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Increasing Annihilation consistency

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As it stands, in 6.1a the only way for annihilation DPS to be on par with other classes on a dummy parse is to use a a trick that gives deadly saber an up time of near 100%. This trick is by no means impossible, in many cases its even easy.


the First problem is that the trick isn't always possible on fights because to maintain it on a boss that isn't a pure tank n spank, it requires a specific amount of down time in the fight itself


The second problem is that a single mistake can screw you for the rest of the fight, or in case of down time, the rest of a phase.


The trick relies on pre-casting deadly saber before combat starts, so that it is off CD or 2 gcd away from being off CD so that 2 stacks can be applied to the target, refresh the buff so you again have 3 stacks, then apply the last stack to the enemy. (Deadly saber doesn't refresh when at three stacks, one it gets to three stacks another stack of the buff can't be used until the dot has finished) it can be seen here

much more clearly than i can explain it.


My proposed change is to make deadly saber a 3 change ability, with a 4s CD, cost 1 rage per charge used, and use all charges available similar to furious power.

it would:

  1. make top dps on annihilation possible on all fights
  2. less the impact of a single missed deadly saber to be inline with other classes missing an ability by 1 gcd
  3. further legitimize the new ability charge system added with 6.0


issues i can see with this are

  1. increased fury generation resulting in too much of a dps increase
  2. further increasing the already high APM


the fury generation could be a real issue, being potentially able to generate an extra 8 fury per round through the rotation, resulting in being able to use berserk with every instance of 3 stack dot on target. to solve this you could remove the rage use of deadly saber. mathematically it should even out, 3 less rage use per 3 stack means one more use of vicious slash or any other ability that uses 3 rage, and consequently generate 4 more fury, of course that's the ideal situation and real fights would likely be very different.


The APM increase would definitely be controversial, as many people don't like how high the APM of annihilation is as it stands, the highest parse being 60 APM. the solution to this is allowing it to work the same as it does now, by using all available charges. the current setup would still work, only using the ability when it has 3 charges, or you could use the charge on CD.


its possible, and even likely that many of these numbers, CD, rage cost etc. would actually need to be changed for this to not result in a huge max dps increase to happen, but i would like to hear your thoughts

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the fact annihilation white damage is capped in capped content makes it suffer a dps loss, but on dxun for example there is no issue. it is doing great numbers, even with all the contraints of not being able to recreat the sabber trick.


so for capped content use a tech/force dps if u care about dps numbers that is, and for non capped use anihilation :)


About dummy parsing, well some classes are doing nice on dummy but on operation they perform worse.


lets see after the balencing on next patch how will the overall classes stay - aparently there is no fix or nerf in anni.

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Warriors in gen just got the fu this patch yea guardians can smash for days but other than that whats good about them lol. I might be bad but what other boss than the last boss in dxun does anni/watchmen dominate in? Edited by Skummy
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