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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread


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Yes, I cited one dude. Do I need to do the homework of citing all of them? Or was my point that the comic book genre has to have a place in this game, too, sufficient?


No, you'd need to cite a character which is relevant to the era we are playing in and does not have a specific look because his Yuuzhan Vong bioarmor ( which is fused into his body, btw. ) got cancerous and is eating him from the inside. Krayt is a bad example, because his look is unique and iconic to a completely different era, the Legacy era. Which, as it happens, is some 5000 years beyond the era we are playing in.

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No, you'd need to cite a character which is relevant to the era we are playing in and does not have a specific look because his Yuuzhan Vong bioarmor ( which is fused into his body, btw. ) got cancerous and is eating him from the inside. Krayt is a bad example, because his look is unique and iconic to a completely different era, the Legacy era. Which, as it happens, is some 5000 years beyond the era we are playing in.




If you will only take examples of appearances from this timeline, then guess what? BioWare is creating that canon as we speak, with the help of Dark Horse comics and LucasArts. Check it out. And check it out. And check it out. And check it out.


There's your canon. Aside from that, there are examples of armor like this all through canon, especially in comic books. Darth Bane comes to mind, too.


Again, you HAVE your plain movie looks. Why rail against a canonical appearance that others enjoy just because you don't? I thought we were the ones advocating for more player options?

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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If you will only take examples of appearances from this timeline, then guess what? BioWare is creating that canon as we speak, with the help of Dark Horse comics and LucasArts. Check it out. And check it out. And check it out. And check it out.


There's your canon. Aside from that, there are examples of armor like this all through canon, especially in comic books. Darth Bane comes to mind, too.


Again, you HAVE your plain movie looks. Why rail against a canonical appearance that others enjoy just because you don't? I thought we were the ones advocating for more player options?


Because I don't like it, personally. Having a few select people running around in zany armor designs makes them stand out. Having the vast majority of Sith running around in them makes them look like a S&M faction.


Also, every example you cited was pretty terrible. I own all the KOTOR comics with Zayne Carrick and exaggerated armor designs were notably absent from selfsame. The only spiky armors in the SWTOR comics by BioWare itself were the Dark Council at the end of Blood of the Empire. And they looked like total clowns.

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No, you'd need to cite a character which is relevant to the era we are playing in and does not have a specific look because his Yuuzhan Vong bioarmor ( which is fused into his body, btw. ) got cancerous and is eating him from the inside. Krayt is a bad example, because his look is unique and iconic to a completely different era, the Legacy era. Which, as it happens, is some 5000 years beyond the era we are playing in.


That's a good point. Zayne & his friends from the Knights of the Old Republic era are the closest thing we have, just 300 years difference, yet the BioWare art designers basically refuse to use those Darkhorse comics art designs.


/edit, mags knew what I was sayin' before I had to say it. Kinda funny that. You were leading on about any other character in another era & I immediately thought of Zayne, just like you did mags & looked for images of him ;)

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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Because I don't like it, personally. Having a few select people running around in zany armor designs makes them stand out. Having the vast majority of Sith running around in them makes them look like a S&M faction.


Also, every example you cited was pretty terrible. I own all the KOTOR comics with Zayne Carrick and exaggerated armor designs were notably absent from selfsame. The only spiky armors in the SWTOR comics by BioWare itself were the Dark Council at the end of Blood of the Empire. And they looked like total clowns.


Not to be insulting, but now you're starting to sound like whats-his-name who wanted everyone wearing a specific armor so his power could be identified.


This is no different. You don't like? Don't wear it. Don't rally to force other people who do like it not to wear it just because you don't like it.


With 1.2, all appearances are completely optional. If the majority run around wearing it, guess what? THEY LIKE IT.


That's all that should matter in this thread, what we, individually, like to wear on our own characters. Not what everyone else should wear.


Frankly, I'm surprised this is coming from you. All those iterations we were standing against you-know-who, who insisted that everyone be identifiable. Now you're doing the same thing...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Because I don't like it, personally. Having a few select people running around in zany armor designs makes them stand out. Having the vast majority of Sith running around in them makes them look like a S&M faction.


This is sort of similar to how I had been talking about there being a gravity of character appearance toward the intended norms for the look of the game. I think the game should encourage certain more iconic(to the game) looks by making them easier to attain so that outliers can exist but, still will remain more rare. It's part of the reason that I support customization requiring more investment than just a few clicks.

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Yeah when i first subbed to swtor i was really surprised there wasn't a wardrobe section on the character sheet to give more control with how you want your character to look. I would like to have that freedom with my characters while still being able to keep my gear up to date without orange gear. As far as character creation goes we really need more options. After playing aion i could never look at character creation the same in other mmos. It's truly the best. I doubt bioware would give enough freedom for me to make a cute tiny chiss bounty hunter but hey i can have my dreams. Regardless i still think character creation could be better.
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Not to be insulting, but now you're starting to sound like whats-his-name who wanted everyone wearing a specific armor so his power could be identified.


This is no different. You don't like? Don't wear it. Don't rally to force other people who do like it not to wear it just because you don't like it.


With 1.2, all appearances are completely optional. If the majority run around wearing it, guess what? THEY LIKE IT.


That's all that should matter in this thread, what we, individually, like to wear on our own characters. Not what everyone else should wear.


Frankly, I'm surprised this is coming from you. All those iterations we were standing against you-know-who, who insisted that everyone be identifiable. Now you're doing the same thing...


