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The Real truth why 95 % content only scale to level 70 and what that means for future


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And these "tertiary" stats was proven scaling the way you say and the difference from level 70 gear was tested, measured and documented with exactly which "addon" or DPS "meter" for SWTOR ? Please please remind me :-)


its called character sheet.... jesus....

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just tested this with bolster, too...


yep mastery does not go beyond 12,469....


thats really really stupid....


Leaving the game scaling to the level of a PREVIOUS expansions is STUPID beyond belief ....


It's like telling everyone they can only drive 10 km an hour in their new cars because we once had horse carriages and the government are to inept or cant be bothered to fix the many holes and bumps in the roads.


Leaving scaling at level 70 was a momentous disastrous decision or even worse because there are no talented programmers left on the SWTOR dev team that knows what's up and down in the spaghetti code they gave up on fixing this and so when (if ever) we get to level 80 one day the game is still at level 70...anyone thinking this is even remotely ok should really take a hard look in the mirror. But hey ! The SWTOR team still has an army of white knight fanbois in here defending this disastrous level scaling so all will be great, don't worry .! ;-)

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its called character sheet.... jesus....


Thursday when someone in my guild asked about what actually scales and not in PVP with 6.0 they got that same kind of snarky, no actual answer, besserwisser, yet zero actual proof In any shape or form.


This speaks volumes about the situation of this "scaling" and the white knights out of any answers of substance and actual mathematical calculations of DPS and new scaling.


It really starts to look that nobody did exactly that, accurate testing with irrefutable results, as it was done in 5.0 and 4.0 etc. Just feelings what they perceive about their DPS, and then getting aggressive when people ask what data their claims about new gear and scaling and if it actual improves their character at all in resllity, is built on.

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Thursday when someone in my guild asked about what actually scales and not in PVP with 6.0 they got that same kind of snarky, no actual answer, besserwisser, yet zero actual proof In any shape or form.


This speaks volumes about the situation of this "scaling" and the white knights out of any answers of substance and actual mathematical calculations of DPS and new scaling.


take your lvl 70 gear.. go to any fp of your choice.... and read your stats!


too difficult for you??

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take your lvl 70 gear.. go to any fp of your choice.... and read your stats!


too difficult for you??


And because the numbers say something that means your character ACTUALLY improves by that much (or little) ?


Because it's not like there has never been abysmal bugs and wrong combat modifiers in this games history right ?


Why is there no DPS meter like ANY other gear based game ???


Why has nobody analyzed combat logs in 6.0 to see if the total numbers add up to the numbers reported and the actual damage done to a player or mob before they got to zero HP (as a baseline for meassurement) ?


Sorry but at this point these are very valid questions that deserve to get actual measured and proven or disproved.


I think a this point nobody has actually done any such testing, and all just quote or repeat something they heard from someone else who also did not do any actual tasting since 6.0, but based on "feelings" and perception or by what their tooltips say (that have been known to be wrong for many classes and abilities throughout this games history)

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first of all... if you dont even know starparse then i think i cant help you....

2nd .... i made a screenshot for you as you seem not to be able to check things on your own....


the character has optimised stats for lvl 70... and then have a look at acc, alac, and crit....






You just repeated your previous answer and it still does not adress any of the question of reported numbers in tooltips and charactersheet versus actual measured and thoroughly tested and vetted numbers of actual combat on mobs and players.


The only thing that closed here is your mind.


Duffy is not around anymore, and neither Vullk or Mmobits or any other SWTOR site has done or even reprinted any such actual test by themselves or any of the reputable streamers or veteran players at this point.


But let's grab a screenshot showing character stats .that have been wrong and showing wrong values including in tooltipsmany times in the games history, and use that as final proof ! Simply "brilliant" and very scientific testing.

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yes everything is wrong allways... starparse is lying...


if it says you have 105 % acc you sure have a random number generated by witches by brewing a soup made out of bantha corpse freshly found on ilum....


come on...[/quote


Again many times both these values as well as ability values and their tooltips have been wrong throughout the games history, especially so after a new expansion, where the devs yet again broke something new in the spaghetti code.


Why should it be any different all of a sudden after 8 years ?


Further You post a screenshot of stats conditions same as new Ops and FP, where we know they work, this whole thread is about the 95 % other content that did not get properly scaled up in 6.0 and where gear above the old level 70 gear has been made totally pointless.


To believe these values are all correct and that nothing serious broke mechanically, when it happened every f$$$$ time for every expansion over the last 8 years, is well...let's just call it very naive.

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go ahead get starparse and test yourself....


if you are not willing to do that then please stop complaining...



Did test Starparse with old level 70 gear and new level 75 , 306 gear in new augments, and with and without stimson and adrenals.


There is no difference at all between the new and old gear in all the content that stayed at level 70 (more than 95b% of all the content) which is what this thread was about from the title and first post.

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This thread is a joke.. you make a claim, don't back it with any data and essentially ask for someone else to do the work for you. If anyone attempts to respond constructively, you become condescending. You accuse others of repeating themselves while you repeat yourself multiple times. How is any of this remotely constructive, for anyone?!
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hammerstation first boss vm...






i am not the best sage but if thats not sufficient you are a lost case....


Where is the second parsely log ?


So you used a recorded macro sequence for both times you did the boss to make sure you got the same predisposition the same both times and so the two can actually be compared ? Or it was again just done in slump per "feeling " and comparing two different predisposition and data baselines.

