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Easy request: sort WZ outcomes by objective


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you know one click is enough to resort the scoreboard, that is an easy request for sure but really you can do it in one click


hide damage/healing/protection except your own (just to give yourself an idea of how you have done compared to other times), and give an extra reward based on objective's points.


leave medals for bragging its a mixed-bag some class has access to more medals than other anyway so it doesn't really mean much but kiddos need to brag! (you can keep dead and kills nobody seems to care anyway)


That would be more interesting


(BTW they rarely read pvp forum I would advise posting this in the suggestion subforum)

Edited by Pekish
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you know one click is enough to resort the scoreboard, that is an easy request for sure but really you can do it in one click

Oh absolutely. It's not a feature request to be sure. To me, one of the biggest (other than the imbalance of certain combinations) of PUG WZs is that people don't focus on the objectives and mostly just deathmatch. Changing who gets on top by default *might* help change that behavior.

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yeah i thought you meant that way i know most of people sort by dps the second the scoreboard pop so it wouldn't change much as i said one click to switch order to DPS


you should just lock the scoreboard than on objective so it's slightly harder to read the dps in order


that would solve maybe 50% of the problem because some people just ignore objective because is not fun for them and is more fun to just kill stuff they don't even care about dps all they care is to be pvp 15 minutes after waiting 15-20 minutes in a queue (rather than wait 5 minutes at objective with nothing happening)


unless you reward objective much more and winning much more people won't change much

Edited by Pekish
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Easiest solution is remove the dps column


I am all for removing those healing and protection (all 3 to be fair) but people will cry "removing" is always hard to do in MMORPG games people feel they own the game and have right on it.


But yes I would be happy with removing those 3 (or as I said show only your own) but if they do you would see 10000 thread about people complaining that never been on the forum before. (because let's face it forum show only 0.1% of real players)

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Im as anti-dps is all mighty as anyone, but honestly, i dont agree with this.

We get trophy's for many things, damage, heals, guard, caps, etc... all of which factor into the objectives.

DPS is part of the game, it has a place, i dont think it should be removed, it just shouldnt be end all beat all nothing else matters as it is to some.

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Im as anti-dps is all mighty as anyone, but honestly, i dont agree with this.

We get trophy's for many things, damage, heals, guard, caps, etc... all of which factor into the objectives.

DPS is part of the game, it has a place, i dont think it should be removed, it just shouldnt be end all beat all nothing else matters as it is to some.

I agree ... I don't think removing things is the right answer. If someone wants to resort for damage or DPS, that's fine. But, I do notice that a lot of people just MVP vote for the top trophy getter. So, my theory is that default sorting by objective will drive more MVP votes to the top objective getters (as well as put their name more prominently) on top. That *might* drive better behavior. For all the YouTube PVPers (who I very much appreciate btw) that want to resort by damage, that's cool too.

Edited by StrikePrice
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^_^ told you trixxie, people don't like to "remove" feat.


I am all for objective honestly, but I can tell what people want and how they play even when they play differently from me, I understand people have different tastes and why...


In my guild (is not mine as in leadership, the guild I am in, a PVP focus guild) 50% of the people ignore objective and laugh at it on discord sometimes they actually say (even before the match start): " **** it today I am in for the kills/dps. I just want to have fun"


it is obvious that fun is not = winning and I agree winning is not necessary to have fun i enjoy some match very intense even if I lose at the end, but that explains why people favor fun(killing no objective) over winning


So I can be objective about it, I would never play for the kills my main is actually a tank and my build is always tailored toward objective rather than dps so I naturally prefer to play objectives but the only way to fix this is to make objective worthwhile. Now they are worthless other than saying "I won" at the end


some high dps from the losing team often brag more (and get much more votes) than the winner with lower dps that spent 10 minutes guarding and doing nothing.... this is symptomatic of how bad this reward system is.

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^_^ told you trixxie, people don't like to "remove" feat.


