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Small Guild Support


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Due to the bashing smalls guilds get, and the fact I'm running out of time for posting

I'd like to set this thread up, to see how many small guilds there are out there. So in a thread that is about nothing else then just acknowledging small guilds, please put a +1, to show your support :)



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Plus (for support)


(Ignore what I originally wrote as my questions unintentionally upset some people here)


What is your definition of a "small guild"?


To some people that means a guild with just family members and some close friends.


To others it means less than 10 active players


To others it means less than 100 active people.


To others it means less than 400 active people.


What about guilds that have 20 active players but over 300 characters?


Are you counting guilds that have just 1 person in them as real guilds?


What kind of "bashing" are you referring to?


Edited by UlaVii
CaptRogue's small attitude
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i am wasnt in a GUILD serious i no understand why all the attack i cant use my subscribe on pvs on starfighters ppl atack me 5 min with missiles wsnt letting a way to do someting or some wahat my shpi get stuck for mgic so i try to figure out alone how to avoid eatng a lot missiles for do my dailys and try to play becAUSE I LIKED EXPERIENCE WANTED TO LEAN but nobody help me , i not been doing ops or flaspoints in group cuz i prefer avoid being kicked or ppl left witout word i been try hard playing figure out things , doing missions , flaspoints solo andtrying to follow timeline oh yes irun a lot heroics and contests did you guys even seeing prizes things sorry if you all richs

sorry if my gay jedi Knight who like help npcs and fight with siths offended ppl around seeing ppl not brother too much with a new player

i just nt understand all this atack i was just trying to play now i get hackers attacks i want my rights some suport bcuse i get my character deleted i cant submit a ticket in game

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I'm GL of:


Star Forge:

2 medium guilds with 700-ish toons

3 guilds with just me in it (that's kinda small, right?)


Satele Shan:

2 small guilds (backup guilds for the players on Star Forge) with less than 50 toons each

1 guild with just me in it


Remaining servers: each with 1 guild with just me in it.

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I'm GL of:


Star Forge:

2 medium guilds with 700-ish toons

3 guilds with just me in it (that's kinda small, right?)


Satele Shan:

2 small guilds (backup guilds for the players on Star Forge) with less than 50 toons each

1 guild with just me in it


Remaining servers: each with 1 guild with just me in it.


A medium guild has 700 toons?

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A medium guild has 700 toons?


It's medium in that roughly half of those no longer log on but have lifetime memberships. Active daily count (across the course of a day) is less than 100 logons, and it's a calendar moment if we have more than 30 on at once.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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What is your definition of a "small guild"?


To some people that means a guild with just family members and some close friends.


To others it means less than 10 active players


To others it means less than 100 active people.


To others it means less than 400 active people.


What about guilds that have 20 active players but over 300 characters?


Are you counting guilds that have just 1 person in them as real guilds?


What kind of "bashing" are you referring to?


Small is usually a few people, does it really matter wether it's 15 or 20? As for the amount of characters, I don't think that matters either, as those chars are controlled by a few people, Small can be 1, with 50 chars, or 10 with 5. Wasn't looking for a specific amount, just people that consider their guild small, and what to shout out to each other. Some unity, etc. If one person is in a guild, and they consider themself aa real guild, why should I not? As for the bashing, if you read the forums long enough, you'll see what I'm talking about,

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Small is usually a few people, does it really matter wether it's 15 or 20? As for the amount of characters, I don't think that matters either, as those chars are controlled by a few people, Small can be 1, with 50 chars, or 10 with 5. Wasn't looking for a specific amount, just people that consider their guild small, and what to shout out to each other. Some unity, etc. If one person is in a guild, and they consider themself aa real guild, why should I not? As for the bashing, if you read the forums long enough, you'll see what I'm talking about,


I think you should rephrase it because it's not about small guilds at all I found but playstyle, possibly in combination with small guilds but it's more about the playstyle than anything else. I'm actually in a small rep guild and we do fine on medium conquest.


I can tell you it's easy to do with 10 members but you don't care. And it doesn't take a lot of playtime either. But you seem to put the label of small guilds on what you actually mean and that seems to be that with your playstyle you won't make it regardless of how easy it is to achieve. And that's fair enough. Just wish you hadn't made it about small guilds cause small guilds can do this just fine if they want to.

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you should probably read that again, it's not about CQ, it's about small giulds, coming together to face issues that effect them, to show support to each other. I thought it would be nice for them to shout out to each other, but I guess other people in these forums have other ideas. No surprise there

Edited by DarkAnnmarie
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(Ignore what I wrote as my questions unintentionally upset some people here)


If one person is in a guild, and they consider themself aa real guild, why should I not?

