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you can't have your cake and eat it lmao, if you wanna leave then do so, who cares


complaining that other players queue for flashpoints they like and you end up in a group with them when you don't deselect the flashpoints you don't wanna play is your own fault


That's the thing. I leave HS because I don't want to do it, but Kendra has a problem with that. Big enough to start harassing me about it here and make it personal. Nobody else couldn't care less if someone leaves a HS group or not, as it will only benefit the group if someone leaves. I'd say only someone who needs a carry through a HS should have a problem with someone dropping the group.

Edited by DeannaVoyager
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A companion is not better than an actual good player. Although a comp will be better than a bad player.

A companion at a high enough rank is even better than an average player. I think that it's fair to not assume that most people in the VM queue are good players.


I certainly don't mind getting one of my comps out when a player leaves. It tends to make the run a lot smoother from my experience.

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You are.


Lol sure, I don't know how to argue when no point is made. I say we're pretty even, personally, and neither of us has reached to the extent of "bullying". At least I am taking responsibility for my actions, unlike someone else in this conversation.


That's the thing. I leave HS because I don't want to do it, but Kendra has a problem with that. Big enough to start harassing me about it here and make it personal. Nobody else couldn't care less if someone leaves a HS group or not, as it will only benefit the group if someone leaves. I'd say only someone who needs a carry through a HS should have a problem with someone dropping the group.


And RikuvonDrake was actually agreeing with me, along with several others in this thread. Statistically meaningless sample size, but where are your supporters, eh?


PS: I'm not even playing the game at the moment because of the introduction of the new augments. I'm having this debate purely to point out the real issue is BWs endgame design, because apparently I like beating a dead horse.

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Lol sure, I don't know how to argue when no point is made. I say we're pretty even, personally, and neither of us has reached to the extent of "bullying". At least I am taking responsibility for my actions, unlike someone else in this conversation.




And RikuvonDrake was actually agreeing with me, along with several others in this thread. Statistically meaningless sample size, but where are your supporters, eh?


PS: I'm not even playing the game at the moment because of the introduction of the new augments. I'm having this debate purely to point out the real issue is BWs endgame design, because apparently I like beating a dead horse.


Riku also said "nobody cares if someone leaves a group" (sorry, too busy to get the exact quote). And we've had multiple threads where people have complained about the HS farming. So if you are trying to use someone else's responses as your arguments, at least get the whole thing, don't go cherry picking.


But yeah, if you are not even playing the game, explains why you have time to harass me.

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Riku also said "nobody cares if someone leaves a group" (sorry, too busy to get the exact quote). And we've had multiple threads where people have complained about the HS farming. So if you are trying to use someone else's responses as your arguments, at least get the whole thing, don't go cherry picking.


But yeah, if you are not even playing the game, explains why you have time to harass me.



And ive said I dont mind people quitting when groups proved incompetent or rude, etc. Which is similar to the situations he laid out for leaving.


What I have an issue with is very specifically quitting a group for something you did in fact queue for, when there is a method for not getting certain FPs, while complaining that other people who are queuing for what they want are ruining your experience.


As for harassment, how have either of us crossed that line? I was under the impression we merely were having an open disagreement. The worst I have done is calling you a hypocrite; ill rephrase: it is hypocritical to leave a group for something you queued for, thus potentially ruining other people's experience, while simultaneously claiming you're doing because they are ruining your experience. The action is what I consider hypocritical.


You have called me a bully and accused me of harassment, neither of which is my intent. I merely am here to present the opposing argument, and lay the blame at the feet of BW, not the farmers. If I have bullied anyone on this forum (which I really haven't) it would be Eric Musco.


Finally, as for the time factor: I'm sorry I didn't reply within 7 minutes of your response but I was out running to enjoy the first day of nice weather Phoenix has had since like February. Perhaps its surprising but I do have a life outside of swtor.

Edited by KendraP
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That's the thing. I leave HS because I don't want to do it, but Kendra has a problem with that. Big enough to start harassing me about it here and make it personal. Nobody else couldn't care less if someone leaves a HS group or not, as it will only benefit the group if someone leaves. I'd say only someone who needs a carry through a HS should have a problem with someone dropping the group.

Kendra has a right to have a problem with that, but that shouldn't really bother you if someone on the internet disagrees with you.


In the end queueing for something and then not doing it can be considered rude. And in the end you did sign up for it because you wanted the reward for choosing random. So really what you want is to get the reward for something and not do it when you don't like the FP you want. At the same time BW has set things up in a way that it encourages that behaviour. So I understand your reasons for it, but I also understand Kendra's point.


Still, all of us put the main blame with BW because they did create a set up that encourages said behaviour and that's on them.

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I don't see what the guy's problem with HS players is specifically. That so many of them are jerks or don't even know how to use their mouse? To the point that he knows the fellow group members will ruin the FP for him? If I quit/uncheck HS, it's only because I'm sick of random group finder becoming Hammer Station Finder; I'd like my weekly to have at least one completion under its belt that shows I lifted a finger to finish the thing.