I am all for objective honestly, but I can tell what people want and how they play even when they play differently from me, I understand people have different tastes and why...


In my guild (is not mine as in leadership, the guild I am in, a PVP focus guild) 50% of the people ignore objective and laugh at it on discord sometimes they actually say (even before the match start): " **** it today I am in for the kills/dps. I just want to have fun"


it is obvious that fun is not = winning and I agree winning is not necessary to have fun i enjoy some match very intense even if I lose at the end, but that explains why people favor fun(killing no objective) over winning


So I can be objective about it, I would never play for the kills my main is actually a tank and my build is always tailored toward objective rather than dps so I naturally prefer to play objectives but the only way to fix this is to make objective worthwhile. Now they are worthless other than saying "I won" at the end


some high dps from the losing team often brag more (and get much more votes) than the winner with lower dps that spent 10 minutes guarding and doing nothing.... this is symptomatic of how bad this reward system is.

Yup, totally agree with this. I'm not trying to legislate how people play. Personally, my goal is to "play well", not to win. Whatever I decide to do that game, I just want to do it well.


But, I do see a lot of people queuing for PVP that could use a little guidance in terms of what to do. :)

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Im as anti-dps is all mighty as anyone, but honestly, i dont agree with this.

We get trophy's for many things, damage, heals, guard, caps, etc... all of which factor into the objectives.

DPS is part of the game, it has a place, i dont think it should be removed, it just shouldnt be end all beat all nothing else matters as it is to some.


Not suggesting they remove the medals from the scoreboard or recording the dps to apply to the medals. Just that they remove those dps, healing and protection columns on the scoreboard at the end.


I do like the other suggestion of only showing your own dps/hps/protection stats on the scoreboard. It would remove a lot of epeen from matches.

People would then rank people’s performance on objective points, medals, deaths and kills (kills might be a problem, but they could trial it).


One thing I would like to see under the current player pvp stats (like the personal ranked window) on winning vs losses is an accumulation of objective points, medals played. They could even add how many matches a player didn’t complete after the match starts.

It would also be good to split up the wins vs losses on map types. It’s not like this isn’t already tracked in the back ground because some of it is listed in the legacy window. But it’s not complete and it doesn’t split it up for each Alt and it doesn’t count losses either.

They could really expand on this idea and even split it into how much was in lowbies, Mids and lvl 75.


This would allow give people more to strive for if they need to epeen to others, but it would be focused

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Not suggesting they remove the medals from the scoreboard or recording the dps to apply to the medals. Just that they remove those dps, healing and protection columns on the scoreboard at the end.


I do like the other suggestion of only showing your own dps/hps/protection stats on the scoreboard. It would remove a lot of epeen from matches.

People would then rank people’s performance on objective points, medals, deaths and kills (kills might be a problem, but they could trial it).


One thing I would like to see under the current player pvp stats (like the personal ranked window) on winning vs losses is an accumulation of objective points, medals played. They could even add how many matches a player didn’t complete after the match starts.

It would also be good to split up the wins vs losses on map types. It’s not like this isn’t already tracked in the back ground because some of it is listed in the legacy window. But it’s not complete and it doesn’t split it up for each Alt and it doesn’t count losses either.

They could really expand on this idea and even split it into how much was in lowbies, Mids and lvl 75.


This would allow give people more to strive for if they need to epeen to others, but it would be focused


No, i dont think you can do that, some classes can only dps, why take away their achievements?


Maras snipers, they cant heal or guard or whatever. If anything i think dps only classes should get more trophies for those things since they cannot pad that with other fluff just as those in healing specs should get more for heals or tanks from guard. it should tailor to those roles if anything.


Nothing needs to get removed, the game setup isnt the problem, the player mentality is, and no changes to the scoreboard are going to amend that.