That's not a "guild". That is a solo player using guild facilities they have procured for themselves.


Definition of guild

~ an association of people with similar interests or pursuits


I only ask about your definition of a "small" guild since that is what you wrote specifically. I'm interested to know what you class as a small guild and when you class that as becoming medium and then large. I gave several examples to help narrow down your definition. I'm not having a go at you, just curious.


As for the bashing, if you read the forums long enough, you'll see what I'm talking about,

I read the forums several times a day and have not seen anyone "bashing" small guilds. That is why me and some of the others would like you to expand on this.


Edited by UlaVii
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That's not a "guild". That is a solo player using guild facilities they have procured for themselves.


Definition of guild

~ an association of people with similar interests or pursuits


I only ask about your definition of a "small" guild since that is what you wrote specifically. I'm interested to know what you class as a small guild and when you class that as becoming medium and then large. I gave several examples to help narrow down your definition. I'm not having a go at you, just curious.



I read the forums several times a day and have not seen anyone "bashing" small guilds. That is why me and some of the others would like you to expand on this.


As I'm not looking for a legal consensus of what a small guild is, it's up to others if they consider themselves a small guild. as for 1 person, if that person considers themsellf a small guild, why wouldn't you? Sure, the defination has a set description, but I wasn't trying to define a guild, just put up a thread so people can see how many small guilds are really out there. Maybe I worded it badly. But I'd just like to see how many small guilds are out there, how they feel they are being treated, etc. As for bashing, maybe it was worded wrong too, but there have been people having a go at smaller guilds, in a few threads, some old, some new. I didn't particularly want those issues being brought in here, and sidelining this.


As I said, my time is running out, so I'll only be able to read, not reply for another 90 days or so, was just curous how people feel :)

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Due to the bashing smalls guilds get, and the fact I'm running out of time for posting

I'd like to set this thread up, to see how many small guilds there are out there. So in a thread that is about nothing else then just acknowledging small guilds, please put a +1, to show your support :)



Plus 1


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you should probably read that again, it's not about CQ, it's about small giulds, coming together to face issues that effect them, to show support to each other. I thought it would be nice for them to shout out to each other, but I guess other people in these forums have other ideas. No surprise there


lol Well they answered the bashing, now didn't they, OP??


"Lets just jump in here & question this poster & shame them into ridiculousness."...And there you have it...

Not unusual considering you have 2 of the more vocal, egotistical GM's piping in here. lol Just missing one & you'd have the 3 major GM's in the game. :rolleyes:

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lol Well they answered the bashing, now didn't they, OP??


"Lets just jump in here & question this poster & shame them into ridiculousness."...And there you have it...

Not unusual considering you have 2 of the more vocal, egotistical GM's piping in here. lol Just missing one & you'd have the 3 major GM's in the game. :rolleyes:


As meatloaf says two out of three ain't bad ;) I guess I'm blessed...lol

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Small guilds aren't so much "bashed" as they have been de-incentivized. There's no reason to even bother with a small guild because you end up hurting yourself by not getting top rewards from conquest, which everyone needs if they want to advance their toons in the game. By making it so you get punished by being in a small guild, people won't join small guilds. That's the gist of how I see it.
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I am leader of a small guild. When I came back from an extended break I found that my old guild had died. The leader served in absentia. They would log in every two to three weeks so they would not lose the leadership, but in no other way did they lead the guild. I eventually left and formed a guild with myself, my alt account, my brother, and my nephew. My brother brought in a couple of their kids and we kept the guild strictly restricted to family due to the minors. But my nephew has a short attention span. They usually only play a game for a few months then move on to something else. They are now inactive. My brother got busy with work and life last autumn and had to stop playing for a while, then my brother and their spouse were both designated essential workers so they have been quite busy these past few months, and the kids can only play when my brother does, so they have gone inactive. So now it is just me and my alt account. I have opened a room on the guild ship, purchased guild cargo bays (we are up to five, maybe I will buy a sixth), and got the guild to level 26 almost single-handedly.


Are we a small guild? I like to think so. True, my characters are the only ones that are currently active. I am the only one earning guild experience, raising those levels, buying guild cargo holds, and completing conquest each week in order to earn the encryptions needed to open rooms. Maybe to some I am just a "solo player using guild facilities." If that is true then it would have been true as well when I came back to the game as there were only two people who played regularly and we were never on at the same time. We also did not have any control in that guild. We could not move the guild ship, we could not choose an invasion target, we could not even use the cargo bays as the guild leader had locked every tab. No, I think we are a small guild; a small guild of which I am currently stewarding so that it will be there for the other members when they return.


