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LFM Tanks & Heals for New Hardmare/Nim Team


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Greetings all!

<Fortitude> is starting up a new Republic Hardmare/NiM team, and they need tanks and heals. They are starting with M/B, then will be working on Revan and Gods, and then will move onto the old NiM ops. Raid days and times have not been decided yet. If you're interested, let me know, and I can put you in touch with the officer who is setting up the group. Thanks!

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Greetings all!

<Fortitude> is starting up a new Republic Hardmare/NiM team, and they need tanks and heals. They are starting with M/B, then will be working on Revan and Gods, and then will move onto the old NiM ops. Raid days and times have not been decided yet. If you're interested, let me know, and I can put you in touch with the officer who is setting up the group. Thanks!


hi there, i'd be interested in helping out (as healer) , mainly because i'd really like to start getting more & more familiar (and practiced) with HM & NiM Ops this year in order to better help my guild(s) . Most of our more consistant officers/members are itchin' to start progressing thru HM Ops finally, so i feel like i could aid in their efforts much better if i knew the boss-fights in greater detail (more than just read guides)


Plus, after 9+ years in SWTOR, there's really only a few bits of content i haven't been able to "achieve" yet. ( i've only cleared about half of all HM Ops and unfortunately have never cleared a NiM Op yet) .


Anyways, couple questions please...


1) Are the other players in the group used to running Ops together a lot before? Or is it totally new team chemistry?

2) Has everyone else in the group so far already 100% cleared all HM's & NiM's already? Or is this new crew meant to be a 'fresh progression' type group for Achievements & such?

3) Is voice-comms with mic required? Or just voice-comms to listen? And if so, which type? (Discord i presume? )

4) Do one have to be a member of your guild to help your new group? ( If so, then please disregard my post lol , since i'm a 1-guild type player....as well as the GM :cool: )


.... Let me know and best of luck to y'all either way! :D


regards, Neestar (Republic side main)

Edited by Nee-Elder
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Plus, after 9+ years in SWTOR, there's really only a few bits of content i haven't been able to "achieve" yet. ( i've only cleared about half of all HM Ops and unfortunately have never cleared a NiM Op yet) .

Hi there. ^^ Unfortunately, the group is looking for someone with more raiding experience. They don't plan on staying in the Hardmare ops very long. The current members have NiM experience already. They just haven't raided with each other regularly yet. Thanks for showing interest though, and good luck with your guild's HM prog!

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^^ Unfortunately, the group is looking for someone with more raiding experience. They don't plan on staying in the Hardmare ops very long.


No worries, although i don't particularly see the harm in at least testing me out in-game once , but i also don't want to waste anymore of your time either. So, np , and i went ahead and steered a couple of tank friends (with NiM cleared experience already) to your thread.

Edited by Nee-Elder
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  • 3 weeks later...

Semi-experienced Commando Healer looking for a Fri/Sat night group of individuals to pull HM/NiM content. Not particularly interested in being on a “training team” if you know what I mean. I’m ready to pull competitive content and pull my weight. Also would prefer a steady group that doesn’t have to sub players every week.


If y’all have anything. My Discord is Kyle#5202


Thank you.

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