The HS players in particular should not be as big an annoyance for Mr. HS Quitter to put up as huge a tantrum as he is. Given why most people are spamming it, most of them will at the very least be quiet and breeze through it without any drama (though that has its own annoyances when you aren't hopped up like they are and can't keep up).


And that's all I want from my random pops, I don't give a dump if it's HS, KDY, Nathema, or Meridian. If people will shut up and show they're capable by giving it the old college try then I'll soldier through it. Insta-quitters deserve all the hate the forums can throw at them.

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And ive said I dont mind people quitting when groups proved incompetent or rude, etc. Which is similar to the situations he laid out for leaving.


What I have an issue with is very specifically quitting a group for something you did in fact queue for, when there is a method for not getting certain FPs, while complaining that other people who are queuing for what they want are ruining your experience.


You still don't seem to get it. I want random flashpoints except for HS (because of the type of people farming it). Unticking doesn't give me the random reward. However I never leave harder flashpoints, and if I encounter a newbie there, I will teach them the mechanics, let them have their chance of learning it even when it takes several wipes, because that's how people learn. That's how I learned. I'm not going to settle for less rewards (by unticking HS) when I'm ready, willing and able to spend even an hour in something more difficult.


What comes to ruining other people's experiences, by leaving HS I am not ruining anyone's experience: they get to use a companion, they benefit from it. That's a fact that even you can't deny. So there is absolutely no need trying to chew me out for something that is allowed in the game. It may be discouraged with the lockout penalty, but it's certainly allowed. Hence your crusade against me feels like harassment, whether you intended it or not. You are trying to make it look like an Issue, which it is not. I'm always happy when someone drops a group they don't want to be a part of, so I can pull a companion. If we need four players for the mechanics, we q for a replacement and the "Issue" is resolved within 15-30 seconds.

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You still don't seem to get it. I want random flashpoints except for HS (because of the type of people farming it). Unticking doesn't give me the random reward. However I never leave harder flashpoints, and if I encounter a newbie there, I will teach them the mechanics, let them have their chance of learning it even when it takes several wipes, because that's how people learn. That's how I learned. I'm not going to settle for less rewards (by unticking HS) when I'm ready, willing and able to spend even an hour in something more difficult.

I do get that you want to do things not hammer station, which is fine, and actually I would say good. I also get you want the reward for doing random.


Thats the thing though, the reward is for people who are willing to do whatever pops, be it hammer station 50 times in a row or not. If you're not willing to do something that can pop, you shouldn't get the reward.


What comes to ruining other people's experiences, by leaving HS I am not ruining anyone's experience: they get to use a companion, they benefit from it. That's a fact that even you can't deny. So there is absolutely no need trying to chew me out for something that is allowed in the game. It may be discouraged with the lockout penalty, but it's certainly allowed. Hence your crusade against me feels like harassment, whether you intended it or not. You are trying to make it look like an Issue, which it is not. I'm always happy when someone drops a group they don't want to be a part of, so I can pull a companion. If we need four players for the mechanics, we q for a replacement and the "Issue" is resolved within 15-30 seconds.


By your logic, you should also benefit from hammer runs being dominant because you get the random reward for doing an easy FP frequently.


If I wanted to run with a companion, I wouldn't have queued for gf in the first place. I dont need a group to complete vet HS (heck, when I farm personally. I don't use gf, I use solo or duo stealth reaper).


I have no crusade against you, personally. I have an issue with rude behavior in gf generally, whether its raging on other people or insta dropping.


And to reiterate (and drive home the point to BW) I agree HS pops too frequently. It's a problem of game design, not player queuing, however.

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I do get that you want to do things not hammer station, which is fine, and actually I would say good. I also get you want the reward for doing random.


Thats the thing though, the reward is for people who are willing to do whatever pops, be it hammer station 50 times in a row or not. If you're not willing to do something that can pop, you shouldn't get the reward.


And I'm not getting the reward when I leave HS, as it should be. However I'm not going settle for less rewards when I want to do random fps. HS popping 50 times in row is not random.



By your logic, you should also benefit from hammer runs being dominant because you get the random reward for doing an easy FP frequently.


If I wanted to run with a companion, I wouldn't have queued for gf in the first place. I dont need a group to complete vet HS (heck, when I farm personally. I don't use gf, I use solo or duo stealth reaper).


I have no crusade against you, personally. I have an issue with rude behavior in gf generally, whether its raging on other people or insta dropping.


And to reiterate (and drive home the point to BW) I agree HS pops too frequently. It's a problem of game design, not player queuing, however.


The game is not only about getting rewards or other benefits. I also want it to be fun, and HS 50 times in a row is not fun. In fact I can't even think of anything that would be a good enough in-game reward for running 50x HS. I might do it for some real money, but even that would have to be a lot, like something with 6-7 digits.


I was okay to do KP farm for a couple of weekends pretty much non stop. There was a goal that I knew I could reach, and then it would be over. It was also my choice to do it, no-one else made that decision for me. With HS in group finder there is no goal and no end to it. It will continue until BW does something about it, and I don't see that happening.


As long as that is the case, people will keep dropping groups they don't want to be in, and they have every right to do so.

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