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Hey guys. Im a long absent player returning due to quarantine. Whats the current pvp meta? I have just about all the classes but im also going to advance through the storylines i missed while pvping on the site. Any hints on 4v4 and wz?
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You probably will get a variety of answers. But the one thing everyone agrees on is that they need to #NERFOPERATIVES asap! Kidding aside, they really are at the top of the lists.


Also, a plus with stealths is if you want to run MM FPs solo, like Red Reaper for gears you can do it. You can gear up fastest this way supposedly.


I ended up just gearing my healing merc via vet mode FPs, and yeah it's been sort of slow but consistent anyway. And low stress. I usually put it on Hammer Station only, because that's what everyone does now and it's a fast pop.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Operative, Maurauder, Sniper, PT, Sorc, Sin, Merc, Jugg = DPS in order of best to worst.


Jugg, Sin, PT = TANKS in order of best to worst.


Hard disagree.


Operative>pt>Sorc>Sin>Mara>Merc>sniper>jugg = DPS in order of best to worst.


jugg>pt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sin = TANKS in order of best to worst.


but ofc, an actual discussion about the meta is far more complex and detailed than the overly simplified model above.

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Obligatory play what you want because there are class changes in the works anyway.


For example despite the fact its probably the worst dps class, I play a vigi guardian any time I'm solo because it's my class. AMD I too have one of every advanced class.

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Obligatory play what you want because there are class changes in the works anyway.


For example despite the fact its probably the worst dps class, I play a vigi guardian any time I'm solo because it's my class. AMD I too have one of every advanced class.


Indeed. And some people are better at certain classes than they are at the others. I had a pretty fun arcane mage on another game back in the day.


I just ask the meta because it IS more fun to do well in pvp, all things else equal (ie you enjoy things equal etc etc) hell i may make a healer because i do well at that as well.


Just wanted to know the meta to avoid frustration is all :) Thank you everyone. You have all been very very helpful.

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Hard disagree.


Operative>pt>Sorc>Sin>Mara>Merc>sniper>jugg = DPS in order of best to worst.


PT at number 2? I assume you mean Pyro, but why place it so far ahead? Isn't the meta still "Kill PT first they can't escape"? Do you mean TR?

Edited by Lundorff
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PT at number 2? I assume you mean Pyro, but why place it so far ahead? Isn't the meta still "Kill PT first they can't escape"? Do you mean TR?


He means AP PT due to the recent buffs and powerlode. His opinion is almost certainly heavily taking into account the recent team ranked games going on. In solos, ap pts are not that high up, though in the right circumstances, they can do very well.


For solos, the list is still something like op, sin, sorc, mara, merc, sniper, pt, jugg.


The changes coming in 6.1.1 will inevitably shift the meta, at least a bit, so this discussion is probably best left on hold for when that drops.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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PT at number 2? I assume you mean Pyro, but why place it so far ahead? Isn't the meta still "Kill PT first they can't escape"? Do you mean TR?


No. I'm talking about AP pt.


While pyro still does absolutely fantastic dps, after the recent 6.1 AP pt changes, AP pt has the damage potential to 3 shot any class in the game. I am not over exaggerating either. The meteor brawler set bonus also complements AP pt's new changes very well. A good AP pt player will demand constant guard on the player that he is attacking and taunts of cd. And their damage only increases the more you hit them. AP pt's new damage potential has developed pretty quietly because the class requires a lot of skill and like you mentioned it's defenses are still trash, but all the good players who play powertech are just straight ****** other players. Think about it like this.... defenses don't matter much if you can kill everyone within your sight in a matter of seconds.


Of course everything I'm about to say about the meta is an over simplification (and its notable to note that meta switches according to which PvP gamemode, regs, solo ranked, team ranked, duels... etc), but currently the meta is dominated by cleave and AP pt breaking all rules. At the beginning of the xpac it seemed like this would be the "stealth meta", ruled by conc oper, fury mara, and decep sin. But those assumptions died slowly as people learned that leth, ling, pyro, and io can do absurd amounts of cleave damage to whole teams which can easily overpower a healer's hps (which is a whole 'nother discussion). Atm, cleave is still the meta with AP undoubtedly carving its place with huge amounts of damage.

