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"Give them more time..."


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WoW...a more polished and better game? give me a break, after 6 years or more its still a broken piece of poop compared to what this game is after a few days


i love how you listed all those facts to back up that argument

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if you read the thread you will see that the only ones who compare swtor with wow are the ones blindly defending this game.


i just say that there was a huge resource missmanagment.


having such a huge budget and beeing unable to provide good PVE and PVP endgame content is just wrong.


also i don't want to leave this game i want it to succeed and so do many others that criticize the game. it can only improve if you point out the problems.


Fair point, but then the next question is; what is good endgame content? How would you define it?



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Because this game has been out for less then a month, and multiple people are demanding conflicting things be added to the game, right now!


Because some of us are perfectly content with what the game has to offer right now, and are perfectly happy to wait for them to provide better/more content as we go.


Also, because some of us are mature adults and arn't part of the 'everything must be given too me immediately or else!!!' generation. Yup, I like that one best.


I second that.



Maybe it's also because some of us have played PC games for a very long time, and we're a bit more aware of how things in this industry work than those loud-mouthed "wanna-wanna-bikkit-wanna-wannit-nao"s.

Software of this magnitude simply cannot be delivered without issues. And as long as we're not complaining about the same bugs and issues three months down the road, I'm perfectly happy.


Speaking of issues. I haven't been in a server queue since last week. Anyone said sorry for giving the devs a hard time for those? Or even just nod and make a mental note of "Yeah, they fixed that for many people"?

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We are all here basically because we are tired or bored with WoW. I will never go back and we as MMO gamers are all looking for the next game to sink our teeth into for 3-5 years. Is this it, honestly at this point most people will say no. The progression to max level was too fast leaving hardcore gamers going what do I do now. Bioware has a lot of work to do in this game to make it viable for the long term.

Wow has had years of help from modders some of which Blizzard has incorporated into builds of their game allowing players to customize every aspect of their game. There are multiple websites dedicated to addons or custom UI's. Bioware won't allow this and it has frustrated the masses used to freely available modifications to the base game.

We as gamers seek answers to when development of the game will take place and since the leveling curve happened so fast the game developers can only respond with "we are looking into adding it in the future but its not high on priority list".

Bioware is a solid company who has made great story games with a defined ending and now they are trying to tackle the never ending story game and are facing the challenges that that brings.

SWTOR is a great game but has to embrace the demands of gamers or push the envelope to release content or many will look toward the next latest and greatest.

I for one hope the game succeeds as I love the Star Wars universe and the endless possibilities this game has.


That's pretty much my summation as well. I'd like to have a scenario where I'm playing TOR and GW2 as well, but we'll see.

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troll doesnt know what an opinion is, flagged

the people whining on the forums about a perfectly fine pvp are dumb, besides its mostly qq about world pvp which doesnt even matter


since the dawn of time everyone has known this game is about the story above all else. not about pvp


fact of the matter is it's already getting old and from the pve side i hear things are not much better not to mention not everyone is at 50 you know cause i can pull the 9 day excuse too right....right. This game and i'm sorry even with the alt's i'm running is already become boreing yep i said it and this is just the story. I find myself skipping cutscenes other then the new class ones course we know where this games mmo went into voices and it was good the first time however we deserve content 3 warzones omg just 3 get real least give ppl 7 warzones but 3 that's lackluster at it's finest.

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Yeah, I saw what you did there. You rehashed an already tired "rebuttal" when one points out all the problems with SWTOR. It's true, WOW had time to fix bugs over the years. But where was BW/EA during this time? In a vaccuum? As human beings we take what those who came before us made and we make it better. I mean, really, if you can't do something better than the person next to you, why do it all? And why charge someone else to watch you do it? 6 months, maybe a years down the road, SWTOR might be an awesome game to play. In the meantime, however, I'm getting real tired of dealing with all the bugs and stuff... They may not render the game technically unplayable, but they are making it unenjoyable, for me at least, and that's essentially the same thing.



You just cant fix all bugs simple as that.Even Wow after 7 years out when new patch comes out there will still be bugs that can be game breaking even if the patch was on public test server for over 3 month.This is mmo deal with it and give them some time or just leave.

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Why are people saying "blah blah blah.... give them more time..."


In X amount of time if they still haven't gotten it right, not only did they get your time but also more of your money. Its all good if your having fun, more power to you, but come on, to those trying to counter the wild fire of criticism on these forums, please.... don't say, "just give them time". If your going to say that, don't forget to include money.


And if your going to say "blah blah blah... go back to wow..." Ok... /shrug. Who would have a problem going back to a better game ;p?

Last I checked, WoW lost over 10% of their subscribers in 2011. In fact they're getting so desperate that they:

-Put Chuck Norris in a commercial for the first time.

-Added Pandas after 5+ years of delays.

-And Pokemon battles oh oops, I mean Companion battles.


