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Everything posted by Kahz

  1. Kahz

    Bag space

    I had a similar idea, what about just giving us an extra tab in the inventory window just for gear?
  2. So far loving the changes, so much easier to switch between the three specs, however I have a bit of feedback to share. Obviously being the PTS this is likely just a design implementation that is merely missing but if it is not then, when you switch between the difference specs the ui does not remember your ability placements, i.e if I have holotraverse on the side bar along the left of my screen and have an ability that is spec specific keybound to 6 for example, when one switches to Lethality and back to Medicine all the specs specific abilities just reset to default. I hope this was not too convoluted. Otherwise outstanding job on 7.0 so far.
  3. Same issue here, was in game then was disconnected from server, stated server list was unavailable and now can't log back in to the launcher. However, the website credentials still do work, obviously..
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