normal, then all off the sudden nothing. You type your message and hit return, nothing appears. You also don't see others typing anymore. I then test /s for saying and it might work, and it might not. I also test /1 for General chat and again, maybe it works maybe it doesn't. I'll type /g for guild chat and ask if others just experienced something and usually someone chimes in saying it just happened to them too. Going back to /group for group chat still nothing. Never tested /y for yelling while the whole hiccup is happening.


However, after finishing the flashpoint and leaving the group, chat seems to reset and all is fine. Create a new group and /group chat works.


In the last week or so, it's happened to me about 3-4 times, probably only 3. Now, I'm on daily for 4-6 hours so can't say when or what time this all happens. It may have happened to me once while in a WZ. I remember I couldn't call out incoming to the turret. That pissed me off. The other times in flashpoints were just annoying and inconvenient.

Edited by Banthabreeder
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The OP may be referring to the bug where the chat box just eats your next post instead of actually sending it to the chat. It can be really annoying and has been around for years.


Hmm. Well, for me it just started last week. As for being around for years, i haven't ever heard anyone complain online or in the forums about this since the game was launched but I guess it's possible.

Edited by Banthabreeder
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Yes I've been getting two chat bugs for the last week or so and have submitted a ticket. Some messages I type just vanish into the void. They don't show up in chat at all. Posting a 2nd or 3rd time usually sorts it out. I've asked others and they say that the first message does not show up for them so it's not just a visual bug on my side.


More often I've been getting the bug where certain chat channels stop updating. Like right now I'm on my general tab which shows most channels. I can see whispers and guild chat on that same tab just fine but it's been 20 minutes since anything showed up in Fleet chat. It doesn't show up in any of my chat tabs.


hmmm looking at my chat history, Fleet chat stopped when the first whisper arrived.


CTRL-U twice to reload interface does not solve it.


Changing location does fix it though.


heh and now I can see late night Fleet chat and wish the bug would kick in again :p

Edited by UlaVii
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I know someone knows what I'm talking about. Please, it's getting really bad. Worse everyday. Can someone help with this. Sorry if this isn't the right place for this.


Thank you.

I'm willing to fix the bug. You just have to explain what bug it is and then convince BW to let me at their code. 😂

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