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List of Fixes and improvements needed


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Fixes needed


  • Tweak skill animations for more fluid combat
  • Smuggler Dirty Kick force to stand still for 1 sec to execute. Free immobilize for enemy. Why the difference compared to operatives?
  • Project delay damage. Consular dies if the Sith Inquisitor shocks you first. Why the difference compared to Inquisitor?
  • Trooper Mortar Volley and Full auto animations delay and castbar sync issues
  • Class imbalance. Tank class that put out good dps and maintaining the huge survivability of a tank like the Powertech. While pure dps class like shadow doing **** damage
  • Skills not responding when clicked. Stealthing, casting speeder, executing skills..etc.
  • Ability lag in combat
  • Dialogue not progressing in flashpoint esseles. Stuck at waiting
  • Boot to character select when joining warzone
  • Chat window not working
  • Hotkey 1 activating from mouse right click


  • Auto target select for Trooper hammer shot not working
  • Voidstar warzone map overlapping right hotbar
  • Interface tab overlapping left hotbar.
  • Locked in combat mode after using Disappearing act(Vanish) or similar skill
  • Mobs still chasing and attacking after using Disappearing act(Vanish) or similar skill
  • Guild list not working correctly(fixed in 1.0.2)
  • Companions skill toggle resetting
  • Crew management tab bugged when switching between characters. Showing extra 4th crew skill
  • Companion Expanded Quickslot placement resetting to bottom bar
  • Commendation received by mail showing up in inventory(fixed in 1.0.2)


  • Certain quests cannot be abandoned
  • Laser lights glitch
  • Map transparency setting resetting
  • Camera distance resetting. Very annoying.
  • 'Show Sith Corruption' always gets toggled back on when changing zones. (fixed in 1.0.2)




Improvements needed


  • World open pvp rewards needed.
  • Grace period for disconnection in-game
  • Better buff/debuff icons arrangement and visibility. Hard to keep track of my skill procs/buffs/debuffs with everything squeezed in one place and icons jumping all over.(Suggestion:make own buffs/debuffs icons BIGGER )


  • Combat log
  • At the very least some basic macro function is needed.
  • Anti-Aliasing option
  • Sort function for inventory
  • More functionality for the UI. Like moveable windows and resizing windows/hotbars. More options.
  • "You cant do that in stealthed mode" when summoning speeder or resting.
  • Activate companion skills without the need to expand the hotbar
  • Items not stacking when moving from inventory to cargo hold
  • Search option for GTN
  • More filter options for GTN. Example search armor by individual parts
  • Function to move companions skills in hotbar


  • Option to disable auto camera
  • Add the ability to add friends while they are offline.
  • Tooltip notice for learned schematics and missions
  • Faster loading when switching planet or instance
  • More hotbars
  • Companion should also attack when i attack instead of waiting for me to get hit first
  • Hide Helmet option for companions
  • Show weapon in equipment preview window also


Thanks. Will update more as i play.


I really hope Swtor will be a very successful mmo. It is very possible if bioware is able to fix all if not most of these issues soon.

Edited by Redsuns_
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Another bug: 'Show Sith Corruption' always gets toggled back on when changing zones.


Not a huge bug but an annoying one.


I feel it's huge when the option is there, yet it doesn't work properly.


I pick my female characters to look hot and appealing. Not like crackhead wenches.


I'll bump this thread all the time. Thanks, OP.

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please add "Button macros" To high priority


added to normal priority.


high priority is for issues that requires immediate/urgent attention.


Normal for standard fixes and requests


Low is low...

Edited by Redsuns_
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For some reason when I start the game or move between zones/planets I get a black screen that stays there for a couple of minutes. (Literally) then it will come to a splash screen with a tip at the bottom and a bar showing the zone loading. This takes anywhere from 30 seconds to about 3 minutes.


This really needs to be fixed. Its absolutely infuriating. It makes playing with others difficult.

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For some reason when I start the game or move between zones/planets I get a black screen that stays there for a couple of minutes. (Literally) then it will come to a splash screen with a tip at the bottom and a bar showing the zone loading. This takes anywhere from 30 seconds to about 3 minutes.


This really needs to be fixed. Its absolutely infuriating. It makes playing with others difficult.


Seem like a technical/compatibility issue.

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I personally don't want to see a dungeon finder. I enjoy that everything is done within your own server and how it fosters a better community. It's not that difficult to organise a group together for a dungeon.


Also no warzone picker/brackets please(besides maybe one separate for 50s at a later date when there's more 50s). If there's brackets, the only way to support them is for cross-server queues. Otherwise, the queues would just be too long and it's pretty cool to recognise familiar faces when you're in warzones. Getting huttball constantly just means there's way more of one side queueing warzones than the other, can't help that.


Great list nevertheless.

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I personally don't want to see a dungeon finder. I enjoy that everything is done within your own server and how it fosters a better community. It's not that difficult to organise a group together for a dungeon.


Also no warzone picker/brackets please(besides maybe one separate for 50s at a later date when there's more 50s). If there's brackets, the only way to support them is for cross-server queues. Otherwise, the queues would just be too long and it's pretty cool to recognise familiar faces when you're in warzones. Getting huttball constantly just means there's way more of one side queueing warzones than the other, can't help that.


Great list nevertheless.


Thanks. I understand your concerns.


I have made some changes

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crafting material is not stacking when moving from inventory to safe and vice versa.

This really sucks when some icons are simmilar


This sucks indeed and I have stated it too before in a thread of mine BUT it's not entirely true what you say. Moving stuff from inventory to cargo hold doesn't stuck but vice versa does. So a temporary fix I found till this gets shorted is to move stuff from the cargo bay to my inventory and then all together back. It's just a few clicks more and for now it's better than nothing. :cool:

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Thanks. I understand your concerns.


I have made some changes


LMFAO, you sound like a developer.


+1 for the post.


Thanks for the list. You just fueled the fire in many of us. What you listed should not have made it into launch without being fixed or added to the game. I'm concerned with what went on in beta. I will use your post as a reference if I find anything.



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