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World Design


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The world design work I'd like to see is having someone teach the people doing the environment building how the collision and pathing systems work in the SWTOR engine. Not that SWTOR has ever been good at worldbuilding in that sense, but the Onslaught content has been particularly bad.


Seriously, Malgus made a big mistake pulling a lightsaber to fight Tau and Arn in the instance on Corellia. All he needed to do was pull out a big roll of tape and put down a line of tape across the platform. Then he could have had an evil laugh at the poor helpless jedi stopped by his impassable barrier. Only one pixel tall, but apparently that's enough to be insurmountable to NPCs in SWTOR these days.


Sure, being forced to resummon companions, or reset fights due to glitched NPCs, or detour around invisible collision boxes or terrain discontinuities has always been a part of SWTOR, but I feel like it was significantly worse per unit of map area in Onslaught. It's one thing to screw things up in remote "explore the world," areas, but on the main path practically on top of encounters that you can't bypass? That's especially sloppy.

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I think people are reading too much into world design changes.


This is probably just going to be a modest improvement to textures/light etc. and with any luck, upgrading the conversations to use the improved camera and lighting


I very seriously doubt they will start changing already complete content into something like a walker mission. That would make no sense at all.


Agreed. I mean, I wish they would make those sweeping changes AND I wish I could be confident in their ability instead of apprehensive, but most likely we're talking about very small graphical changes.


<SNIP> Flingeld, Spanios & Moracen, Sharkboy


The quests you describe sound extremely involved. Consider that when they brought Malora back our previous interaction counted for almost nothing - blink and you'd miss it. Likewise I was disappointed to find that doing Dreadseed to meet Acina had nearly zero impact on meeting her in KOTET chapter 2.


Considering what a waste the "old enemies" scene was for almost every class in the Nathema FP, I wish they'd instead used enemies encountered during these exploratory starter planet missions. Flingeld would make a great expendable villain rather than Servant One.

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