But, it's ok if you think that a game that is pampered to your every need is better than one that actually challenges you to use your abilities and think about your fights is fine with me. :3


Enjoy your Kung Fu Pandas.

-Love, Dino

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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Simply put the game is pretty bad, for a lot of reasons. The fact that it's a Star Wars game and made by Bioware, brings to the table a special kind of fanboy. It's ludicrous for anyone to expect people to PAY money for a bad product in the hopes it gets fixed. Vintage EA.


It has nothing to do with maturity or patience. It's really just bad business. In a post-wow mmo market, you cannot and will not get away with a bad first month. There is a literal mmo graveyard littered with those who have tried. Bioware has in the past, attempted to make it clear that they understand the current mmo climate, but they clearly don't. This game takes backward steps in so many areas, and for what? Voice-acting and a star wars backdrop? It's enough for some, but not enough for most.

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I've given up saying "this has potential"(not speaking of swtor, just games in general). It's just too frustrating since some developers sit on a pile of gold and have no idea what to do with it and just destroy everything.


As for swtor i think it's a good game but has a lot of nasty problems. Then again, who are you trying to kid? If you played... "that other game" you'd know that it was filled with a ton of issues back at launch. My favorite problem was the warrior charge. When you used it the game would kick you out. Took them a few days/week or so to fix that.


It's the curse of mmos in general. They start out with a lot of issues and the game itself don't change much until half a year or so have passed.


I'm curious to see how many players are still playing after a month. I hope the game stays healthy with a lot of players. It is not a bad game. I wouldn't even be here spending time on the forum or playing the game if i didn't like it.

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fact of the matter is it's already getting old and from the pve side i hear things are not much better not to mention not everyone is at 50 you know cause i can pull the 9 day excuse too right....right. This game and i'm sorry even with the alt's i'm running is already become boreing yep i said it and this is just the story. I find myself skipping cutscenes other then the new class ones course we know where this games mmo went into voices and it was good the first time however we deserve content 3 warzones omg just 3 get real least give ppl 7 warzones but 3 that's lackluster at it's finest.


Based on your name, your typing and punctuation skills, and your statements in this post, I'll chose to ignore that you exist.


You "hear" that PvE side things aren't much better ? What the *** kind of statement is that ? Get some facts instead of guessing, please. Go play another game that you find interesting instead of ruining this community for the ones that loves this game and enjoy it.

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It's ludicrous for anyone to expect people to PAY money for a bad product in the hopes it gets fixed.


I'm sure that's why WoW did so bad because assuming you were around for the launch day of WoW you would know it had the worst release month.

Some of these were:


-Servers crashing for several hours a day multiple times.

-Game breaking bugs. (Not talking about game breaking like: his armor is light blue when it should be dark blue.) Game breaking as in items and entities don't load in. (Which still occurs abundantly today)

-Long server ques. (Not long ques like a gruesome 10 - 15 mins you get here, but 1 - 4 hour ques.)


WoW wouldn't be here today if people didn't "give them more time." When you actually mature enough to the point to understand not everything in life will be perfect then maybe you can see why people shouldn't criticize a game that has been out for 9 days compared to WoW's 6+ years.

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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I've given up saying "this has potential"(not speaking of swtor, just games in general). It's just too frustrating since some developers sit on a pile of gold and have no idea what to do with it and just destroy everything.


As for swtor i think it's a good game but has a lot of nasty problems. Then again, who are you trying to kid? If you played... "that other game" you'd know that it was filled with a ton of issues back at launch. My favorite problem was the warrior charge. When you used it the game would kick you out. Took them a few days/week or so to fix that.


It's the curse of mmos in general. They start out with a lot of issues and the game itself don't change much until half a year or so have passed.


I'm curious to see how many players are still playing after a month. I hope the game stays healthy with a lot of players. It is not a bad game. I wouldn't even be here spending time on the forum or playing the game if i didn't like it.



See that's the issue right there, there is a game out there that doesn't have all these problems and also has things included that this game SHOULD have had at launch, Bioware is trying to get people from said game into THEIR game so they HAVE to be able to compete from launch to make people want to stay.


Picture a new Italian restaurant opens up but there is already one in the city that people have grown to love the other one needs to come up with innovative ideas as well as having things that the other one has but maybe better.


SWTOR has 1 thing other MMOs don't and sadly voice acting will only get them so far, but they have excluded some of the basic things people enjoy from other games and neglected to fix bugs reported in alpha and beta.

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Yeah, I don't see what being mature has to do with paying money to play a game that's riddled through with bugs. Seems more like immaturity to continuously defend a broken game because it's dressed up Star Wars clothes. WoW seems to be the whipping boy for all the Star Wars fanboys, but it's a much more solid game, and trash talk WoW while lauding SWTOR is ridiculous.


