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Mandalorian RP - Joining Republic or Empire?


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Hi everyone,


I’m currently conflicted on an upcoming choice. Im RPing the honorable Mandalorian, and I know I’ve read somewhere that Shae prefers fighting alongside the Republic opposed to the Empire, my Mando would surely feel the same. She wants to honor Mandalore like a good Mando, but joining the Republic to become a saboteur feels dishonorable.


Does anyone want to share their insights with me please? I’d love to hear some opinions.


Thanks in advance

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Mandalorians aren't supposed to be to keen on the Republic, seeing as how they tried to conquer it during the Mandalorian Wars and are frequently heard saying they consider the Republic weak. Besides, the Mandalorians traditionally have sided with the Empire over the course of the game's story. The Imperials and Sith come much closer to the ideals embodied by the Mandalorians than the Republic and Jedi. If you were to follow a traditional lore-friendly example, then your Mandalorian should stick with the Empire.


However, as we have seen there have been exceptions to the rule. Clan Varad for example broke away from the mainstream Mandalorians following the Sith Empire. It wouldn't be a breach of lore if your Mandalorian sided with the Republic instead, sabotaging the Empire, but it would most definitely be the exception rather than the rule in that case.

Edited by Ylliarus
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You can in Onslaught, hence being a saboteur.


That's not joining, you're simply sabotaging the Empire from within with the potential to defect to the Republic somewhere down the road. And I can imagine that if you don't pick the saboteur options, the Republic won't be too happy to take you in once you truly want to defect.

Edited by Ylliarus
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That's not joining, you're simply sabotaging the Empire from within with the potential to defect to the Republic somewhere down the road. And I can imagine that if you don't pick the saboteur options, the Republic won't be too happy to take you in once you truly want to defect.


The OP is welcome to clarify. The concern is about joining the Republic and being a saboteur. You're a saboteur during/playing the game not the end of it where you're asked to rejoin the Republic. Siding/Joining is the same thing for the purpose of playing the game to worry about becoming a saboteur.

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