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ultimately I think the best road is to add rather than remove players react better

add incentive to do objective

quest objective-point based with good reward and extra medal for objective point


I don't agree that mara can't guard if there are 2 people guarding one can be a dps class maybe not the optimal but sometimes you have to work with what you have.

Plus snipper with the range makes a good cap interrupt.

So I don't buy into the "there is a class only DPS" everybody can do objective if you are a team player

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I believe floplag was getting at maras cannot use the ability guard, not that they cannot guard objectives, and therefore they should receive more medals for doing damage than say, my vigi guardian which can also receive medals for doing protection (which fyi to this apparently dense subforum, as a dps spec I primarily get via taunting).


I disagree on the simple fact that it would lead to what you say - oh I'm a mara, I can only get medals if i go kill things! Leave the tank and healing off specs (or worse the tanks and healers) to guard!

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I believe floplag was getting at maras cannot use the ability guard, not that they cannot guard objectives, and therefore they should receive more medals for doing damage than say, my vigi guardian which can also receive medals for doing protection (which fyi to this apparently dense subforum, as a dps spec I primarily get via taunting).


I disagree on the simple fact that it would lead to what you say - oh I'm a mara, I can only get medals if i go kill things! Leave the tank and healing off specs (or worse the tanks and healers) to guard!


No, not entirely, any class can "guard" in the literal sense I was referring to the medals/trophies awarded for achieving certain thresholds in the game. Hybrid classes gain more for things other than just damage, healing, using guard talents on other players etc... and of course spending time guarding an objective.

Straight dps classes can only dps and therefore almost always gain fewer trophies unless they do pure damage farming. 'To my knowledge this isnt taken into account as when i play those classes i always get fewer medals.

Bottom line those things that actually give currency, frags, renown points, or whatever, should be adjusted to reward that style of play.

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No, not entirely, any class can "guard" in the literal sense I was referring to the medals/trophies awarded for achieving certain thresholds in the game. Hybrid classes gain more for things other than just damage, healing, using guard talents on other players etc... and of course spending time guarding an objective.

Straight dps classes can only dps and therefore almost always gain fewer trophies unless they do pure damage farming. 'To my knowledge this isnt taken into account as when i play those classes i always get fewer medals.

Bottom line those things that actually give currency, frags, renown points, or whatever, should be adjusted to reward that style of play.


that is exactly what I said in my first paragraph. guard, the ability vs guard, the thing you do at a node.


Everyone gains medals for guarding nodes, not just "hybrids" (which there isn't a true hybrid in this game, you mean dps specs of tank and/or healing capable classes); further the suggestion will only exacerbate the issue of people refusing to guard if they're playing, say a sentinel. I don't think we need to reward people for brainless zerging. and you really want to talk about who gets the least amount of medals, look at your healers.

Edited by KendraP
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that is exactly what I said in my first paragraph. guard, the ability vs guard, the thing you do at a node.


Everyone gains medals for guarding nodes, not just "hybrids" (which there isn't a true hybrid in this game, you mean dps specs of tank and/or healing capable classes); further the suggestion will only exacerbate the issue of people refusing to guard if they're playing, say a sentinel. I don't think we need to reward people for brainless zerging. and you really want to talk about who gets the least amount of medals, look at your healers.


Were saying the same thing, but im trying to point out that medals and such can be earned from 2 things that we refer to as guard.


The physical guarding of or being in the area of a protected nose. Anyone can do this. And, the guard sill granted to various classes, such as Warriors, Powertechs, Assassins, etc... whereby they can negate a portion of another players damage.


Healers suffer from the same problem as they generally dont gain fluff damage.


This is why i suggested that certain specs should get MORE points relative to the abilities related to their spec.

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No, not entirely, any class can "guard" in the literal sense I was referring to the medals/trophies awarded for achieving certain thresholds in the game. Hybrid classes gain more for things other than just damage, healing, using guard talents on other players etc... and of course spending time guarding an objective.

