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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Master Ranos being brought back.

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It may never happen, but I'm going to throw my credit in here, because why not.

Master Ranos is the only companion I really want from the unobtainable companion lot. I'd most likely spend too many cartel credits if she was buy able.. And worked like Hexid of course.


Discuss in a constructive manner the pros and cons of this. This is not a complaint thread of "Woe's me I never had Master Ranos" Its just something i'd like personally. Even if I Had her. Kira is still the best for me personally :)

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As many of us say whenever this comes up, and it does come up with reasonable frequency:

there is no issue making Ranos available again, but it should be as a result of effort commensurate with the original DvL event (which took quite a bit of dedicated play).

In other words, DvL could be repeated, and Ranos be one possible reward for the second-highest tier of effort.


This does come with the problem that either no new reward is offered for people who want to play it again, or there are several possible rewards that people have to choose between (which results in people still feeling left out if it's not possible to get them all during the new iteration of the event). I'm not sure how this would be solved, but please any do feel free to add creative suggestions.

Edited by Estelindis
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As a Master Ranos owner, I have no issue with her being brought back. In fact, I don’t mind if they give her away as sub reward or for ccs, though in that case, Nico and Shae WOULD need to be made available aswell. That said though, I’d really like them to bring DvL event back. So it’s not so much a case that I think other players should grind as much as I did for her but rather that I think she’s the perfect excuse to do it. The DvL event brought so much activity to the game, it was a crazy huge grind that somehow managed to be fun at the same time with great rewards appropriate for the time spent. It should reward something new for people who did it, like maybe an exp armor with a different skin or something but I really want it back ^^ and I don’t care about exclusivity, let everyone have Ranos, she looks cool ^^ Edited by sdrakulya
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I think one of the things as well about the DvL event is: Its also Star wars right? The entire universe is based on Balance, and how no matter how much one side of the force goes, it always heads back into balance. An eternal struggle of light vs dark. It makes sense it could return and be a re-occurring thing.


One of the things that frustrates me about Master Ranos going away is. We've all seen Hexid I'm sure. And If not, shes worth getting 100%, (40 instanced group finder activities is a fun thing to do in of its self, especially with friends.)

Is the fact, Ranos I imagine, if she is like Hexid, probably has her own little personality quirks. I'm a huge sucker for those kinds of things. Hexid oozes that in how she interacts with you.


It seems a bit unfortunate that Master Ranos will go unheard of for a lot of people in that regard. You won't ever get to see her in the world unless you see someone who owns her. She could be a really fun character, but I can only ever really know that from watching things of her online.


Unless potentially they bring her back of course. But Its things like that, that do get to me. She could be a much more highly praised character for it. I really like Hexid and her rather over the top mannerisms :)

Edited by RqsDarin
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Let everyone who puts in the effort have Ranos.


This. Cannot quote this enough. Wish there was a like button.


edit: it has also been my experience that we crave the things we cannot have.

Edited by Qouivandes
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Let everyone who puts in the effort have Ranos.


As a Ranos owner and DvsL participant I dont agree. I liked some aspects of the event but it was tedious. I dont think the effort has to be equal or similar, Im fine with the devs choosing to do whatever they think will keep, add, or bring back the most subs.

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Let everyone who puts in the effort have Ranos.


Agreed. The rest don't bother me as they were sub awards but this one you actually had to do some work for. While I was not thrilled that a lot of the things I had to do to get her was tedious or I didn't really like (PVP and doing the flashpoints over again) I still did it because of this.


She should not be a sub award nor a companion you purchase off the cartel shop. They can find something else for them to do to work towards her but not as a sub or cartel item.

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As a Ranos owner and DvsL participant I dont agree. I liked some aspects of the event but it was tedious. I dont think the effort has to be equal or similar, Im fine with the devs choosing to do whatever they think will keep, add, or bring back the most subs.


^ This. I own Ranos aswell but I don’t care that others don’t have to work for her as much as I did. I still rather they brought back the event because I’ve been wanting it back for years but not because I’m against people getting her another way.

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Great event, great rewards. Bring it back, maybe take out the new character requirements.


^ This sounds good, put Master Ranos in some new event or make her like Darth Hexid is now: 30 flashpoints and you paid your dues or something like that (already have her, but she be brought back, yes), or bring back a revamped D vs L or do something with her where players can get her.

Edited by Willjb
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This circular conversation crops up every once in a while, and it's never resolved.


Some say everyone should crawl through the same pit of broken glass as the original players did to get the rewards, and there are those who say meh, just put it on the cartel market already and be done with it.


No solution would please everyone.

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This whole thing reminds me of the debate, if you can call it that, that took place in the months after March 2011, when ArenaNet introduced a set of what we'd call dailies (but could in fact be cheesed in various ways) for GW1 characters above level 10 in Pre-Searing Ascalon.


The quests themselves were nothing really remarkable, except that if you had one open, the game would spawn foes near to your level, permitting such characters to level up without going through an absurd process called "Death Levelling". Someone eventually posted this meme-picture: https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/5/54/Rurik.jpg (LDoA = Legendary Defender of Ascalon = a title for reaching level 20 - the max in GW1 - inside Pre-Searing Ascalon)


In theory, it wasn't possible because there weren't enough quests and foes you could gain XP from to reach even level 10, but in practice, people were able to arrange to get their character killed repeatedly and thereby give XP to the foes. Sufficient persistence (translation: dying a *lot*) would allow you to level up almost any foe to the point where you could gain XP by killing it.


After that update in 2011, reaching level 20 was still an exercise in grind, but a much shorter one, and could be done without leaving the game AFK for ten or more hours a day for months on end.


The discussions on the talk pages of the GW1 wiki remind me of the people here talking about Master Ranos.

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