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Going Back on Romance Decisions


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So, I haven't seen if anyone has asked this before, but is it possible to go back on your romance decisions?


I was romancing Jaesa when I was playing my Warrior, went inactive for a bit, and romanced Lana when I came back. Went inactive some more, and eventually I come back to find that Jaesa is available as a companion again. Went inactive some more, and I find that I'm married/engaged (?) to Lana, but I really don't care for her as much as Jaesa. Is there any way for me to go back to romancing Jaesa, or am I stuck with Lana?

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Well you can romance Lana but when Jaesa returns you are forced to choose 1, if you want to keep her as a companion then just tell Jaesa you moved on and still want to be friends.


Another option (Do at your own risk, no telling if this will get fixed eventually) You could continue the romance with Jaesa and then you get a quest from Lana "Things Left Unsaid" I went through this in detail in another post guessing you didn't even look at it. That's the break up letter, if you just untrack the quest and don't do it the game has you flagged as still being in a relationship with her. And if you look at Jaesa in the companion info tab it says the same thing after all these years still in a relationship. But at the going rate of things getting fixed I doubt this is on the table, but take at your own risk in case it does. I've got about 20 toons so I just did it on a couple to see how things panned out.

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SInce I don't know the exact choices you made at points, I can't say if you can or not.


Theoretically, though, you should be able to split with Lana and romance Jaesa when she comes back. There should be some kind of dialogue option with Jaesa about being interested in her, still caring for her, something like that and selecting it gives a warning message about "doing this will break off any other romances and enter you in a romance with Jaesa. Are you sure this is what you want to do?"


If you missed that dialogue, unfortunately, I think you may be stuck with Lana....

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Ya if your already passed the point of Jaesa's return then you can't do what I explained above, took it as you hadn't made it that far yet. You can always make another toon and romance the right one if it means that much to you. I wanted 2 of every class to play all the different spec's so I did different romances to see how the stories changed.
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Thanks for the replies! It sounds like I really messed up, then. I know it doesn't really make a huge difference in-game (Jaesa still performs better than Lana in combat and for crew skills), but it still kinda sucks. Hopefully that changes, but I doubt it. That's what I get for not paying more attention while playing.
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Thanks for the replies! It sounds like I really messed up, then. I know it doesn't really make a huge difference in-game (Jaesa still performs better than Lana in combat and for crew skills), but it still kinda sucks. Hopefully that changes, but I doubt it. That's what I get for not paying more attention while playing.

More accurately:

1. Jaesa performs better than Lana in combat *and* crew skills if and only if her Influence rank is higher. (Er, they are the same subject to some possible combat-performance bugs, but they are both one-weapon melee Force Users, so any combat difference at the same Influence rank is down to a bug.)


2. The "complete" sequence involving those two goes like this:

* Romance DS Jaesa during the class story

* Flirt with Lana-the-NPC during Prelude to Revan, Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Emperor (Ziost).

* Flirt with and fully romance Lana-the-Companion in Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne, and the Fractured Alliance / Traitor Arc sequence.(1)

* Flirt with Lana during Jedi Under Siege (Ossus).

* **After** Jedi Under Siege, take DS Jaesa's Alliance Alert(2) from the upper part of the Companions & Contacts panel ("N" by default).

* **During** that alert, resume your romance with DS Jaesa. You *will* receive the "Things Left Unsaid" mission that contains the actual break-up with Lana. I've never done that, but apparently it's not a happy scene.(3)


(1) Including the important question at the end of Nathema Conspiracy.


(2) You might need to finish "To Find A Findsman" (recruit Yuun) first.


(3) One of my Assassins got that mission because of a bug and could never complete it. The only people she ever touched or even *looked at* in "that" way were that one Sith on Alderaan and her favourite philosopher-pirate.

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More accurately:

1. Jaesa performs better than Lana in combat *and* crew skills if and only if her Influence rank is higher. (Er, they are the same subject to some possible combat-performance bugs, but they are both one-weapon melee Force Users, so any combat difference at the same Influence rank is down to a bug.)


2. The "complete" sequence involving those two goes like this:

* Romance DS Jaesa during the class story

* Flirt with Lana-the-NPC during Prelude to Revan, Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Emperor (Ziost).

* Flirt with and fully romance Lana-the-Companion in Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne, and the Fractured Alliance / Traitor Arc sequence.(1)

* Flirt with Lana during Jedi Under Siege (Ossus).

* **After** Jedi Under Siege, take DS Jaesa's Alliance Alert(2) from the upper part of the Companions & Contacts panel ("N" by default).

* **During** that alert, resume your romance with DS Jaesa. You *will* receive the "Things Left Unsaid" mission that contains the actual break-up with Lana. I've never done that, but apparently it's not a happy scene.(3)


(1) Including the important question at the end of Nathema Conspiracy.


(2) You might need to finish "To Find A Findsman" (recruit Yuun) first.


(3) One of my Assassins got that mission because of a bug and could never complete it. The only people she ever touched or even *looked at* in "that" way were that one Sith on Alderaan and her favourite philosopher-pirate.


I've actually watched the whole break up scene and it made me feel terrible, I was expecting her to turn into the a sith hulk and try to destroy me lol. But ya it was very sad :(


Steve deff went into better detail with what to do!

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I've actually watched the whole break up scene and it made me feel terrible, I was expecting her to turn into the a sith hulk and try to destroy me lol. But ya it was very sad :(


Steve deff went into better detail with what to do!


I can imagine. I haven't romanced Lana myself, but a character did romance Theron and then broke up with him. A tear jerker. It's worse when the character became single again and there's never an option to get back together with Theron. The character did find a new love later and still considers Theron a best pal. I'm not making that mistake again. Fortunately I only had one other character marry in class story but easily dumped for Theron. :p

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