As a small guild I would love it if unlocking rooms on the guild ship were easier. I was particularly peeved when BW changed the yield targets with 6.0 as that cost us ~20 encryptions. I wish the cost of purchasing decorations for the guild was cheaper. I wish small guilds had a chance at getting the achievements that are dominated by the mega guilds each week. No, no. I can already hear the replies, "but those activities are not meant to be done by a solo player, that is a group activity." Yeah, well, not in my guild.


I wish some things were different. I wish some things were easier. I realize that as a small guild it will be harder for us to do some things, that it will take longer for us to do some things, that there will be some things that we will not be able to do, and some goals we will not be able to achieve. That is okay. We are happy with our small guild. Just give us a small invasion target each week so we can slowly, incrementally earn encryptions to unlock rooms on our guild ship and we will be satisfied customers.

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I'm all in support of guilds of whatever size group exists within the guild, though like many in this and a number of other threads, I don't expect the game to try and cater itself to a guild of one.


I say that as someone who has inherited a number of dead guilds on several servers over the years, which I have kept only for extra storage and a place to park alts I never play.


I wouldn't turn down free perks for sure, but I don't consider a dead guild with one player an guild.

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lol Well they answered the bashing, now didn't they, OP??


"Lets just jump in here & question this poster & shame them into ridiculousness."...And there you have it...

Not unusual considering you have 2 of the more vocal, egotistical GM's piping in here. lol Just missing one & you'd have the 3 major GM's in the game. :rolleyes:


I asked questions because I was curious but sadly it seems in your world, asking questions is bashing.


The only person who should feel shame is you. You've asked no questions, offered no support and contributed nothing here except posting to throw your childish insult.


Over the years I have pushed several initiatives to try and improve things for guilds both big and small. We are the people that run the guilds so it's our duty to do what we can to improve conditions for our guild members by engaging the devs and letting them know what we do and don't want. There is nothing egotistical about that. If we don't ask questions, challenge things we deem wrong and ask for what we want, then things will never get better. We are all in this together.


Anyhow, it was not my intent to offend or derail the thread. I've edited my other two posts here to reflect that.


Good luck, plus 1 :)

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I asked questions because I was curious but sadly it seems in your world, asking questions is bashing.


The only person who should feel shame is you. You've asked no questions, offered no support and contributed nothing here except posting to throw your childish insult.


Over the years I have pushed several initiatives to try and improve things for guilds both big and small. We are the people that run the guilds so it's our duty to do what we can to improve conditions for our guild members by engaging the devs and letting them know what we do and don't want. There is nothing egotistical about that. If we don't ask questions, challenge things we deem wrong and ask for what we want, then things will never get better. We are all in this together.


Anyhow, it was not my intent to offend or derail the thread. I've edited my other two posts here to reflect that.


Good luck, plus 1 :)


I am not following. Did I miss something? You are replying to CaptRogue, whom you say should feel ashamed and has lobbed an insult at you. I am assuming you issue is you think the insult was directed at you. But CaptRogue was replying to DarkAnnmarie, and DarkAnnmarie was replying to Tsillah, against whom DarkAnnmarie has spared in another thread wherein Tsillah has been quite dismissive of DarkAnnmarie. Nothing was directed at you. In fact, the questions you seem to think upset some people was replied to by DarkAnnmarie here and here. No one else has said anything about your comments. Your righteous indignation seems rather misplaced.

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I'm GL of:


Star Forge:

2 medium guilds with 700-ish toons

3 guilds with just me in it (that's kinda small, right?)


Satele Shan:

2 small guilds (backup guilds for the players on Star Forge) with less than 50 toons each

1 guild with just me in it


Remaining servers: each with 1 guild with just me in it.


What guilds?! Now I am curious heh

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I am not following. Did I miss something? You are replying to CaptRogue, whom you say should feel ashamed and has lobbed an insult at you. I am assuming you issue is you think the insult was directed at you. But CaptRogue was replying to DarkAnnmarie, and DarkAnnmarie was replying to Tsillah, against whom DarkAnnmarie has spared in another thread wherein Tsillah has been quite dismissive of DarkAnnmarie. Nothing was directed at you. In fact, the questions you seem to think upset some people was replied to by DarkAnnmarie here and here. No one else has said anything about your comments. Your righteous indignation seems rather misplaced.


lol Ceryxp keeping the forum drama in check. I can't believe it, I am not part of it. Wow. All those years of being called a troll, and now look. People would be proud who once called me a troll. :D

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