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No more defeating Vaylin solo in KOTET Chapter 9


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We shouldn't potentially have to defeat Vaylin solo for those of us that chose to release Dramath from the Sith holocron. Had I known I would have to defeat (or try to defeat her by myself), I certainly would've kept him imprisoned. It is nearly impossible to defeat Vaylin alone. She is just too strong/powerful and inflicts heavy damage even if you heal and defend yourself. You can't always find a healing circle, so that much healing is impossible in that very brief moment.
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OP, calm down and start studying and subsequently honoring the mechanics of a given fight.


You can't just run up and start smacking every mob you see like you've smacked every mob in the past and expect to be effective, especially against named mobs whose uniquely scripted mechanics require a bit of forethought before engaging, and sometimes you might die the first time in the act of figuring out those mechanics, but that's perfectly okay. You get up and study the mechanics again during the next fight.


Impossible to defeat Vaylin chapter 9?

No. That's on you. She's not one of the fubared walker fights. Work on it.

And like Steve says, worst case, grab a buddy, haul him into the instance with you, and then you won't be so hard-pressed to figure out the fight.


There's a couple chapters where I try to get a buddy to help as well, namely the stupidly broken walker fights. No shame in asking for help, but don't sit there and ask the developers to nerf every last fight you can't be bothered to figure out.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I completely support learning fights myself, but at the same time I do understand the OP's concern. the sheer lopsidedness of that one choice is far too profound. It's as simple as that.


I've ran both decisions, and it's a literal difference of cakewalk vs. extremely challenging fight with multiple wipes and lots of frustration. considering that they lead you up to this with EZ brainless mode combat in every stage of the story, it's a bit drastic to throw players into that w/o support. They should have at least made combat progressively harder and give players more opportunities to learn tactics. but instead, you go from sleep mode to extremely challenging fight.


But if you keep the NPC alive through a dark choice, then it's EZ mode just like the rest of the story. So yeah, learning difficult fights should be something worth doing. But in this case, it bars you from finishing a storyline. and again, if you choose dark side choice it's EZ mode, the difference is just too stark. They should just either give him to you either way (different conversations to reflect your earlier choice), or tone down the fight so that the choice matters less. It's not the difficulty really, it's the nature of how they punish you for making the choice.

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But in this case, it bars you from finishing a storyline.

You basically just intimated that no player in the history of SWTOR has gotten through this choice because the choice bars them from completing the storyline.


Not barred. Barred means completely unable to progress. At all. Ever.

The only people barred are people perpetually stuck in zombie mode while fighting anything and everything, and that's of their own doing. To posit that the story's overall progressive difficulty bars people from continuing is false.


Pick a different word other than barred, because people actually do get through it, and they went through the same easy combat progression through the entire course of the story leading up to that point as the OP.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Here we go again. I have done this fight 34 times. Every single time I have released Dramath so I have not had him during the Vaylin fight. Not all of my characters were super well geared. Most were in the purple 230 gear I bought with the (no longer in existence) command tokens. I've done this fight on all classes (not all specs though). It is a doable fight.


Don't put your back to the edge of the platform. Run out of the red area when she curls into a floating ball. Don't hit her unless she's in melee range. Watch out for the green healing circles; they can either heal you or if you run Vaylin into them they will stun her and do a good chunk of damage to her. Use your CDCs and self heals. Use your interrupts.

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Here we go again. I have done this fight 34 times. Every single time I have released Dramath so I have not had him during the Vaylin fight. Not all of my characters were super well geared. Most were in the purple 230 gear I bought with the (no longer in existence) command tokens. I've done this fight on all classes (not all specs though). It is a doable fight.


Don't put your back to the edge of the platform. Run out of the red area when she curls into a floating ball. Don't hit her unless she's in melee range. Watch out for the green healing circles; they can either heal you or if you run Vaylin into them they will stun her and do a good chunk of damage to her. Use your CDCs and self heals. Use your interrupts.


Agreed. Done it over 24 times and only 1 time did I keep him due to the fact my sorceress is very dark. The rest are either neutral or light. Only one of them had good gear the rest were in 230 gear.

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Vaylins tough yes and its a long fight (was for me) but I've always walked away. 1st time through my Gunslinger, I kept Dramath (Knew he would be valuable at some point) My back was against a Boulder (Think it was a rock), she couldn't push me back and she came right up to me. She was literally arms reach away. We stayed like that for a long time. I noticed both our health's were down a bit but hers was Slightly lower. At that Point I thought "Endurance Fight". Eventually it did end. Nothing spectacular at all.


The JK fight I did intend to fight the same (worked once, maybe again) It also ended just slightly differently but I don't remember anything "Super Big Happening", more or less the same as the 1st. Vaylin IS killable, keep yourself good 1st and work her down.

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