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I Love Corso Riggs


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Seriously, you call me sad and proceed to say things like that?

Let me try to explain, not sure you'll understand my point, and also my may be different than quoted persons one, but anyway.


"Things like that" actually got nothing to do with "man made of pixels".;)


But "hating" of all kinds does. I just cant imagine someone sitting and making serious fic about how s\he really hates this NPC. It just does not work like that. When you love something, you create, and it's your creation that you love (no matter if you understand it or not). But hating is more...objective. It has plain reasons (like harpoon or mismatch in alignments or a haircut). Its kinda paradox - but when you "love" - you love image of a man (no matter where and how he exists), when you "hate" - you hate 3 inches of pixels for some in-game mechanical reasons. RL stuff works same way, btw. You love more or less "imagined" person, and you "hate" some special features, if you do.


So, I'd say loving fictional person is somewhat ok...but hating - is not. :rolleyes:

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Let me try to explain, not sure you'll understand my point, and also my may be different than quoted persons one, but anyway.


"Things like that" actually got nothing to do with "man made of pixels".;)


But "hating" of all kinds does. I just cant imagine someone sitting and making serious fic about how s\he really hates this NPC. It just does not work like that. When you love something, you create, and it's your creation that you love (no matter if you understand it or not). But hating is more...objective. It has plain reasons (like harpoon or mismatch in alignments or a haircut). Its kinda paradox - but when you "love" - you love image of a man (no matter where and how he exists), when you "hate" - you hate 3 inches of pixels for some in-game mechanical reasons. RL stuff works same way, btw. You love more or less "imagined" person, and you "hate" some special features, if you do.


So, I'd say loving fictional person is somewhat ok...but hating - is not. :rolleyes:


Wow, really?

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Seriously, you call me sad and proceed to say things like that?


Sure. I'm able to dream in 6 hour long full color movies about everything from lightsaber duels to flying around in my smuggler's ship. Is it any surprise that my favorite companions show up in my dreams as well? I've always been proud of my imagination and my ability to see things like that when asleep as well as awake, and I feel bad for people who are lacking.


If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be able to write the way I do. So they DO compliment my dreams, in fact they probably help inspire some of them.


Of course, I'm not sure what inspired the dream I had last night about driving my car at 200 mph down the highway and pulling some grand theft auto crap when the cops were chasing me.


Well, maybe GTA inspired it.

Edited by silvershadows
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Hi. I saw the message earlier in the thread about missing the chance to have a romance with Corso if you don't flirt with him that time when he's drunk. Is that really true? I actually wanted to have the relationship with him, but I told him to sleep it off. I didn't think it was important, and I didn't want to feel like I was taking advantage of him. I'm lvl46 now and have almost 6k affection with him. Will I ever get a second chance?


It's kind of awkward now because he gets jealous when he sees me flirt with anyone else, and even said he wished I would flirt with him, but I never have the option to. It's not as if I've refused him or anything. I'm not sure what to do.

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Hi. I saw the message earlier in the thread about missing the chance to have a romance with Corso if you don't flirt with him that time when he's drunk. Is that really true? I actually wanted to have the relationship with him, but I told him to sleep it off. I didn't think it was important, and I didn't want to feel like I was taking advantage of him. I'm lvl46 now and have almost 6k affection with him. Will I ever get a second chance?


It's kind of awkward now because he gets jealous when he sees me flirt with anyone else, and even said he wished I would flirt with him, but I never have the option to. It's not as if I've refused him or anything. I'm not sure what to do.


Yea, unfortunately it is true.


There isn't much you CAN do until and unless Bioware changes it so that one conversation doesn't shut off the romance - there are a couple companions who you can shoot down and then later pick it back up (Torian Cadera, for example).


What I hope for all the people who have accidentally friendzoned Corso is that when an expansion hits and they add more romances, that they also give people an opportunity to re-start a romance with previous companions that they didn't get to romance originally, or didn't want to but then later changed their minds after it was too late.


Also something to think about putting on the suggestion forums, I guess.

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I don't want to romance Corso- but I will say Corso is one of my favorite companions in the game.


He always reminded me of a buddy I had in the army where he was a good ol' boy and would throw down for you even if it meant getting his *** beat.


One thing I wish they would of included with him was something similar to Dragon Age Origins and Alistar- where he pulls you to the side and you have a down-to-earth chat with him about each companion.


Anyhow- Corso is cool and people that hate on him, well- they don't have a clue.

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Hooo boy. That third letter is going to hit poor Vacy like a knife to the gut. I mean, I haven't kept logs of the conversations, but isn't there something pretty early on where he talks about life on the move? In her mind, their future was "the two of us among the stars."


And now… earthbound? He wants to buy a bunch of dirt and live THERE? When they could fall asleep to the soft hum of the Wonder's engines, drifting in an endless sea of possibilities and dreams?


