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The login Service is currently unavailable


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Same issue here, was in game then was disconnected from server, stated server list was unavailable and now can't log back in to the launcher. However, the website credentials still do work, obviously..
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Same issues with login are also in other games and services (Discord, Google etc.)




Sadly there is nothing that swtor team can do about it


Maybe if they hosted stuff themselves instead of all using one of three cloud services, when some student intern at AWS makes a typo in a config, not half the servers on the internet would go down. But sure. Put it in the cloud, they said. Use a CDN they said. What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

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Maybe if they hosted stuff themselves instead of all using one of three cloud services, when some student intern at AWS makes a typo in a config, not half the servers on the internet would go down. But sure. Put it in the cloud, they said. Use a CDN they said. What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:


What they could do though, is acknowledge when there's a problem, even if it's not one they can fix. Tell the customers not to keep trying and hammering the login servers or something. An announcement that there is an issue beyond their control and that they are aware and monitoring... It wouldn't make it quicker, but it would generate good will, and would cost them nothing.

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What they could do though, is acknowledge when there's a problem, even if it's not one they can fix. Tell the customers not to keep trying and hammering the login servers or something. An announcement that there is an issue beyond their control and that they are aware and monitoring... It wouldn't make it quicker, but it would generate good will, and would cost them nothing.


Well.. I'm able to login and play just fine, others are too, it's clearly not affecting everyone, so they may still have to figure out what is happening and who it's affecting.

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