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Withdrawing too much (at one time) from guild bank deletes credits without warning


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So, apparently, withdrawing the maximum amount of creds from your GB will deep six all the credits you have in toon inventory plus some extra just for good measure.


I wasn't thinking about it at the time and lost over 250M doing this plus a little extra so that I ended up with about 200K less than the GB max of 4,294,967,295. I know this isn't a lot for someone who has enough credits for this to happen in the first place, but still...


I mean, there's a pop-up when attempting to add too many credits TO the GB, why not the reverse? Customer Service was apologetic and sympathtic about the issue, but said that they could not reinstate the creds that were lost.


Even if I don't get my creds back, can you guys please just add a pop-up warning or have the system disallow the withdrawal? I don't know if there's one for the legacy bank or if the same thing would happen in transferring credits from one's legacy bank but am unwilling to test that.

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This might get more attention in the bug sub-forum.


This likely does not impact a lot of players, but it is annoying. It is also compounded by the fact that there are no commas in the withdraw/deposit/trade pop-up windows so it is easy to enter the wrong amount unintentionally. Intending to trade or withdraw 500 million could accidentally become 5 billion with one accidental zero added resulting in losing 700 million due to the credit limit. It would help if they just added text to the pop-up windows and add zeros to the entry field so it is clearer on how much you have entered.


These would be nice, but there are more important fixes they need to be working on.


Example of adding text warning. I would think this would be an easy since it avoids any redesign.


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So, apparently, withdrawing the maximum amount of creds from your GB will deep six all the credits you have in toon inventory plus some extra just for good measure.


I wasn't thinking about it at the time and lost over 250M doing this plus a little extra so that I ended up with about 200K less than the GB max of 4,294,967,295. I know this isn't a lot for someone who has enough credits for this to happen in the first place, but still...


I mean, there's a pop-up when attempting to add too many credits TO the GB, why not the reverse? Customer Service was apologetic and sympathtic about the issue, but said that they could not reinstate the creds that were lost.


Even if I don't get my creds back, can you guys please just add a pop-up warning or have the system disallow the withdrawal? I don't know if there's one for the legacy bank or if the same thing would happen in transferring credits from one's legacy bank but am unwilling to test that.


Maybe they accidentally patched in their new "Bank Credit Hidden Fee" feature that costs you to use the banking feature every time something is added / subtracted from the guild bank?


Weird bug if it's a bug!

Edited by Lhancelot
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The guild bank limit is 4,294,967,295. You will get the following warning if you try to deposit more than that.




Since that is also the character credit limit I suspect they tried to withdraw the entire balance from the guild bank to their character which caused the character limit to be exceeded. Anything over the character limit just disappears. I am not sure if that was intended or not. You start getting a warning on screen when you are around 3.5 billion credits until you reach the character limit. At which point the on screen message changes to something like "you exceeded the maximum". Had the OP withdrew the guild bank balance in smaller increments they would have seen the withdraw warning before reaching the character limit and known not to exceed the limit. Unlike the deposit process, there is no error pop-up preventing you exceeding the character credit limit. If you are going to exceed the 4,294,967,295 limit then use the legacy bank.

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The guild bank limit is 4,294,967,295. You will get the following warning if you try to deposit more than that.




Are you sure that's the char limit? I'm sure I've had more than that at times., not in the guild, but personally?

Edited by DarkTergon
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Unlike the deposit process, there is no error pop-up preventing you exceeding the character credit limit.


This is the point I was trying to make. After all, if you try to pull too many items from your mailbox, the extra doesn't disappear along with an extra item. If you're crafting and you run out of room in inventory the extras appear in your mailbox. They don't get circular-filed along with another item from your inventory.

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