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@LFG tool haterz


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Ah, look at it this way. How many friends have you made in a local party you joined, and how many friends have you made in a warzone.




Option one for me: 10


Option two for me: None


Still though, the only thing I don't want is a cross sever LFG system. A local one would be fine


1. 0


2. 7


and I'm anti-social

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My question to the anti-LFG crowd is this: there is no one forcing you to use it, so why do you care if others have access to it or want to use it? You can sit there and find your group of friends/guildmates or travel from planet to planet to individually find the best people to run your particular instance...


~Other Stuff~


Honestly, because it would reduce the size of people looking to group outside of a LFG tool.


I.E. Someone wants to find a group for something, instead of looking for a party in gen-chat/whispers, they go straight to a LFG tool because its easier/quicker. Regardless of whether or not it's better or worse.


Of course, I may be slightly biased because I'm a tank, and two same-level friends who are both healing classes (one spec'd for dps, one for heals), so finding the core of a group is insanely easy... but I have been invited to heroics by just randomly talking to people while questing so meh.

Edited by Guaritorr
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