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Dye suggestions for cartel market & crafting.

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I'm also not sure who buys the dye modules from cartel market, since they're expensive for a single, only one-time usable dye. Done this once as I was mistaken it would be unlockable like the armors, weapons, or mounts. Especially considering how much they cost. I'd have bought more if there was a way to unlock them...


there are plenty of players out there with more money then sense.....lol, not to mention, the people that use CM items to get credits in game, etc. There'll always be a market for CM dyes

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General Faraires/Durants/Frellkas/Minsts armor dye (from Sith Warrior Classquest on Taris)

Syo Bakarns armor dye

Jaric Kaedans armor dye

Kellian Jarros armor dye

Grand Marshal Chekettas armor dye


Republic Soldiers armor dye (orange/white and blue/white)


Orgus Din's armor dye


Red/Red armor dye

Edited by Jesseriah
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  • 4 weeks later...
Dear Dev team, Happy New Year,


I’ve a suggestion for introducing more dyes.


Next time you are looking at making some new Cartel Market dyes, please consider making some dyes that missed out on having the opposite colour slots and combinations added in the past.


This is just and example, there are no dyes with pale pink as the primary dye. All the dyes with pale pink in them are secondary, ie, There is a Pale blue and pale pink dye, but no pale pink and pale blue dye. There is actually no dye at all that has pale pink in the primary slot.


As well as cartel market dyes, how about throwing crafters a bone for some of the crafted dyes that also don’t have a corresponding dye.


This is also just an example, there is no corresponding light pink dye. The only version is a dye that has a secondary pink in it, white and light pink dye.


As well as adding in the corresponding dyes for both the current dyes available (cartel market and crafting alike), you could add more secondary dyes to “craft”. We don’t really need new colours created, just options to craft a larger selection of secondary and primary dyes from the current range of dye combination colours in the “crafting catalogue”


I’m sure with some more dyes and balanced out catalogues between the available crafted dyes and the available cartel market dyes, more players will buy more items from the CM or GTN to update their current outfits and possibly buy new ones.


Some examples of the crafted dyes that don’t have a corresponding colour are :


White and Light Pink

White and medium red

White and pale green

Black and pale yellow


While many dyes do have a corresponding colour or another dye has a combo that you can mix and match from, many don’t and this is something my wife has requested I pass onto you because she spends 50% of her time playing around with outfits and buying different dyes to make new looks. “Space barbies”.


I hope this is something you can do in the future after any bugs are squashed and other important stuff is sorted out. Ideally, this could be done when you were planning to make new CM dyes anyway and you can tack on these extra versions of older dyes too. That is, as long as it’s not too hard or time consuming and wouldn’t eat into content development or bug fixes.


One other request from her is more a QOL request with regards to collections. She would like to be able to remove one piece of a set at a time and not the whole Armor set in one go. That way she doesn’t have to spend a bunch of time destroying the items in the set she doesn’t need for the outfit she is building.


Anyway, these are just some suggestions. They aren’t a priority as much as a wish list.


Edit: If I need to post this in the suggestion box, please let me know.


Really need more dye options. I mean different shades of black&________ whatever colors (not just one color fits all (shades))

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Orgus Din's armor dye


Red/Red armor dye


Just a side note, with red colors it's kind of easy to get a suit of all red/red because there are a few decent red chest pieces already.


There's both a pri/sec single red dye slot so you can turn a part red piece into red/red every time. But yes, a red/red dye would simplify this and give tons more options for a red/red suit.

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  • 6 months later...

My list of dyes that I would love to see implemented.


General Faraires/Durants/Frellkas/Minsts armor dye (from Sith Warrior Classquest on Taris)

Syo Bakarns armor dye (Its like a fawn/redbrown'ish)

Jaric Kaedans armor dye

Grand Marshal Chekettas armor dye (Redbrown/Tawny it seems)

Kellian Jarro's armor dye

Orgus Din's/Sedoya Senn's armor dye


Republic Soldiers armor dye (orange/white and blue/white)


Red/Red armor dye


All of the above mentioned armor dyes can be seen at Jedipedia NPCs. I guess Devs can look it up in their database.


I also suggest to make the GSF ship-dyes available for armor dyes.


Edited by Jesseriah
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  • 1 month later...

Some i'd personally like to see :


Using the same Dark Blue as the dark blue / grey dye (because i find that particular shade of dark blue gorgeous on most outfits i tried it on) :

  • Primary Dark Blue
  • Secondary Dark Blue
  • Dark Blue / Dark Blue
  • Dark Blue / Dark Brown (a shade similar to the brown in the Adept pilot dye would be perfect)
  • and the reverse Dark Brown / Dark Blue


Using the same "Deep Blue" (which really looks teal to me) as in the Hyperspace Light Blue and Deep Blue module :

  • the reverse version : Hyperspace Deep Blue / Light Blue
  • Primary Deep Blue (can rename that deep blue to teal or whatever on any of these suggested dyes to not have a duplicate name with the already existing primary deep blue" that has a very different color)
  • Secondary Deep Blue
  • Deep Blue / Dark Brown (again similar to the adept pilot's one would be perfect - so a combo that would be somewhat similar to the default colour of the Force Apprentice armor set
  • and the reverse Dark Brown / Deep Blue
  • Deep Blue / Black
  • and the reverse Black / Deep Blue

