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Rage PvP


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so been trying anni pvp spec after tring carnage and i seam to suck with both but could jst be l2p noob


i want to try rage in pvp so was wondering any body got link to a 50 rage pvp build cheers

Edited by Ravoc
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...but could jst be l2p noob


If this is indeed the case, then you shouldn't be asking for a build to be handed to you. What you should do is create YOUR OWN build based on how YOU play and NOT how someone else plays.


You can put every single point into any tree and be strong. If you play around with it on your own and refine the skill tree to YOUR play style, you will be powerful. Because at this point your class is tailored to you and what you want out of your class.

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If this is indeed the case, then you shouldn't be asking for a build to be handed to you. What you should do is create YOUR OWN build based on how YOU play and NOT how someone else plays.


You can put every single point into any tree and be strong. If you play around with it on your own and refine the skill tree to YOUR play style, you will be powerful. Because at this point your class is tailored to you and what you want out of your class.


Yeah this is whats sad, all the people saying "yo class sucks" are the ones that are like "oh whats your spec i need to copy"


Fact is looking at the tree, it shouldnt be hard to determine upon reading it, theres a few talents i personally wouldnt take but at the end of the day theres no right or wrong answer.

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Carnage has:


3 sec immobilize from Deathly Throw

3 sec immobilize from Ravage

100% armor pen for 6 secs on a 15 sec cooldown

two cc breakers, the normal 2min cd one and force camouflage on a 45 sec cd

50% snare, everybode has it

15% speed increase


Sounds much more viable in pvp for me

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Carnage has:


3 sec immobilize from Deathly Throw

3 sec immobilize from Ravage

100% armor pen for 6 secs on a 15 sec cooldown

two cc breakers, the normal 2min cd one and force camouflage on a 45 sec cd

50% snare, everybode has it

15% speed increase


Sounds much more viable in pvp for me


deadly throw has ridiculously low range

ravage is easily broken and yet you're stuck until animation ends while enemy damages you

100% armor pen is great

the cc breakers are on huge cooldowns. I can perma-snare (50% speed) a melee class with my Merc using combustable gas cylinder. The 15% speed increase on a 50% snare is not much.


Rage is better because of Dark Resonance alone. Shi-Cho mastery is good, Obliterate is decent and Force Crush is great for whatever tries to get away. Rage is much more pvp oriented than anni or carnage. My only problem with this is Jugs also have access to this tree plus hvy armor and +30% increased dmg per smash for Jug over Mara.

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deadly throw has ridiculously low range

ravage is easily broken and yet you're stuck until animation ends while enemy damages you

100% armor pen is great

the cc breakers are on huge cooldowns. I can perma-snare (50% speed) a melee class with my Merc using combustable gas cylinder. The 15% speed increase on a 50% snare is not much.


Rage is better because of Dark Resonance alone. Shi-Cho mastery is good, Obliterate is decent and Force Crush is great for whatever tries to get away. Rage is much more pvp oriented than anni or carnage. My only problem with this is Jugs also have access to this tree plus hvy armor and +30% increased dmg per smash for Jug over Mara.


Rage ain't better than Anni - Anni is godly in 1 on 1 situations and very good for them solo kills required - they also cant be killed if they run with a healer and all our damage ignores armor completly (bleeds that is) - and we self heal - if specced right then cloak of annihaltion will be up almost at all times


There are so many plus points in Anni - i play as 1 and I always do well in warzones and almost never loose 1 on 1's (except if it's a well geared 50)


Rage is excellent for mobility and burst


Anni is excellent for them solo stuff and has high survivability compared 2 the other two and does huge damage but again its not burst but is built over time (plus self-heals)


Carn just lacks in a lot of areas and needs some work

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so been trying anni pvp spec after tring carnage and i seam to suck with both but could jst be l2p noob


i want to try rage in pvp so was wondering any body got link to a 50 rage pvp build cheers


Try this out:



Im currently at 41, with this spec, going for the above one;



I am loving this spec for pvp, tho i still have some practice to do with my rotations and such, but in general i put out about 150k dmg and 6+ medals every match i do. Also, if your above lvl 40; you can get all the pvp items wich will as a mara give out about 13k hp buffed in bgs.