Straight dps classes can only dps and therefore almost always gain fewer trophies unless they do pure damage farming. 'To my knowledge this isnt taken into account as when i play those classes i always get fewer medals.

Bottom line those things that actually give currency, frags, renown points, or whatever, should be adjusted to reward that style of play.


Of all the class roles I find healers get the least amount of medals especially when they focus hard on just healing everyone. Sometimes it's necessary to do that, too. I have seen healers top a match in healing output yet finish the match with only 5-6 medals.

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Of all the class roles I find healers get the least amount of medals especially when they focus hard on just healing everyone. Sometimes it's necessary to do that, too. I have seen healers top a match in healing output yet finish the match with only 5-6 medals.


Exactly, they do not get the ones associates with dps or guarding a node as others might. Those are things they would not be doing. Some roles should get more for certain actions. Healers for healing, tanks for guarding, etc... If you do nothing but hral your tail off and put up as much heals and others do damage you shouldnt get half the medals. Its trivial really as most people just re-sort the list to show what matters to them but it might, emphasis on might, encourage people to do the right things if they were awarded for doing so accordingly.

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objective based warzones are waaay to complex to say objective points is all that matters...

killing, stalling, area denial are key parts to winning...

what i think is, that all those "objective points is all that matters" crybabies are just too bad at killing so they dont want to be embarrassed by the leaderboard...

and if people just want to play for the zerg let them do it... should be easy to win by your logic...


if people take regs that serious that all that matters is winning and not fun...


play ranked.....


if you dont like arenas... your problem...


or cry for 8 man ranked.. but that will never happen until its not cross server.. and i bet they dont have the infrastructure to pull that off

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what i think is, that all those "objective points is all that matters" crybabies are just too bad at killing so they dont want to be embarrassed by the leaderboard...


Yeah. I always love the one guy that rails on everyone else, complaining that all they do is "numbers farm" or "deathmatch" and they "can't play objectively."


I always check whiners that cry about others not being "objective minded." I check their numbers at the end of the match, and guess what? Yeah they almost always contribute hardly anything at all if you judge them by their numbers.


Judging by the numbers, Objective Crybaby Whiner_01038576 is incapable of doing DPS. He doesn't know how to guard swap if he is on a tank. In fact, this kind of player often times plays a tank to try to cover up his inability to produce DPS numbers, but that just means you got a bad player that now is on a more complex class than pure DPS. How are they going to manage that, if they can't even manage the simplicity of doing DPS?


Anyway I agree that there definitely are players who are ultra-defensive when it comes to how the stats are viewed at the end of the match. This means there are extremes of both sides. Some really believe the numbers are the only way to properly gauge other players in the WZs, while some take the other extreme position that big numbers only mean the player only values numbers and doesn't play objectively.


The truth: A player can be objective in a WZ, as well as perform well, sometimes even putting up the best numbers! The best players balance performance with objective gameplay, being capable of doing both simultaneously.

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objective based warzones are waaay to complex to say objective points is all that matters...

killing, stalling, area denial are key parts to winning...

what i think is, that all those "objective points is all that matters" crybabies are just too bad at killing so they dont want to be embarrassed by the leaderboard...

and if people just want to play for the zerg let them do it... should be easy to win by your logic...


if people take regs that serious that all that matters is winning and not fun...


play ranked.....


if you dont like arenas... your problem...


or cry for 8 man ranked.. but that will never happen until its not cross server.. and i bet they dont have the infrastructure to pull that off


I think you miss the point. No one is suggesting that objs are ALL that matters, at least no one rational, but the things you mention are 100% part of that discussion. Of course DPS is part of it, its simply not the only part.

But its telling that you dont mention those who only care about dps and ignore all other concerns and play the usual "bad" card. Both are obviously incorrect positions and are frankly indefensible as anything other than personal choice.

I am nothing special, im no great player, but play to win, that means playing objs, and i still have no issues taking out more people than can take me out on most of the classes i play so, your logic is projection and flawed.

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