I think you are putting a lot of words in my mouth, Jeramie. I never said that I want to forbid everybody to wear the spiky crap armor. That's their decision. What I want ( and that's not really worth much, since I am just one fan ) is for the developers to go more into a classic Star Wars direction with their next tiers of item sets.


You are overreacting and accusing me of things which you entirely made up. Please stop.

Edited by magnuskn
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I think you are putting a lot of words in my mouth, Jeramie. I never said that I want to forbid everybody to wear the spiky crap armor. That's their decision. What I want ( and that's not really worth much, since I am just one fan ) is for the developers to go more into a classic Star Wars direction with their next tiers of item sets.


You are overreacting and accusing me of things which you entirely made up. Please stop.


Thank you for the clarification, I sincerely apologize. That's why I asked several posts ago what about the people that like comic book looks, and it seemed, to me, that you were saying BioWare never should have done these looks in 1.2.


If you don't feel that way, then I misunderstood, and I apologize.

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why can't we do this with our companions too? My Corso looks like a dam rainbow.


Match-to-chest for companions seems like a totally reasonable request that would be widely received as an improvement, relatively easy-to-accomplish and have nearly no downside that I can see. Probably it should be in already as with the feature they finally gave us back. I hope it is already in the plans.

Edited by Matte_Black
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Gear matters too much in PVP now more than even since customization has become a very real factor here now that patch 1.2 has finally rolled out. Expertise is overpowered.


I've finally got all this amazing low level gear that I've been dying to wear again on my level 50 Bounty Hunter & the color match thingy is working wonderfully on the body armor parts, do you guys know what I mean? All of you that complained in some thread somewhere about how ugly your lvl 50 PVP gear looked, now we're all locked into wearing all of our class armor sets just to get our set bonuses for expertise & battlemaster/champion stats.


Can we do something about this? Maybe go the way of FunCom & the Secret World Online, like to find a way to divorce stats from gear somehow?

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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Gear matters too much in PVP now more than even since customization has become a very real factor here now that patch 1.2 has finally rolled out. Expertise is overpowered.


Is it really? Maybe I've been lucky... so far I've PvP'd in regular 50 gear with level 53 mods and do just fine... Usually top DPS on my Gunslinger... Do better in my BiS stuff, but I don't have any PvP specific gear...

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Is it really? Maybe I've been lucky... so far I've PvP'd in regular 50 gear with level 53 mods and do just fine... Usually top DPS on my Gunslinger... Do better in my BiS stuff, but I don't have any PvP specific gear...


Have you PvP'd on your 50 in Blue/Green under 50 gear? Well I do on my lvl 45 BH & it's fun as Hell & I can actually win 5+ medals while wearing my crappity stat gear that is awesomely color matched, just something that I can barely do on my lvl 50 character. That is pretty frustrating.


Yeah, like you I can do decent in lvl 50 gear with lvl 50-53-ish mods, but I do so much better wearing my PvP BM & Champ gear. Like tons better, too much better, y'know what I'm saying. BioWare overdid expertise & gear matters way more than they promised it would, way more than the 10%.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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Yeah, like you I can do decent in lvl 50 gear with lvl 50-53-ish mods, but I do so much better wearing my PvP BM & Champ gear. Like tons better, too much better, y'know what I'm saying. BioWare overdid expertise & gear matters way more than they promised it would, way more than the 10%.


The simple fact that you're able to even compete in fresh 50 gear against full BM & Champ gear proves that this game is nothing like WoW in that category. This, even when GZ said that the curve is currently steeper than intended between fresh 50 gear and full BM & Champ gear, and is being fixed.

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The simple fact that you're able to even compete in fresh 50 gear against full BM & Champ gear proves that this game is nothing like WoW in that category. This, even when GZ said that the curve is currently steeper than intended between fresh 50 gear and full BM & Champ gear, and is being fixed.


The fix is on the way in? Good to hear cuz I loves me some decent PvP.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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I would just like to voice my desire for a re-customization feature. Now, let me further explain what *I* want. I don't ask to change my face model. All I want it to be able to change my hair, and things like that. I just made my smuggler to 50 and there is some new cybernetics I would LOVE to have her use (in fact, I played beta, and she DID have the ones I want, but they were relegated to Sith only on live. Now that I have cyborgs unlocked via the legacy system, ALL cyborg options plus a ton of new ones are available to all my new cyborgs... but as of now, I'd have to delete and completely reroll my smuggler to change her eyepeice? Not gonna happen.).


Now, the more re-cutstomization they are willing to give us the better for all players in the long run, I'm just saying MY MINIMUM is I want hair, jewelry, and cybernetics.:wea_02:

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I would just like to voice my desire for a re-customization feature. Now, let me further explain what *I* want. I don't ask to change my face model. All I want it to be able to change my hair, and things like that. I just made my smuggler to 50 and there is some new cybernetics I would LOVE to have her use (in fact, I played beta, and she DID have the ones I want, but they were relegated to Sith only on live. Now that I have cyborgs unlocked via the legacy system, ALL cyborg options plus a ton of new ones are available to all my new cyborgs... but as of now, I'd have to delete and completely reroll my smuggler to change her eyepeice? Not gonna happen.).


Now, the more re-cutstomization they are willing to give us the better for all players in the long run, I'm just saying MY MINIMUM is I want hair, jewelry, and cybernetics.:wea_02:


i just want to change my hair because it breaks my headpiece. also same deal with my eyecloth (miraluka)... it breaks the headpiece, i just want more eyecloth options.

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