Edited by septru
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He means AP PT due to the recent buffs and powerlode. His opinion is almost certainly heavily taking into account the recent team ranked games going on. In solos, ap pts are not that high up, though in the right circumstances, they can do very well.


No. AP pt is doing fine in solo ranked as well. Sure the defenses are still crap and the AP pt will eventually die, but at this point, since AP pt can kill anything it lays its eyes on, you can easily get a kill as a PT before you die yourself.


All you have to do is look at DM solo ranked atm. On DM, they rarely have tank/heal solo ranked games like we do on SF, and yet skilled AP pts on DM are still incredibly scary. In fact in DM solo ranked que, you will almost certainly get at least 2 pts in the game of 8 playeres.

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Hey guys. Im a long absent player returning due to quarantine. Whats the current pvp meta? I have just about all the classes but im also going to advance through the storylines i missed while pvping on the site. Any hints on 4v4 and wz?


There is no 1 PvP meta. 8v8 is completely different than solo ranked 4v4, which is completely different than team ranked 4v4.


Additionally: I have spoken and played with a group of veterans returning for 6.0 after years of break. Most of them were high rated players in early seasons and therefore had most of the classes ready to play. After figuring out the gearing system and some leveling they asked for the best dps class in solo ranked, which at the time was Assassin, not even close. With high expectations they went in, and got farmed. Not only for few days, but for weeks. The gap to the current experienced players that have played for the last 2+ years straight was huge.


CoolStoryBro, you might say. The TLDR is, don't ask for the best class, especially because there is no such thing for 8v8. For solo ranked there might be, but it doesn't help if you're lacking experience. It was especially brutal in the mentioned case, because Assassin is one of the harder classes to play well. So I'm gonna go with my usual recommandations of dps classes:


easy to learn classes: Jugg, Sorc, Merc, PT

advanced classes: Mara, Assassin, Sniper, Operative


For Healers: all 3 are viable, but very different. Sorc is easiest in output, while Merc is easiest defensively. Operative has the highest output potential, but is also the easiest to control (you will be stunned constantly, and need a lot of help from your team against 2 decent enemy dps already) and to reach that output potential you need to work hard, need a lot of practise, making Operative the hardest healer to play, both in output and defensively.


Tanks: Jugg > PT > Assassin

It's rare that you can say it so clearly, but right now, that's actually the case.

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the class requires a lot of skill and like you mentioned it's defenses are still trash, but all the good players who play powertech are just straight ****** other players.


This has been the case for a bit, tbh though. ^


I remember rare individuals on PTs back in 4.0-5.0 that were wrecking balls in WZs and the ones with great situational awareness could really shine even on a class that was notorious for it's lack of effective DCDs.


I'd imagine if these same players were on PTs now, and the class has been improved upon, yeah I could see these guys being monsters now, lol.

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This has been the case for a bit, tbh though. ^


I remember rare individuals on PTs back in 4.0-5.0 that were wrecking balls in WZs and the ones with great situational awareness could really shine even on a class that was notorious for it's lack of effective DCDs.


I'd imagine if these same players were on PTs now, and the class has been improved upon, yeah I could see these guys being monsters now, lol.


Yes. The phenomena itself is nothing new. Pt has always been a highish skill cap class. For the purpose of this discussion though that is insignificant. I am merely pointing out this phenomena to describe its broader effect on the how pts have developed in a general sense in the meta.

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Yes. The phenomena itself is nothing new. Pt has always been a highish skill cap class. For the purpose of this discussion though that is insignificant. I am merely pointing out this phenomena to describe its broader effect on the how pts have developed in a general sense in the meta.


True. That was an interesting explanation thanks.

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He means AP PT due to the recent buffs and powerlode. His opinion is almost certainly heavily taking into account the recent team ranked games going on. In solos, ap pts are not that high up, though in the right circumstances, they can do very well.


For solos, the list is still something like op, sin, sorc, mara, merc, sniper, pt, jugg.


