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Is anyone using a 360 controller?


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Before anyone turns this to a pro/con thread let me just say:

1. Yes, I am a console gamer 90% of the time.

2. I type on a cpu at work so I try to avoid it in free time (carpel tunnel)

3. Yes, mouse/ keyboard may have quicker response.


ANYWAY, 360 controller users:

1. What modder are you using?

2. What's your class/level

3. how are you mapped?


I am using Pinnacle modder :thumbsup:

Guardian and Operative both 15.

L joystick =fwd, back, Lstrafe, Rstrafe. L click =left click

R joystick =mouse. R click =right click

LB/RB = L turn/R turn


trigger, trigger, X, A, Y, B, up, down, left, right, upright, downleft

=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, -, =


upleft/downright = mousewheel up/ mousewheel down

start =jump

back =shift

For quickbar usage I hold shift and press the number/button for that quickbar. (and include companion abilities and basics like: take cover, toggle UI, target nearest friend, sit and sheath)

Works like a dream. Although as I level quickbars will grow and proiorities alter.

As a console player, new to MMO's I wonder why EA/BW hasnt addressed this issue since they would love to tap this market...


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As much as I'm sure a lot of people would love to see this idea implemented, it simply isn't realistic for this type of a game. There are too many abilities and targetting enemies with a controller just isn't nearly as precise as a mouse. You will be gimped by using a controller big time.
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I never understand why you guys want to use controllers in games obviously not suited for it. I use my trusty Xbox 360 controllers on a ton more games than my friends do, but I wouldn't even dream of it for something obviously not designed for it at all, like say, an RTS. Use the right tools for the right job. Just because you enjoy hammering things, doesn't mean you should only use a hammer.
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Well, here we go with the pro/con stuff... I already explained my personal reasons.

I get that it's not SUPERIOR. It's just a comfort issue at the moment. On day, that could change.

Thread was started to pick brains of other users, not non-users.

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I don't use a 360 controller but I have been using the Sony Navigation Controller in my left hand. I was using a keyboard and then moved on to my Logitech G13, but it was really doing a number on my hand.


I'm using it with XPadder and have been very happy with how much better my hand feels. I feel like the Nav controller in conjunction with my Naga Epic gives me enough buttons to handle the game.


The only downside is that I have to spam F8 when starting my PC to disable signature signing.

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