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Where is the second parsely log ?


So you used a recorded macro sequence for both times you did the boss to make sure you got the same predisposition the same both times and so the two can actually be compared ? Or it was again just done in slump per "feeling "


you sir are a joke and i am done dealing with you

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you sir are a joke and i am done dealing with you


Cant mathematically prove your point so we turn to ad hominem and character assault :rolleyes: and walk away stamping Your feet like a child in kindergarten..... very similar to the response my guildmate got when he asked about the scaling in 6.0 in the PVP forum.


No wonder people are leaving this game or players that play actual quallity MMOs with competent programmers and a clean code ridicule SWTOR and part of its community.

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just tested this with bolster, too...


yep mastery seems to behave strange... the worse your augments the higer the mastery stat..


thats really really stupid....


Jesus christ...when this bolster will start to work properly

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So mastery and power stats are useless ?


Please tell me how to gear for PVP in 6.0 as there isn't any info, guide anywhere on it. Proper information,.....


Also, please provide proof that you are right and this is the case.


This is exactly been my point! As i already mentioned not only does it not make sense to gear at all if you don't do the new Ops or fp and so there is zero incentive to improve your characters, also not scaling content to level 75 is THE biggest mistake by Bioware in SWTORs history if not admitting finally defeat by the devs that they cant even scale the content for new level cap anymore, in which case that is giving up on further development of the game.


And as You mentioned this totally idiotic "scaling" failure has spillover effect into other areas such as power and mastery being totally and completely worthless in PVP, further we always had a PVP guide for new expansion about bolster in PVP after max 2 weeks after a new expansion came out.


As the game is now TOTALLY broken regarding bolster and scaling (yes obviously the broken scaling also affects bolster) nobody has been able to do this kind of new bolster guide.


Further the few PVP players that figured out some of this keep it for themselves, as they think it should be a "trade secret" :rolleyes:


All the whiteknight fanbois can defend Bioware all they want and stamp their feet. There has been countless major bugs through this games troubled 8 years lifespan, but giving up on scaling content to current level cap and making it relevant and so also making gearing irellevant relevant, is a very big deal, it's the biggest threat to this games future survival to date.

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This is exactly been my point! As i already mentioned not only does it not make sense to gear at all if you don't do the new Ops or fp and so there is zero incentive to improve your characters, also not scaling content to level 75 is THE biggest mistake by Bioware in SWTORs history if not admitting finally defeat by the devs that they cant even scale the content for new level cap anymore, in which case that is giving up on further development of the game.


And as You mentioned this totally idiotic "scaling" failure has spillover effect into other areas such as power and mastery being totally and completely worthless in PVP, further we always had a PVP guide for new expansion about bolster in PVP after max 2 weeks after a new expansion came out.


As the game is now TOTALLY broken regarding bolster and scaling (yes obviously the broken scaling also affects bolster) nobody has been able to do this kind of new bolster guide.


Further the few PVP players that figured out some of this keep it for themselves, as they think it should be a "trade secret" :rolleyes:


All the whiteknight fanbois can defend Bioware all they want and stamp their feet. There has been countless major bugs through this games troubled 8 years lifespan, but giving up on scaling content to current level cap and making it relevant and so also making gearing irellevant relevant, is a very big deal, it's the biggest threat to this games future survival to date.

Although I agree that there are problems as you describe, it's most certainly not the biggest mistake they ever made. Go back to launch and see the disaster that caused 80% of the initial player base to leave and cause TWO rounds of server merges in a matter of months. They had to do that and bring in F2P and the Cartel Market to turn things around and keep the game alive. Nothing threatened the game's existence more than that time and their disastrous decision to not flesh out endgame enough and have such low QoL standards that it couldn't compete properly with other games. I mean we had to wait years to get legacy storage...


People also wanted more content and with 4.0 the game FOR THE FIRST TIME upped all existing ops and fp's to max level. Bac then that was considered a mistake because it was just a stop gap for not adding enough content. In fact none of the expansions ever had the size that could compete with other MMOs of name out there. Although 4.0 brought back a lot of players with the promise of story, a lot of people left because of this decision to up all content and the story people didn't stay.


Then to add insult to injury there was 5.0 with the disastrous release of Galactic Command that drove away even more people and this led to the most recent server merges. For months before people told BW to not do this system and why. They did it anyway and it was a disaster for the game. I also never saw BW move so quickly on livestreams and promises of change as just after they released 5.0. They knew they screwed up but still didn't expect as much backlash as they got for it.


So by comparison, I'd say that the current level lock and gearing system does constitute a big issue but not as destructive as the moments I've mentioned above. A lot of us in 2012 didn't expect SWTOR to make it to the end of the year as it was and I still see 5.0 as a much bigger disaster than this.


I will say that this game will need more content soon but that's always been the main issue in this game...the slow release of content in too small packages. And with that they haven't had a decent reward system in game since 5.0 came out.


The irony is that with as little content as there is for level 75, I don't see much going on with regards to the new ops as it is. I rarely see a group wanting to do it and though I'm sure that the guilds that raid more centrally do have guild runs, it doesn't seem it has reached the larger population of the game. So although I agree with you that in the context of today it was a mistake to keep content at level 70, the main reason and issue is the lack of new content at level 75 and a reward system that doesn't inspire people to do operations... cause you don't need to do them to get better gear.

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