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Juggernaut crew skill for pvp


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Hello everybody i have a juggernaut lvl 61 at moment, planning to build him for pvp.

I'd like to ask what crew skill are the most useful for pvp and ranked between biochem (for heals) and cybertech (for stun/freeze granades). I hope some experienced juggernaut can enlight me as i can't really choose at moment :|


I only have 1 character for now. When i reach lvl 75 i will make a 2nd char and maybe get some good credit's farm crew skill but right now im just interested on the pvp side.




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They are not useful really. Only things you would use in pvp are stims and grenades also everyone needs augments so anything to do with that can also be ok to have.


Yep that was my big hesitation: if choose Biochem for stims or Cybertech for granades >.<

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Hey welcome to SWTOR!


Taking a crew skill won't give you any stat advantages in PVP.


You can make grenades through cybertech or you can buy them off the GTN (Galatic Trade Network) as well. If you want to spend time farming the mats, you can. It might be easier to farm credits and just buy them.


With Biochem, reusable stims can be handy but they give no stat advantage over the stims you buy of the same level from the GTN. I'm not sure if you can still use reusable medpacs, but when you could they didn't heal as much as the warzone medpacs, so most people use the warzone medpacs and adrenals that you buy from the PVP vendor.


I've been playing since launch and predominately PVP at end game and I've never had maxed crew skills or worried about them, unless I was trying to make credits via crafting.


Hope that helps :)

Edited by jdubw
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Hey welcome to SWTOR!


Taking a crew skill won't give you any stat advantages in PVP.


You can make grenades through cybertech or you can buy them off the GTN (Galatic Trade Network) as well. If you want to spend time farming the mats, you can. It might be easier to farm credits and just buy them.


With Biochem, reusable stims can be handy but they give no stat advantage over the stims you buy of the same level from the GTN. I'm not sure if you can still use reusable medpacs, but when you could they didn't heal as much as the warzone medpacs, so most people use the warzone medpacs and adrenals that you buy from the PVP vendor.


I've been playing since launch and predominately PVP at end game and I've never had maxed crew skills or worried about them, unless I was trying to make credits via crafting.


Hope that helps :)


This helps a lot actually.I didnt know i could buy those stuffs from GTN, i tought only cybertech user could use granades and only biochem user could use their medpacks. I think i'll just forget those crafting skill for the moment and get archeology and scavenging skills to make some credits.

Thank you very much for the help and for the welcome. This is much appreciated http://cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/community/images/swtor/smilies/cool.png



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