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Buffs and nerf discussion update 6.1.1


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Merc healers will be the meta until they get nerfed in 6.1.2. Sorc healers will still be **** (at least until merc heals gets nerfed). AP pt will be the meta. Operatives will still be good. Sins will fall hard. Leth will be meta in tank/healer. Probably still overshadowed by double pt.


These ^ changes are fairly obvious.


It will be interesting to see if jugg dps will become viable. If arsenal damage increased make up for their general lack of damage. How hard sorc gathering storm nerf will hurt dps sorcs.

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Sins losing maul spam won't hurt them all that badly, considering the buffs to some of their other damage abilities. They will still be among the best classes in all dps games, and still viable in everything else too in solos. They still have off guard, they can still stealth out and heal to full multiple times per round and they can still swap tacticals. To be honest, the only reason sins have seemed to not be as dominant as the first part of the season is because a lot of the best sins stopped queueing regularly (at least on SF).


I also love how Prum pretends to be a serious ranked player that understands the game. A few days ago he got so mad that he got globaled twice in a row on his sage in a tank/heal game that he conspired with his toxic buddies to kick me from a winning game a few matches later lol.

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I already played 6 solo ranked games and what i see is that marauder/sent dominates now. outdpsin'g sins/oper on pretty much. Haven't seen any sorcs though


So when are you starting your next nerf something thread ? Don't keep us waiting.


People like you always take the game in a good a direction .


Sin and Oper are OP, please nerf .... They nerf them. Now sent is dominant = nerf that too request comining , way overpowered. :D


Powetech was trash for 3 years and now they get buffed in dps, but they are too OP now = dude opens up a nerf thread in PTS section.

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Sins losing maul spam won't hurt them all that badly, considering the buffs to some of their other damage abilities. They will still be among the best classes in all dps games, and still viable in everything else too in solos. They still have off guard, they can still stealth out and heal to full multiple times per round and they can still swap tacticals. To be honest, the only reason sins have seemed to not be as dominant as the first part of the season is because a lot of the best sins stopped queueing regularly (at least on SF).


I actually think it is the other way around. Sin's defenses are still pretty trash. After shroud, you can expect to take the massive dick up the *** because deflection and overcharged saber are garbage CDs. Sure an assassin can constantly stealth out and heal, but that is time that you have to disengage from the fight while others are dying. The only reason assassins were strong in the first place, imo, was because the gameplay revolved a lot around doing their initial 100k burst opener and getting the first kill. An assassin goes in, gives the enemy the big **** and then gets out before taking the big **** himself. Now that their burst has been significantly nerfed, idk how strong this style of gameplay will be. It will be intersting to see.


I already played 6 solo ranked games and what i see is that marauder/sent dominates now. outdpsin'g sins/oper on pretty much. Haven't seen any sorcs though


I was wondering how strong they might be.... I think I overlooked them just because powertech's damage is so much better. At the end of the day, marauder damage is still only above average. I'm sure in all dps games though, marauder has probably became much more beneficial now that sins, opers, and sorcs have been nerfed.

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I also love how Prum pretends to be a serious ranked player that understands the game. A few days ago he got so mad that he got globaled twice in a row on his sage in a tank/heal game that he conspired with his toxic buddies to kick me from a winning game a few matches later lol.


To Dear Alex:



Oh, you mean the squeeky clean SF server actually DOES experience toxicity, and, surprise, surprise! It involves the same guys who queue 24/7 in said ranked matches on the SF server?


Kind of hard to believe you never experience this "toxicity" we been talking about in that other thread. Oh wait...


You admit that you DO experience this toxicity, confirming everything everyone has ever said about SF ranked and it's toxicity right there in your own words, in this thread. (I quoted it to show you, in case you forgot what you wrote.)


Also, I do hope you reported their "toxic" behavior. If it bothered you, imagine how people much less used to ranked and it's toxicity would think if they experienced what you experienced!


You should report all involved, and give BW a chance to deal with them appropriately. They are only making the game that much more dead by this kind of behavior.


Here's SWTOR's own link so you can report those guys.





As for the thread topic:


I like both merc and sorc healers, however I still find sorc healers more fun, I like the gameplay of them better, even now. My issue was running out of power so fast I spend so much time using consumption it's crazy, even during fights I have to. I am hoping the changes make that less of an issue!


Mercs have better tacticals than sorcs, they got better gear sets, and BW really did the class good I admit it, they have made this class a real tanky hard to kill healer, just as the class should be. It has mobility now, great DCDs, and really does perform well even when tunneled hard. All that said, I still prefer how sorcs feel, I just like how they kite and the synergy of their healing abilities. Thank goodness that part of the sub class has not been damaged!


The healing sorc gameplay actually reminds me more of how it was when I played around 2.0-3.0. Back then they had great output, but they were so easy to shut down, stun, tunnel dead. I am thinking, this might have been before bubble was even around I can't remember exactly... Point is, if you played the class you had to really use LOS and kite around a lot, I loved that though it was fun being slippery yet still able to heal the team, and that's how it feels now.