This one made me laugh. ToR has some minor issues and bugs yes, but this game is by far the best launch ever seen regardless. And WoW was actually quite terrible at launch. I agree that trash talking WoW is a little pointless though, but trash talking ToR seems pointless as well.


As for this thread as a whole, I can see the OP's point...but fact is that no new mmo succeeds at launch, and because WoW has already succeeded and still going, people just go back to it. WoW was far more chaotic in the beginning but people stuck with it long enough for Blizzard to make the game worth paying for. Other mmo's typically fail because people are not giving them a chance, hence they run back to their previous mmo. And I get that. For some people its kind of hard to pay for a game they are not satisfied with. Others just cannot afford it. Personally I think the game is great so far, and I hope there will be plenty of subs along with active forums of what we would like to see in the future so that Bioware can deliver an even better game. Anyways, to each their own, cheers!

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Why are people saying "blah blah blah.... give them more time..."


In X amount of time if they still haven't gotten it right, not only did they get your time but also more of your money. Its all good if your having fun, more power to you, but come on, to those trying to counter the wild fire of criticism on these forums, please.... don't say, "just give them time". If your going to say that, don't forget to include money.


And if your going to say "blah blah blah... go back to wow..." Ok... /shrug. Who would have a problem going back to a better game ;p?




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This one made me laugh. ToR has some minor issues and bugs yes, but this game is by far the best launch ever seen regardless. And WoW was actually quite terrible at launch. I agree that trash talking WoW is a little pointless though, but trash talking ToR seems pointless as well.


As for this thread as a whole, I can see the OP's point...but fact is that no new mmo succeeds at launch, and because WoW has already succeeded and still going, people just go back to it. WoW was far more chaotic in the beginning but people stuck with it long enough for Blizzard to make the game worth paying for. Other mmo's typically fail because people are not giving them a chance, hence they run back to their previous mmo. And I get that. For some people its kind of hard to pay for a game they are not satisfied with. Others just cannot afford it. Personally I think the game is great so far, and I hope there will be plenty of subs along with active forums of what we would like to see in the future so that Bioware can deliver an even better game. Anyways, to each their own, cheers!



WoW also didn't have the level of competition nor the predecessors to look back at and see what worked, SWTOR has MANY predecessors and good competition to try and acquire other games players.

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I'm sure that's why WoW did so bad because assuming you were around for the launch day of WoW you would know it had the worst release month.

Some of these were:


-Servers crashing for several hours a day multiple times.

-Game breaking bugs. (Not talking about game breaking like: his armor is light blue when it should be dark blue.) Game breaking as in items and entities don't load in. (Which still occurs abundantly today)

-Long server ques. (Not long ques like a gruesome 10 - 15 mins you get here, but 1 - 4 hour ques.)


WoW wouldn't be here today if people didn't "give them more time." When you actually mature enough to the point to understand not everything will in life will be perfect then maybe you can see why people should criticize a game that has been for 9 days compared to WoW's 6+ years.


You, like Bioware, seem to be living on the planet earth circa 2004. WoW got away with what they did because of the mmo climate at the time. Their launch was bad, it was buggy and yet it survived. That was seven years ago, which is a long time in the gaming industry. That mindset and approach to releasing and developing an MMO is outdated and DOES NOT WORK. There are MANY examples of this being the case, some games with a similarly strong IP like Star Wars.


This game has been using it's release build for a couple of weeks, yet has been in development for years. Bioware has a lot of data at its disposal and a very real benchmark of what and what isn't acceptable through not only WoW but Age of Conan, Warhammer, Aion, EQ, Daoc, EVE and a slew of rubbish releases. EA doesn't learn from its mistakes and it's not acceptable in 2011.

Edited by iskxvx
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I think it would do a world of good if Bioware stated what was planned for the near future to help bring the game up to par.


Arguing that X game didn't have such and such feature on release is very poor excuse. If your counter-point to a claim is driven by your emotional attachment to the IP or to the developers you would do yourself and everyone else a favor by letting the devs know what things aren't going well and why. You better do it now or you want have a game to love anymore.

Edited by SwigMcJigger
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Are you serious?

I can not make a good car, that is a fact. But are you really trying to tell me that I have no right to expect a modern, operational car from the manufacturers because I can't make one myself?


I am speechless...


But you can't expect or demand a car made to your exact specifications, unless willing to pay for, or make, it yourself.

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Yeah, I don't see what being mature has to do with paying money to play a game that's riddled through with bugs. Seems more like immaturity to continuously defend a broken game because it's dressed up Star Wars clothes. WoW seems to be the whipping boy for all the Star Wars fanboys, but it's a much more solid game, and trash talk WoW while lauding SWTOR is ridiculous.


Your just dense, you look at WoW when it came out and all the bugs and lack of content that game had. Their was NO raids on release, and servers were down for hours and hours. It took them awhile to add Onyxia and then like months later a BROKEN as hell Molten Core.

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