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Republic Odessen: Who's your vote for Senator?


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So Imperial Odessen has the former Alliance Commander as some kind of representative to the Empire, either on the Dark Council, Keeper, or part of the Empress'/eror's Hand. When joining the Republic however, Odessen will be getting representation in the Senate. Who do you think will be Odessen's Senator, and if you could pick, who would it be?
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Theron Shan


He can't go back to SIS. Too much bad blood history with them. However, he has the experience of dealing with bureaucracy, secrecy, politics, conspiracy, manipulation, and generic shenanigans that will come with the job of Senator. There will be Senators who want to fawn over the former Alliance planet, those who resent the Alliance planet and want to see it humiliated and weakened, and those who want to take advantage of the newcomer. Theron Shan can see through all that.


Additional cynical reason: It gets him off Odessen. Not everyone is so forgiving of his betrayal that wasn't one. Most people don't know the full story of what truly happened. They'll accept the Commander's forgiveness, but the mistrust or animosity is still there. It's best not to give the people a continuous reminder and let them focus on transitioning from a military alliance to a Home Planet.


Additional bias reason: He's the husband of my Jedi Knight who will be on Coruscant rebuilding the Jedi Order. They get to live together happily ever after, at least until the next game crisis is published that gets them into action.

Edited by Hadsil
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Send Arcann just to mock everyone. /s


Theron isn't a bad choice i guess. Though i would assume, that he hates politics. Still he has more connection with the Republic, than anyone else.


To be honest i really have no idea. There aren't any real politican in the alliance we know about. Maybe that republic senator, or Imperial moff you rescue in the main story from the lone Eternal Fleet ship. Shortly after SCORPIO "dies".

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I really don't see Theron as a Senator : he doesn't like politics, and is more of a field agent than an office worker, and clearly state during Onslaught that he doesn't like meetings. He'd probably get bored to death being a Senator...


Lana could probably be a good choice, but she's a Sith, so not sure the Republic would be very happy with her.


Arcann is used to politics and the likes, but not sure he'd be a good choice either as he'd probably not be welcomed with open arms by the Republic...


I honnestly don't see who could be a good choice as a Senator among the characters available to all classes.

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Skadge, of course...


Seriously, I'm not sure how much "The Republic won't like it" matters, I assume that member planets choose Senators as they like, and it's just too bad if "The Republic" doesn't like it. Obviously it would make diplomacy that much harder.


For the most "What the heck, but still not necessarily unreasonable" option, I'd go for Sana-Rae. Imagine the Galactic Hero, leader of a new Republic world, coming up to the podium with a Sith as their right-hand woman, and announcing a Voss as their Senator.

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Experience with politics, and a decent relationship with the Republic...


Hmm, if I could choose based on those parameters, I think I'd choose Senya. As Valkorian's ex-husband, she probably does have some knowledge of politics. Plus, she helped out during the war with Zakuul, so I imagine she does have fans in the Republic.

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Experience with politics, and a decent relationship with the Republic...


Hmm, if I could choose based on those parameters, I think I'd choose Senya. As Valkorian's ex-husband, she probably does have some knowledge of politics. Plus, she helped out during the war with Zakuul, so I imagine she does have fans in the Republic.


Definitely Senya (for those characters who didn't kill her).


Theron hates politics and Lana would rather stay close to the PC, so they're both out.

Aygo's still the admiral of the fleet (or else probably invited to return to his previous Republic post), so he's out (though I think he'd do a decent job of it).


Not sure who else would be a good candidate, tbh.

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Theron may hate politics, but he pledged to do anything to make up for his actions and meant it. Especially if you married him he'll endure politics to remain at your side on Coruscant. Politics would be far from the worst thing he ever had to experience. He'd definitely try to get on the Republic Intelligence Committee or whatever the Senate oversight of SIS. That would be fun for him.
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