The changes coming in 6.1.1 will inevitably shift the meta, at least a bit, so this discussion is probably best left on hold for when that drops.


I think fury maras are being slept on in this patch because of maul spam, but I think once we see the coming nerfs they could easily take sins's place. They still do great damage and can vanish a million times like sins, but their cc potential and non-vanish dcds are far stronger than those of sins (read: just shroud). In addition, their mobility, cc potential, better gap closers, cc immunity, and inability to run out of vanishes unlike sins makes them almost a stronger choice already. I could see maras becoming the stealther of choice after 6.2. That said, I'd probably swap mara and sin and agree with your analysis.

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Yes. The phenomena itself is nothing new. Pt has always been a highish skill cap class. For the purpose of this discussion though that is insignificant. I am merely pointing out this phenomena to describe its broader effect on the how pts have developed in a general sense in the meta.


Don't rly see the "high skill cap" on Pt right now - they are very straightforward and benefit from an incredibly overtuned tactical which makes them probably the best class in almost every heal game right now, while they also perform okayish in 4 dps games.

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Don't rly see the "high skill cap" on Pt right now - they are very straightforward and benefit from an incredibly overtuned tactical which makes them probably the best class in almost every heal game right now, while they also perform okayish in 4 dps games.


I honestly think the high skill level comes in play with not so much the difficulty or complexity of the PT class abilities but instead the class is limited and requires a lot more awareness of what to do in combat with such limited resources when it comes to DCDs.


Many players can mash buttons awesomely and do a fine rotation in PVP putting up solid numbers but the rare ones do that and also manage to keep themselves alive with smart gameplay using LOS kiting, and always being in a place where they can get heals effectively.


Sounds like common sense, but most people do not have elite skills as well as elite awareness and that class really requires a player that plays smartly. But if done so, just like before the class can be quite the wrecking ball. That's my take on it.


Used to be marauders were the same way btw, I remember as a healer back in the day some players really could do well on the marauder class even when the class had awful DCDs these guys still could wreck other players but that's because they knew when to attack and always stayed in a location where they could get heals but also escape from damage if it got too overwhelming.


My point is I always noticed players with extraordinary awareness some players really are able to balance their attacks with positional superiority at all times and those guys are easiest to keep up with heals.


Past mara were like that, and now PTs sound to be that way. If the player has elite awareness, they will have the tools to really make the PT class shine and take full advantage of all it's elite damage that otherwise can't be harnessed.

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Don't rly see the "high skill cap" on Pt right now - they are very straightforward and benefit from an incredibly overtuned tactical which makes them probably the best class in almost every heal game right now, while they also perform okayish in 4 dps games.


The strongest comp in 4s right now is double ap pt. In that meta, with that comp, there is little skill in playing ap pt. You smash your face against keyboard, do a couple of carb swaps, hit tab to target the ungaurded enemy, and you rape the other team. There is very little skill when playing pt in that meta because you have a tank that will guard you. So you can smash your face against your keyboard damage wise, while never worrying about your cds because you have a tank that will guard you. But in other metas, without a healer and without a tank, powertech's weak defenses show.

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so it seems for dps and heals operative is considered the meta. Would lethality or concealment be stronger? I played lethality back in the day and enjoyed it but that was years ago.


Lethality+viral elements tactical is capable of the highest overall DPS in PVP currently. Absolutely crazy AOE. Strong self heals and strong passive mitigation. If you played leth before, be aware the style of play is very different, and also you kill things now. Lots of things, all at once every 3 minutes or so when you double AOE up to 8 players for 30-40k, x2 when tactical overdrive is up.


Concealment+ vol strike tactical has insane single target burst on demand, with mediocre but sufficient self heals and stronger active but poorer passive mitigation. You can roll through 100% of damage twice every 8-10 seconds, but you lose the 15% DR from shield probe. This is the spec that is top for SR.

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Operative, Merc, Sorc = healers in order of best to worst.


Operative, Maurauder, Sniper, PT, Sorc, Sin, Merc, Jugg = DPS in order of best to worst.


Jugg, Sin, PT = TANKS in order of best to worst.


Can someone tell me why everyone is now saying sorc is the worst heals ?

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