You have to kite now, it's not like 4-5.0 where the sorc could use DCDs and just stand there and take whatever was dished out on them. Now, if you stand there and try to take the damage the sorc healer will melt fast. At least that's been my experience lately. I hope the sorc healer is improved after the update mostly.


Sorc dps. They ought not nerf that class, they finally seem decent. If they nerf them, just touch them slightly they really are just slightly overtuned and imo that's debatable. In regs, sure, DPS sorcs hurt but I do not think they are OP'd. I personally think the stealths are all over-performing if they got nerfed I'd be fine with that. I see far more PTs wrecking havoc, more marauders, more sins, and more operatives that are just as nasty if not worse than sorc DPS. I don't know why they were so keen on nerfing sorc DPS they have been garbage for so long. Do they not get a turn to be good?

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I actually think it is the other way around. Sin's defenses are still pretty trash. After shroud, you can expect to take the massive dick up the *** because deflection and overcharged saber are garbage CDs. Sure an assassin can constantly stealth out and heal, but that is time that you have to disengage from the fight while others are dying. The only reason assassins were strong in the first place, imo, was because the gameplay revolved a lot around doing their initial 100k burst opener and getting the first kill. An assassin goes in, gives the enemy the big **** and then gets out before taking the big **** himself. Now that their burst has been significantly nerfed, idk how strong this style of gameplay will be. It will be intersting to see.


What's more interesting is how you'll respond on the forums to me like you're some kind of reasonable chap, yet when confronted with your frivolous kicking in-game you're quiet as a mouse lol.


Anyway, on topic. Sin maul spam was indeed part of what made the gap between them and ops and the rest of the classes so big. Now that they don't have maul spam, i believe that that gap has potentially disappeared. But that doesn't mean that they won't still be among the top 2 or 3 classes in solos. Their ability to stealth out and heal is underrated.


Because if you purely tunnel a sin, and they figure out that you're solely tunneling them, they can control when they reenter combat every time while the rest of their team are using dcds and surviving, then you when you swap back to the sin every time they come out of stealth, nothing is dying. It can be a bit risky for sins if they don't accurately read who is being focused. If they stay in stealth too long, one of their teammates can die, but if they rejoin the fight asap every time, they're playing into the other team's hands.


And if you ignore the sin entirely, he's going to offguard. That's why often the best strategy is to focus someone other than the sin, swapping to the sin and forcing it to stealth when they guard, then back onto the original target to get the kill. Even without maul spam, sins will still present these problems, they just won't be as oppressive, and people won't be forced to burn valuable dcds within the first 2 seconds of the round.


To Dear Alex:



Oh, you mean the squeeky clean SF server actually DOES experience toxicity, and, surprise, surprise! It involves the same guys who queue 24/7 in said ranked matches on the SF server?


Kind of hard to believe you never experience this "toxicity" we been talking about in that other thread. Oh wait...


You admit that you DO experience this toxicity, confirming everything everyone has ever said about SF ranked and it's toxicity right there in your own words, in this thread. (I quoted it to show you, in case you forgot what you wrote.)


Lhance...I've already discussed this kind of behavior in other threads. You act like this is some new admission or revelation. Out of thousands of matches, I've been kicked and/or thrown on about a dozen times (and I had never been kicked and/or thrown on in season 10 or 11). There are some that get kicked a lot more frequently. That's why I've said they should remove the vote kick feature multiple times as it's a serious problem. As far as I'm aware it has nothing to do with cheating/wintrading.


I only brought it up here because it's fairly laughable to me that Prum clearly tries to present himself on the forums in a certain way and people should understand how he behaves in game so they have some context for his posts.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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I only brought it up here because it's fairly laughable to me that Prum clearly tries to present himself on the forums in a certain way and people should understand how he behaves in game so they have some context for his posts.


So, you didn't report them? :rolleyes:


Don't dry snitch on them here on the forums, do it proper which is file the report as instructed here in this link right here: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=964857


For real. If it is happening to you, it happens to many others too. Be a stand up guy, and do the right thing which is report them.

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So, you didn't report them? :rolleyes:


I reported one of them. And the one I reported has been reported many times by many people for many things, including his blatant racism. I don't think he's ever been punished. The problem with reporting such things is how can Bioware even confirm what happened? I'm pretty sure they just disregard most reports like that. Not to mention, we all know how lax they are at punishing wrongdoers and how poor their customer service is in general. Basically, I have no faith that Bioware will do anything with reports like that. Only a video recording of the match would really show what happened, and I don't record while I'm playing.


