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Shadows - dealing with spread out ranged mobs


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So my Shadow is 37th, and just got to Alderaan. Prior to this I didn't have much trouble with spread out ranged mobs. Now I go to House Teral and having multiple mobs drop in from above and I've got 4 different guys spread out and shooting at me. And basically I get through 3 or so before they kill me.

My previous characters were Sage and Commando, so ranged and some healing so this was never an issue before.

Do you guys have any suggestions for dealing with ranged spread out mobs?

Suggestions appreciated.



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I haven't done that specific mission in a long time. But a good practice in any situation like that is to LOS if possible. Especially if you are using serenity because the dot spread is very important. Kinetic combat has a couple aoe moves that would benefit as well. Infiltration only has whirling blow for aoe so it isn't as effective but it can still help
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Thanks Siko,

I'm sure its not the toughest mission in the world, but this was the first time I had any issues with missions, and can see it popping up again in the future. I basically ran out of the instance, and then came back in so they weren't all targeting me at once. I know, cheese, but better than killing a few and rezing to finish.

I'll work on my LOS tactics in the future.



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At level 37 you have several defensive and crowd control abilities to help you out: you can stun, cc (mind maze), force lift, deflection, resilience and let’s not forget force speed. You’ll also soon get low slash (infiltration) at lvl 42 and shadow stride at lvl 51. Shadows are a very mobile class. Several utilities can also boost your survivability/ control: don’t hesitate to play with them if you are having trouble with some fights. Edited by Eriamea
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Force Speed, knowing how far away your abilities can hit at, and which mob takes priority.


Everyone uses Force Speed for traveling but it is a combat ability not a stealth around quicker ability. It just takes some getting used to. When I hit this button I'm going to move like the dickens, now where am I moving to? Around that corner, behind that big tree, in range to kill those three trash with an aoe?


I wouldn't normally use Force Wave but if the boss is over here by a wall and his goons are out of range of your aoe, speed over behind them and knock them towards the boss. You're a sheepdog! Herd 'em.


And don't forget your cooldowns. Use them early and often. Even with your companion away sewing you can survive for quite a while with well timed procs and cooldowns.


Worst comes to terribad, force cloak and reset.

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