I'll admit, I'm partial to the default look for Corso. I like the dreds, and I like the scars. I found the harpoon thing frustrating until a fellow scoundrel pointed out that it's a great setup for Back Blow, and since then we've been great partners.


And given how everyone calls him "Farm Boy," I'm SOOO longing for a chance to say "fetch me that pitcher?"


I've been thinking about writing some fanfics… maybe backstory? What all do we know? Grew up on Ord Mantell, family had a ranch with ronto herds? All killed off but the cousin. Anything I'm missing?

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Hooo boy. That third letter is going to hit poor Vacy like a knife to the gut. I mean, I haven't kept logs of the conversations, but isn't there something pretty early on where he talks about life on the move? In her mind, their future was "the two of us among the stars."


And now… earthbound? He wants to buy a bunch of dirt and live THERE? When they could fall asleep to the soft hum of the Wonder's engines, drifting in an endless sea of possibilities and dreams?


I'll admit, I'm partial to the default look for Corso. I like the dreds, and I like the scars. I found the harpoon thing frustrating until a fellow scoundrel pointed out that it's a great setup for Back Blow, and since then we've been great partners.


And given how everyone calls him "Farm Boy," I'm SOOO longing for a chance to say "fetch me that pitcher?"


I've been thinking about writing some fanfics… maybe backstory? What all do we know? Grew up on Ord Mantell, family had a ranch with ronto herds? All killed off but the cousin. Anything I'm missing?



There's quite a bit more to it but a lot of it has to get pieced together from what he talks about, like his time volunteering as a relief worker which gave him experience in war zones - like he said, there's no such thing as kids in warzones.


When I wrote my fanfic (link in signature) I just set it in the future. And there's some mention to some of the things he said in his questlines toward the end, when he tells Lillian basically exactly what she needed to hear him say - now the ranch on Dantooine doesn't matter anymore.

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That third letter is going to hit poor Vacy like a knife to the gut. I mean, I haven't kept logs of the conversations, but isn't there something pretty early on where he talks about life on the move? In her mind, their future was "the two of us among the stars."


now the ranch on Dantooine doesn't matter anymore.


You know, that was kind of Lara's logic also. Some time ago. But later she just somehow figured out, that main part here is "two of us". And that you never know unless you try out. Which surprised me a lot, actually, but I think I'm even glad for her - as you may remember all my previous concerns about any kind of possible future for such couple.


So, right now capt. Eleanare Rieh waits untill proper private landing zone will be finished, costed some creds (even though she removed from initial suggested project those four big turrets and heavy defence-droid with a big gun first:D), yet it was cheaper then paying regular mantainence and hangar rent fees to a spaceport anyway. ;)


And in case he\she\they get bored....well, distances and locations don't really mean that much in GFFA, especially when it takes you 10 minutes of slooow speeder riding directly to your ship. With damn nice hyperdrive. Time will tell what will come of it. Domesticated smuggler - sounds...hmm...interesting.


The only things that bothers her - is rest of the crew. Some do not understand, and some just have no place to go.... Not really sure about how they manage to find any way of making everyone happy(more or less)....but that will hardly change things.


ps: And what bothers personaly me - is where in the galaxy I can find any trustable and complete lore-like info on near-human (mirialan) physiology and biology, especially - about genetical compatibility with humans?! :p I don't think kids are on their "top 10 to do" list right now, but still... Line form a dialogue ("hint of sentiment" afair) was about "YOUR children", not OUR.

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Yeah, I play a male Sharpshooter but I'm also a really big Corso fan. He's nice, cool, a little dumb but strong of character, reliable, trustworthy and he looks best without customs. Yeah. Ingame friends for life, I'll be sticking with Corso no matter how heavy Risha can hit. I need my tank, I need my buddy!
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I don't want to romance Corso- but I will say Corso is one of my favorite companions in the game.


He always reminded me of a buddy I had in the army where he was a good ol' boy and would throw down for you even if it meant getting his *** beat.


One thing I wish they would of included with him was something similar to Dragon Age Origins and Alistar- where he pulls you to the side and you have a down-to-earth chat with him about each companion.


Anyhow- Corso is cool and people that hate on him, well- they don't have a clue.


Well, look at it this way, you can flirt away with the other NPC's and let Corso suffer in his stubborness not to try to court you again!

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Yeah, I play a male Sharpshooter but I'm also a really big Corso fan. He's nice, cool, a little dumb but strong of character, reliable, trustworthy and he looks best without customs. Yeah. Ingame friends for life, I'll be sticking with Corso no matter how heavy Risha can hit. I need my tank, I need my buddy!


man its all about the wookie for a tank. Just wish they fix the bug for him with all the new smugglers.

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Corso reminds me of some of my favorite characters from other stories:


He has Buttercup's ordinariness and good looks, but Westley's enduring devotion.

He names his guns, like Jayne, but has Kaylee's pure heart.


firefly ftw. I also chuckled when he started naming his guns. Did remind me of Jayne

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