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I would really like to see more dyes available as primary and secondary dyes. The current choices are super limited. I'd go as far as saying I'd like to see ALL colors available individuallybut thats a big ask. As much as I absolutely loved the new Artifice dyes Dark Blue/Gray/Gray Dark Blue I felt like only giving those 2 for the 600-700 jump in crafting seemed...underwhelming. Give us those two minimum as Primary and Secondary and I'd be happier.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think its time that the dyes-section in the CM and especially the crafted ones gets updated. I feel like that we have way to many Black, Grey, Violet, Pink and bright dyes in general. Like every third dye is a "Black/X" dye. Personally I miss the authentic dyes like we see on many existing NPCs (and many good ones got mentioned in this thread already).


I don't know why anyone should need 10~ different Pink/Bright Green/Yellow/Black/Bright Orange dyes. A system where we could copy dyes from existing NPC armors or something would also be cool I guess.

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I think its time that the dyes-section in the CM and especially the crafted ones gets updated. I feel like that we have way to many Black, Grey, Violet, Pink and bright dyes in general. Like every third dye is a "Black/X" dye. Personally I miss the authentic dyes like we see on many existing NPCs (and many good ones got mentioned in this thread already).


I don't know why anyone should need 10~ different Pink/Bright Green/Yellow/Black/Bright Orange dyes. A system where we could copy dyes from existing NPC armors or something would also be cool I guess.


i like to see that also but the problem you get then is people are selling and buying then from the GTN to unlock it to the collections.

but what is think more better is that the old Cartal Market Dye's become at some point craftable that since some off then are not on the Cartal Market any more that there most become able for craft more since there are not on the Cartal Market any more.

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i like to see that also but the problem you get then is people are selling and buying then from the GTN to unlock it to the collections.

but what is think more better is that the old Cartal Market Dye's become at some point craftable that since some off then are not on the Cartal Market any more that there most become able for craft more since there are not on the Cartal Market any more.


You can't unlock dyes in collections.

The old CM dyes aren't gone, like other stuff on the CM, it gets rotated out. They'll be rotated back in at some stage, or pop up in a sale, etc. So I can't see them making them craftable.

I'd love to see new dyes, both cm and craftable, bright colours, and mixes of ones we don't already have. Even a possibilities of 3 colours, like they did with the lightsaber crystals. No idea if that would be possible, but I like the ide :)

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You can't unlock dyes in collections.

The old CM dyes aren't gone, like other stuff on the CM, it gets rotated out. They'll be rotated back in at some stage, or pop up in a sale, etc. So I can't see them making them craftable.

I'd love to see new dyes, both cm and craftable, bright colours, and mixes of ones we don't already have. Even a possibilities of 3 colours, like they did with the lightsaber crystals. No idea if that would be possible, but I like the ide :)


i like to see more new craftable dye's to keep the belance good to have also some good craftable dye's and not only the CM's are the best.


some dye's like the black/black dye is something there gone bring back for a sort limit off time.

but that at some point if there keep adding new dye's in the CM then at some point you cant rotate then any more since there are to many and thats why if there make some off the old CM dye's now craftable then its more a win/win.

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some dye's like the black/black dye is something there gone bring back for a sort limit off time.

but that at some point if there keep adding new dye's in the CM then at some point you cant rotate then any more since there are to many and thats why if there make some off the old CM dye's now craftable then its more a win/win.


They'll always be able to rotate them, just look at the armour sets, the dyes rotating in and out, would be the same.

They'll never make CM dyes craftable, but they might make lighter or dark varieties though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the next update (6.2.1) is already on the PTS and yet there is still no sign of any update on new dyes in the CM section or via the Artifice crewskill, I would like to requote myself to keep BW on track that dyes are as important as new armors and other cosmetical stuff and it's time to add more of them for more variety :)


My list of dyes that I would love to see implemented.


General Faraires/Durants/Frellkas/Minsts armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/general-durant)

Syo Bakarns armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/master-syo-bakarn-3)

Jaric Kaedans armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/master-jaric-kaedan-8)

Grand Marshal Chekettas armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/grand-marshal-cheketta)

Kellian Jarro's armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/kellian-jarro)

Orgus Din's/Sedoya Senn's armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/sedoya-senn)


Republic Soldiers armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/republic-soldier-36 and https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/schrauber-3)


Red/Red armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/darth-kallous-2)


All of the above mentioned armor dyes can be seen at Jedipedia NPCs. Also I suggest more authentic dyes that we can see on NPCs in SWTOR in general.


I also suggest to make the GSF ship-dyes available for armor dyes.

Edited by Jesseriah
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks alot for the two new dyes in the CM! Ancient Warrior Light Blue/Red and its mirror! I realized it's one of the old lvl 50 dyes (Master Shanji-vru on the rep fleet uses it). They both look awesome, appreciate it alot! It's nice to see that we get more of these more authentic dyes :)


Look my posts above for more of these authentic NPC dyes :)

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