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Guild admits to hacking in lowbies


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Saw a guild admit and brag to hacking lowbies. Apparently they are new plsyers to the game.


It really was pathetic to see, especially as it was lowbies.


I so want to name and shame, but one more forum fraction will probably see me banned.


Anyway, keep an eye out for these guys on the US servers. I’m sure you’ll run into them if play lowbies because the lowbie queue is always so low

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that's sad... why would you hack lowbies O.o


I view all hacks equally bad no matter what tier the hackers are in. Lowbies, mids, 75s, w/e.


All hacks are potential gamebreakers because some people have no tolerance for a game to have rampant hacks these people will quit asap.

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I view all hacks equally bad no matter what tier the hackers are in. Lowbies, mids, 75s, w/e.


All hacks are potential gamebreakers because some people have no tolerance for a game to have rampant hacks these people will quit asap.


There is a bit more of this going on since JaZ*** made an appearance the other week. My guess is he did it to drum up some business and show what could be done.


Sadly, lots of it can be hidden or blamed on bugs because there are so god, damn, many of them now and we have more dysnc than before too.


To the untrained eye, even working out what’s a bug or feature would be difficult these days. ie, if you’re a new player, are the air vents in Hutt ball supposed to act like a Star Trek transporter or throwyou up in the air. Is operatives rolling through the floor in Hutt ball a special ability in 6.x


Of course long term players know what most of the bugs are (and some don’t). I can only imagine how many false hacking reports Bioware are getting that all related to the stupid bugs and Dysnc. Which means any legitimate reports are probably being drowned out and completely missed as CS select all hack reports and start putting them in the trash because it’s too hard to go through them all.


What we really need at the moment is for bioware to fix everything. Then we’ll know and be able to 100% identify if someone is cheating and not bombard them with false reports.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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