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The Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread


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This is what I would do to help alleviate the lack of visual options:


1. Make ALL clothing in-game available as orange mod-able gear. Reason why I would do this is because there are a lot of green and purple gear in-game that looks good, but are not available as orange gear. This would open up more clothing options to choose from.


2. Open up the color palette for crafters to change the colors of clothing or allow them to craft dye kits so you can make them the colors that you want. Reason being, I seriously HATE the fact that if I want something in black, I have to play the Empire side. I understand why they separated the colors like they did, but people like myself like to play the dark hero type and wear dark colors. It is absurd to me that there isn't one fashion designer in the entire Galactic Republic that made black, red, grey or dark blue outfits and only made clothing of white and earthen tones.


3. Reduce the cost of mod extraction by another 30%. I personally feel that it should be free, but I am smart enough to know that BioWare will never make it free to extract mods, so I would ask for at least another 30% reduction to further take the sting out of extracting your mod pieces out of armor. Plus I would make it so that the armor set bonus is in the armoring of all the armor tiers, not just for Campaign and War Hero.


4. And finally, I would make Republic and Empire appearances available to each other. I know it wouldn't go over for a lot of people because they want to keep things unique to their faction. But I am a person who believes that more options and less restrictions is a good thing. Maybe make it that only the Battlemaster, War Hero, Black Hole and Campaign gear stays faction specific. Everything else is up for grabs.


Those are things that would make me satisfied with customization goes without the need for an appearance tab.

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4. And finally, I would make Republic and Empire appearances available to each other. I know it wouldn't go over for a lot of people because they want to keep things unique to their faction. But I am a person who believes that more options and less restrictions is a good thing. Maybe make it that only the Battlemaster, War Hero, Black Hole and Campaign gear stays faction specific. Everything else is up for grabs.




please no no no

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They need to stop just adding different names to the same old gear.

As an inquisitor I thought it was neat that my character received part of his ancistors armor, and light saber .

Thought it would be unique and one of a kind, nope found stuff that looked just like it off trash mobs......that Sucks

Once, I went to the market and bought all orange gear, trying to customize my look as much as possible. Went to the mail box, picked up my stuff, dropped mods in it, looked cool, looked to my left and saw the same exact carbon copy of myself. So, yah, we need to be different.


At least in wow, I had a cool set of leiterhossen to run around in.

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Hey Shingara,


The ability to hide companion helmets will come in with companion match to chest. This is something I've worked on and you'll be seeing it before too long! Enjoy :)

Just you know ;)

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Just you know ;)

It's nice for companion customizations, that's for sure, but it's nothing for player customization. Anyway, once you reach lvl 50, and start end game content, most companion are in full columi/tionese/rakata/pvp armor stuff. The lack of player customization in the fresh 50-full campaign/WH gear bracket is the same for companions anyway.

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they could take Customization a bit further, if they add in the hood up/down feature..

the armor is broken down into several parts for example the chest.

the Chest is made up

the Base model- this model is reuses for allot of Armor with a different textures.

The Backpack/plate- the Back piece of the armor, think of the Trooper Chest with the pack on the back.

The Front plate- a bit that sticks out on front of the armor.

Shoulders- Shoulder pads.

Collar- Some of the High Collared armor has this bit added on. Slave Girl necklace is part of it.


this along with a Dye system, we can have more of a Customization combos then before.

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Not much to say, they do need a way to customize the appearance. seriously! Even if it is changing tattoos, jewelry and hair only. Anything is valid for you not go on forever with the same appearance.
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Funny but even how much you say liking the mod system your post points at how this system doesn't answer your needs while the a-tab would ;)

Appearance tabs feel like fakery to me.


Mods that can be fully interchanged between light and heavy armor will probably have the same problem, at least in my eyes. I'm sure there would be plenty of characters running around in Slave Dancer outfits, if they could be modded into becoming heavy armor.


My ideal would be to have a system that limits characters restricted to certain classes of arnor to at least LOOK like they are wearing the appropriate category of armor. Troopers and Bounty Hunters shouldn't look like Consulars; Consulars shouldn't look like Troopers. And I would make the Slave Dancer set cosmetic/social gear only -- it is NOT armor! Sorry if people disagree; that's my opinion.


The BEST SOLUTION is for BioWare to rethink the artwork on many of its armor sets. EVERY class needs a good selection of armors with at least a reasonably-iconic look to them.

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Appearance tabs feel like fakery to me.

Realistically speaking a half nude kid can tank any thousand years old dragon with a +10000 against dragon ring ;)


Then a consular can can move faster than any BH/Trooper with the force.


This supposedly squishy half nude female Twilek smuggler can tank anything with that +99999 Personal Shield obtained illegally.


It's just a matter of imagination you don't need big armor to tank nor it's because the order tells you to wear robes that every each damn Jedi uses them. The galaxy is too wide for such restrictions.

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BioWare Thinks they have a good system. Maybe they do but no one seems to like it. I for one think it costs to much to pull and replace attachments in the armors. I think that is what they are after just a HUGE Credit Sink.... I dont see us winning other than them lowering prices some to swap out armor sockets or what ever they are called. Im drawing a blank at the moment!
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BioWare Thinks they have a good system. Maybe they do but no one seems to like it. I for one think it costs to much to pull and replace attachments in the armors. I think that is what they are after just a HUGE Credit Sink.... I dont see us winning other than them lowering prices some to swap out armor sockets or what ever they are called. Im drawing a blank at the moment!

The credit sink is really hurting the character customization and hindering craters sales.


Would gearing be cheaper and the UI more convenient, players would buy more gear and boos the economy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I stand by my like for the mod system but, I sure would love to have GW2's dye system.

Add to that improving SWTOR mods UI because it's really lame.


And well gear slot toggle so we can hide parts we don't like.

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