I think the much better solution is simply for Bioware to remove the vote kick feature. There's really no reason for it to be there for ranked. They could pair that removal with a minimum item rating of 306 to enter ranked to filter out those that are unprepared for ranked.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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I reported one of them. And the one I reported has been reported many times by many people for many things, including his blatant racism. I don't think he's ever been punished. The problem with reporting such things is how can Bioware even confirm what happened? I'm pretty sure they just disregard most reports like that. Not to mention, we all know how lax they are at punishing wrongdoers and how poor their customer service is in general. Basically, I have no faith that Bioware will do anything with reports like that. Only a video recording of the match would really show what happened, and I don't record while I'm playing.


I think the much better solution is simply for Bioware to remove the vote kick feature. There's really no reason for it to be there for ranked. They could pair that removal with a minimum item rating of 306 to enter ranked to filter out those that are unprepared for ranked.


I am pretty sure it was SWTOR that has a time stamp on the reports. iirc I seen when I petitioned someone in the report it showed chat channels what was being said etc. before and after my petition's time.


That's why it's always good to get SS's too.


You are good with PCs, dude, SS it or record it and show it to Musco or Charles / Mike, any of the representatives we see on the forums send it to them in a PM.


I know how it is, it gets to feel like a waste of time and effort, but if enough people take the time to properly report these guys I believe they will be punished.


I think people assume nothing is done, so they don't follow through and properly report others for these kind of situations. It's a defeated feeling when others violate rules yet seem to never get punished. You can't let that dissuade you from doing the right thing, though.


I got a saying about people in life that do wrong by others and purposefully hurt others and enjoy doing it... They always crash and burn. It's inevitable. Just watch. It might take a year, it could take 5 years, but it always happens. Call it karma or whatever.

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I mean, I never reported anyone who was a jerk to me in any of the matches I played either, despite the fact I don't feel I'm bad enough to deserve such treatment, and no, I don't think that just because I was playing a dps guardian I deserved such treatment.


But I just don't think you can force anyone to behave either. Such things are an unfortunate part of the format, and a major reason I do not enjoy it.


Of course, now that I've said it, someone will come along to point out how bad I am.


And all that said, I'm stuck at work and would like to know how these changes affected the class balance, could we get back on topic?

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plz stop turning every thread into your ranked QQ threads and personal arguments with eachother. no one cares at this point. you've gone in circles for the past month in multiple threads.get back to the actual topic. Edited by septru
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I mean, I never reported anyone who was a jerk to me in any of the matches I played either, despite the fact I don't feel I'm bad enough to deserve such treatment, and no, I don't think that just because I was playing a dps guardian I deserved such treatment.


To be fair, there's a very big difference between mere typing and actual kicking/throwing.


plz stop turning every thread into your ranked QQ threads and personal arguments with eachother. no one cares at this point. you've gone in circles for the past month in multiple threads.get back to the actual topic.


Or, maybe you should stop pretending to be a productive member of the community and explain why you're a toxic moron. It would be irresponsible of me to not mention it. People could be easily misinformed by your posts. I'd love to hear you try to justify kicking people that you disagree with, or people that you simply don't like.


Also, I've already contributed to this thread on the topic.

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Guys, reporting won't do you much good. There are players who legit wintraded their way to get their flairs, got reported several times by several ppl and literally only a small number of them were banned, just to get unbanned shortly after.


One of them even posted in this thread. :D

Reporting for spam, toxic behaviour, insults etc will have zero effect.

For the 6 years that I've been playing this game, I had insults whispered to me, life threats and a bunch of other bs.

Some of those I did report, mostly 'cause I was tired of reading nonsense almost everyday and it was in vain 'cause I saw the same ppl in wz's again and again.


So what I did? I started to focus those guys in wz's whenever I saw them until they rage quit. I mean, it's how it began really, guy dies in wz, probably killed by me and sends me messages. I don't even look at the names of the players I duel in warzones, but they remembered mine. :D


Anyway, how do you get globalled on a sorc with two stun breakers in a healer-tank game? :p

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I can tell you that the PT buffs have made them OP as F in damage output and and hard to kill if they have a healer or tank.


What pt buffs have they made? I can only see on patch notes that they changed set bonus on a set?

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Anyway, how do you get globalled on a sorc with two stun breakers in a healer-tank game? :p




Making fun of the alleged cheater doesn't make anyone else look any better it just causes more back and forth toxicity and will only validate criticisms people like me have for the ranked community and ranked in general.

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Making fun of the alleged cheater doesn't make anyone else look any better it just causes more back and forth toxicity and will only validate criticisms people like me have for the ranked community and ranked in general.


Any online competitive interactions will breed toxicity...People can't cope with losing and don't have thick enough skin to roll past it without having a tantrum.


If anything it's fun to watch if you can manage to separate the game from reality and just let it all slide off.

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Any online competitive interactions will breed toxicity...People can't cope with losing and don't have thick enough skin to roll past it without having a tantrum.


If anything it's fun to watch if you can manage to separate the game from reality and just let it all slide off.


I agree with that. ^

Edited by Lhancelot
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