Force choke after oliberate or force charge give me about 2-5k - 3.4k crits AOE, its soo much fun :D

Edited by zoranporan
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I'm pretty sure your wrong about bleeds and armor. Its internal damage, and the numbers arent consistant further then what the range is on it. It's something that a parser is needed for, also SI and jc have a 5% reduction on it, armor pen dont get around that and you can pretty much garuntee that buff to be around in pvp.


Anni can kill people 1 v 1 but you can kill quicker with rage. I'd also rather use Predation and bloodthirst in pvp.

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I'm pretty sure your wrong about bleeds and armor. Its internal damage, and the numbers arent consistant further then what the range is on it. It's something that a parser is needed for, also SI and jc have a 5% reduction on it, armor pen dont get around that and you can pretty much garuntee that buff to be around in pvp.


Anni can kill people 1 v 1 but you can kill quicker with rage. I'd also rather use Predation and bloodthirst in pvp.


Internal damage isn't affected by armor.


Yes, some classes get resistance to it, but it's not nearly as high as the damage resistance you get from armor.

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I'm pretty sure your wrong about bleeds and armor. Its internal damage, and the numbers arent consistant further then what the range is on it. It's something that a parser is needed for, also SI and jc have a 5% reduction on it, armor pen dont get around that and you can pretty much garuntee that buff to be around in pvp.


Anni can kill people 1 v 1 but you can kill quicker with rage. I'd also rather use Predation and bloodthirst in pvp.


nope its well known that internal damage ignores armor but not resistance


well you can kill quicker but cant last longer than an Anni in a fight - so if your initial burst is mitigated then you have to wait, whereas with Anni self heals + the constant damage usually takes the target down without having to worry about your own health (esp with berserk up where each tick is a crit + the self heal = target is pretty much dead in seconds)


Now I am not saying Anni is better than Rage - its not, but rage isnt better than Anni too - it's all playstyle and what you prefer

Edited by Majinr
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ya and I can't find any 1v1 opportunity in any WZ I play

on my server nobody runs around solo


when I meant 1 on 1 , i dont mean a duel - I mean if theres is someone that targets u and u target that same person(others could be fighting around u but that's the point)- its complicated but there are lots of 1 on 1 situations in wz - esp in alderan - but the point is Anni does better in fights where your targeted , whereas rage is a quick run in take target down as quick as possible and get out


If your getting smashed by 3 different people then your approaching it wrong thers always a someone that is free casting by himself, that is the target you wana go after and that is when a 1 on 1 usually occurs (for a short period of time before someone else comes and help or another opponent help the target)

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Personally I tried Rage last night, and it seems that before 40 it just plain sucks as without the 100% damage boost the damage on force smash is crap and it's impossible to have up enough with only force choke. Force scream is nice in this spec too but if you are gonna rely on force scream.... might as well carnage and have that + better lower cd and higher ST burst.
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Personally I tried Rage last night, and it seems that before 40 it just plain sucks as without the 100% damage boost the damage on force smash is crap and it's impossible to have up enough with only force choke. Force scream is nice in this spec too but if you are gonna rely on force scream.... might as well carnage and have that + better lower cd and higher ST burst.


Honestly, I play Rage tree and completely ignore Force Scream, unless I can't reach my target. I normally kill things within the first rotation of priority. Charge > Rupture > Choke/Crush > Obliterate > Smash > Ravage > VS. If they are a healer, throw in a Saber Throw somewhere. If they are trying to run, use Crippling Slash. If they hit harder than you, Obfuscate > Saber Ward when Obfuscate wears off. If you're in major trouble, Force Camo to a med pack, and charge back in.

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I'd say if you're looking for a good PvP spec that isn't very hard to play then go Rage, otherwise look at one of the other two specs. Personally I didn't like Annihilation as it's more about sustained dps rather than burst which you can set up very well with Carnage. I myself have a lot of experience with the Carnage build and have to say it's better than most people would have you believe, just requires one hell of a lot of keybinds and good reactions, no I won't post some "proof", it's up to you if you'd want to try it :) and I'm not saying Carnage is the best either, but nor that it isn't!
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