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Everything posted by GhostNine

  1. You, sir, are a credit to your class! :salute:
  2. They can if the player breaches the EULA we all agreed to.
  3. May be ridiculous to some on here but... Is "Return of the Jedi" singular? As in Luke Skywalker returns from prevoius defeat to face Vader, etc? OR is it plural meaning the return of the Jedi Order due to Luke's path? In 29 years I have never considered this. So it kind of turns the meaning a bit. Side note: Mark Hamill's other movie Corvette Summer had the same effect on me in that I always considered the CAR to be "Summer" or "of the Summer", whereas really "Corvette" is the adjective to the noun "Summer"
  4. Well, here we go with the pro/con stuff... I already explained my personal reasons. I get that it's not SUPERIOR. It's just a comfort issue at the moment. On day, that could change. Thread was started to pick brains of other users, not non-users.
  5. Before anyone turns this to a pro/con thread let me just say: 1. Yes, I am a console gamer 90% of the time. 2. I type on a cpu at work so I try to avoid it in free time (carpel tunnel) 3. Yes, mouse/ keyboard may have quicker response. ANYWAY, 360 controller users: 1. What modder are you using? 2. What's your class/level 3. how are you mapped? I am using Pinnacle modder :thumbsup: Guardian and Operative both 15. L joystick =fwd, back, Lstrafe, Rstrafe. L click =left click R joystick =mouse. R click =right click LB/RB = L turn/R turn trigger, trigger, X, A, Y, B, up, down, left, right, upright, downleft =1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, -, = upleft/downright = mousewheel up/ mousewheel down start =jump back =shift For quickbar usage I hold shift and press the number/button for that quickbar. (and include companion abilities and basics like: take cover, toggle UI, target nearest friend, sit and sheath) Works like a dream. Although as I level quickbars will grow and proiorities alter. As a console player, new to MMO's I wonder why EA/BW hasnt addressed this issue since they would love to tap this market... Thanks
  6. Thanks for this response. This community is always thirsty for dev knowledge. Also since I am an MMO newb (the crowd this game is trying to attract), NOT having any written game material hurts me alot in this game. Is it because I am a console person who is used to big Elder Scrolls guides? I guess.
  7. Cool story bro. Can I have your stuff? -Oops, thought this was a whine thread... (I guess it still kinda is)
  8. What is your current level? Are you implying that if I repair regularly that I will hit a point in the game where the repair cost spikes up like inflation?? I'm only lvl15 but I'm taking my time and learning the game.
  9. Can Mods PLEASE make a new subforum called GameHaters?! People who have bought this game with REASONABLE expectation would like to use the General Discussion forum for USEFUL critique and discussion. If the haters get their own subforum then they can QQ to eachother while talking about the SAME issues present in a thousand previous threads. Better yet they can get eachothers' emails and whatnot for further crying of said river... Reasonable members should simply come up with their favorite snarky catchprase to respond to this CONTINUED drivel. Dont bother with an informed response. They dont care to hear it so dont waste your time. Just spam these threads with: "Cool story bro, can I have your stuff?" Whoever came up with that line is a frakin genius. Thanks for all this "new" insight OP.
  10. Ok... I died now all back to normal. Just a bug I guess Thx for replys
  11. Durability ALL good... Combat eff., ALL good... still its there blinkin away. When moused over it telss me all this. Primary and secondary power cores, motor, targeting , customization, and shield gen. All in red......
  12. I'm in the middle of a mission that Kira is partailly involved in. I'm doing other things at the moment tho. She will likely be waiting at my mission turn in..
  13. My T7 (I'm lvl 14, Corusant) has a flashing red icon now that say it no longer meets requirements of practically EVERYTHING it has. Whats the deal?? Damn, I wish this game had a proper freaking MANUAL or at least a SEARCH function on the forums so I wouldnt have to post a new thread in the middle of my session!! Help is appreciated. BTW, why does my Jedi now have a blaster rifle slung over his shoulder?? (not in use)
  14. I am on Corusant and I thought I would have picked up Sundering Strike by now. Did I miss something on Tython? And Heavy Armor!
  15. As a matter of fact even with all settings at High and shadows Off.... no stutter!
  16. Ahh yeah! that just totally fixed my stutter!! (25-27 avg standing latency)
  17. I'm not an MMO nor WoW vet like a lot of you. I didnt realize that everything about this game I would have to learn online. The official "Game Manual" on this site is a joke when compared to Goshee's in the new player subforum. But there are still things missing. I'm just getting tired of searching all over these forums to learn new thing about gameplay. (and this forum has no search function!) In the least could you folks post links to your favored game manuals so we could get all these things in one place. That way people can easily flip through them all to find what they need. (Yoda knows we want to avoid this depressing General subforum as much as possible!) Thanks
  18. 300v300?? Since Xmas I can barely have 3v3 onscreen due to extreme choppiness on the lowest settings. Early access to Xmas I was rolling along... past two days I can barely stand it performance-wise. I can see NOW that its gonna take a VERY long time to get to 50!
  19. Yeah, i love BW too. But only (constructive) critisism and boatloads of cash will fix and improve this game. (BW has both now) The ragers love Star Wars, MMOs, and (probably) BW too. Thats why they are so pissed. And impatient. It seems there are SO MANY things this game would have to change/upgrade to be hailed by most people that you have to wonder how BW can pull it off. I only worry because of the example of Dragon Age 2. Very good looking and shiny but lazy from a nuts and bolts perspective compared to DAO. If they would have dropped the DA moniker and called it something else without previous history it may have been considered better. Star Wars. Same thing, although there hasnt been a truly AWESOME SW game, people expect more. And though I dont like to critique others' livelihoods, the problems with this game are nuts and bolts laziness (or something). Its the polish first mentality which hurts. Point: EVERY Jedi in EVERY screenshot, press release, cinematic all have cool heavy armor with their hood down. Look over in the JK forum, NO ONE has seen these armors and they ALL have hoods up where you can barely see their face ever. No hood toggle. Yes BW CAN change this. They CAN change it all. We all hope they do. We just wonder how all this stuff could have "slipped through the cracks". We all want to be able to say with a straight face that this game is awesome. That is all.
  20. So, in a nutshell you say: Companion crafting and story good, everything else bad. We get it. Its like the people who dont like the game spend the most time starting threads about it. for what? Just to say "I told you so" a year from now (or whatever you said) Alot of what you say may be correct but, it's still an opinion and TOR is still just a game. EA/BW have the $ and skills necessary to make changes and move forward. If they never do, TOR will fail. They know this and they know that most gamers nowadays are savvy. Since it's BW and Star Wars we will give them some time. Just not forever. In the mean time there are people having lots of fun. Non WoW players like myself may like it a bit more because we arent laying comparisons on it.
  21. Awesome post OP! We need more like this! (Until you are Force-pushed into the nearest black hole by a youngling, that is)
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