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I hope class differences in The Task At Hand will actually mean something


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I hope class differences in The Task At Hand will actually mean something that they are not just throw away dialogue to make it appear classes matter.


There should be a consequence for Agent either sparing Xarian's spies or having them killed .

For Republic Saboteur Smuggler telling the General he should fight the Hutts.or the Loyalist telling him to bribe them.

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Anything overly impactful in the stories happening now is incredibly unlikely.


The facts of the matter are the game is old, the engine is older, the funds aren't there, and the devs can't be bothered.

Actually, the true matter of fact is that the more choices you have, the more convoluted the choices become.

First you have a choice of response depending upon class.

Then you can add a gender choice.

Then a romance choice.

Then a "killed X" choice.



You can then end up with different dialog for a male Chiss smuggler who's married to Risha and killed character X, than a female Cathar Jedi whose not married and saved character X. Eventually it could become very unwieldly to follow all the choices, and hire all the VAs to do all the extra lines.

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Sooo, too many choices having been made prevent future choices from being made. That is a design flaw.


Because the game is old, the engine older, and devs that can't be bothered are why any impactful decisions will have little to no impact on the character. There will be blanket affects to all characters with little choice given to the player.

Edited by Xhelis
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I can dream can't I?


Any other game the introduction of NPCs using beasts and droids would have been a teaser for new player classes. Beast Master (Republic) and Droid Master (Empire).


They did that in Guild Wars 2 for example. Although the "new class" was actually a variation of a Guild Wars: Factions class.

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It's been stated that the story going forward will basically follow four paths: Republic Loyalist, Republic Saboteur, Imperial Loyalist, and Imperial Saboteur. If there are any references made to the specific class story and actions taken they will be in passing. For example, someone may make mention of a Consular either choosing to spare someone's life or kill them (there are a few people in the Consular story that could apply to), but that character won't actually play an active roll or make an appearance in the story because it wouldn't apply to all classes.
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Anything overly impactful in the stories happening now is incredibly unlikely.


The facts of the matter are the game is old, the engine is older, the funds aren't there, and the devs can't be bothered.


The reality is, its your last line that is the most true in reference to the first sentence.

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Sooo, too many choices having been made prevent future choices from being made. That is a design flaw.


Because the game is old, the engine older, and devs that can't be bothered are why any impactful decisions will have little to no impact on the character. There will be blanket affects to all characters with little choice given to the player.


Actually, the limitations are there from the beginning. Does your IA have a fleet? We can all travel to the fleet, we can all use the fleet, but when I park my ship outside of the fleet, there's nothing but stars. How jarring would it be for those of us that did these things to not have a fleet to go to? Even the "Choose your own adventure" books have limitations on what you can and cannot do. It's impossible to cover every possible outcome, or cover every base a player may want to explore.

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Anything overly impactful in the stories happening now is incredibly unlikely.


The facts of the matter are the game is old, the engine is older, the funds aren't there, and the devs can't be bothered.


I wondered how long after 6.0 until the death watchers came back out. Bet you were one of the people saying 6.0 would never happen to start with since "the game is old, the engine is older, the funds aren't there, and the devs can't be bothered.".... Right?


I'm not saying every little hanging thread like the OP wants will be addressed, but give some credit where it's due, they have gave us some variance in the story since Jedi Under Siege imo. To the point that I actually havent seen every possible choice, not even near yet I don't think. If your looking for "impactful" stuff in the story, I'd say the return of Malgus HAS to qualify. He's the cover star of the game after all.

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