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I Love Corso Riggs


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On another note, does anyone know where to get better gifts for him (besides the vendor at the Fleet)?


mission skills like Underworld Trading have quests where your companion can go hunt for companion gifts. then you take the gifts they give you and give them right back, lol.

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I've seen Corso screenies with Kiffar-like face-tattoos. I wonder how you get these. Anyone knows?


Like in here:


/sigh..this is a really cute video :)


You don't get them. It's the original version of Corso that got scrapped for a more generic human approach

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Ugh, thanks. Pretty frustrating since he's just talking about what to do to have fun and never actually mentions anything romantic. But at least I know now.


you would think the constant string of flirt options in that convo would've been a hint. >_> if you'd kept flirting with him, he eventually gets to a certain point and says a certain something.

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you would think the constant string of flirt options in that convo would've been a hint. >_> if you'd kept flirting with him, he eventually gets to a certain point and says a certain something.


Yeah, and I've done that on previous smugglers, but this time I wanted to play one that wasn't the typical easy girl. This one wasn't going to come on to him the second he got on her ship. I thought I would still get the conversation I got before, where he sort of brings it up and the wheel shows the really obvious 2 flirt options to accept the romance and the bottom one is an obvious rejection.


I guess it's not really safe to roleplay your character in games you can't save. And I am glad I got to see the romance before, just annoyed to not have it on the character I'm actually going to be playing.

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I guess it would be nice to know if you are about to take a conversation-option that either ends or initiates a romance. This is one of the reasons that I always took at least one flirt with Doc on my JK in every convo, so I wouldn't lock myself out of the romance simply by chance.
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I want to space Corso. I'm tired of his goodie-two-shoes attitude. Space it if you don't like it!

Yeah, you're in the wrong thread, man. The one you want is ^^^^.


Hey, gals! Ya know what would be fun? If the devs would make the romance npcs dance with you when you dance with them. hint hint hint, devs!


I mean, really, now! It's just not reasonable that this hunky country boy can't dance. All country boys can dance, for heaven's sake... so I know darned well Corso knows how. As it is, I type /clubdance and chat says I'm "showing off for Corso". LOL :p

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Yeah, and I've done that on previous smugglers, but this time I wanted to play one that wasn't the typical easy girl. This one wasn't going to come on to him the second he got on her ship. I thought I would still get the conversation I got before, where he sort of brings it up and the wheel shows the really obvious 2 flirt options to accept the romance and the bottom one is an obvious rejection.


I guess it's not really safe to roleplay your character in games you can't save. And I am glad I got to see the romance before, just annoyed to not have it on the character I'm actually going to be playing.


When the smuggler replies with "Do you have any idea of fun that don't involve... Farm Animals?" it doesn't really sound much like flirting to me. It sounded more like she was playfully joshing him about being a farm-boy. And then after that, there's also an option to flirt by saying, "Afraid I'll turn you down?" which is sort of playing hard-to-get, I suppose.

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Yeah, you're in the wrong thread, man. The one you want is ^^^^.


Hey, gals! Ya know what would be fun? If the devs would make the romance npcs dance with you when you dance with them. hint hint hint, devs!


I mean, really, now! It's just not reasonable that this hunky country boy can't dance. All country boys can dance, for heaven's sake... so I know darned well Corso knows how. As it is, I type /clubdance and chat says I'm "showing off for Corso". LOL :p


ha ha =) that would be so much fun! I support this idea

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Yeah. By telling him to go sleep it off, you friendzone him.


I support the idea for an icon or note on options that will kill any chance of romance. This example was rather subtle when compared to "Bold Declarations" mission where you have the option to say "I don't want this" which is a far more obvious romance killer than telling drunk Corso "Goodnight."


They should fix it so you can at least get Bold Declarations if you tell him to sleep it off. :D


PS: I also support dancing companions!

Edited by Boosterdog
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I support the idea for an icon or note on options that will kill any chance of romance. This example was rather subtle when compared to "Bold Declarations" mission where you have the option to say "I don't want this" which is a far more obvious romance killer than telling drunk Corso "Goodnight."


They should fix it so you can at least get Bold Declarations if you tell him to sleep it off. :D


PS: I also support dancing companions!



Yeah. I would have had my smuggler tell him to go sleep it off had I not known it would kill any chance of romance in the future. I'm playing her as anything but easy. She's definitely a tomboy, not a floozy. XD

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She's definitely... not a floozy. XD


I'm going the same route with my gunslinger. Instead of choosing the flirt options with the NPCs, she picks the *****y and snappy responses. Including Corso to an extent. :cool:


I'm actually experimenting with some of his romance quests by picking the mean options (and hitting esc). There was a response that implys the femme smuggler being a floozy. :eek:


He says:


"I know how it goes with the guys you meet. A few nights and a quick goodbye...it won't be like that with me."


I KNOW he means well and I might be reading too much in between the lines but he's totally calling my femme smuggler a SLOOOOT!!! lol. This was right after Coruscant and I didn't even partake in Darmas's advances!


. Awkwardly snipped off at the end to avoid it registering. (I still <3 him) :D
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I KNOW he means well and I might be reading too much in between the lines but he's totally calling my femme smuggler a SLOOOOT!!! lol. This was right after Coruscant and I didn't even partake in Darmas's advances!


. Awkwardly snipped off at the end to avoid it registering. (I still <3 him) :D


he totally did! XD but he still wanted ya. :p

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I KNOW he means well and I might be reading too much in between the lines but he's totally calling my femme smuggler a SLOOOOT!!! lol. This was right after Coruscant and I didn't even partake in Darmas's advances!


. Awkwardly snipped off at the end to avoid it registering. (I still <3 him) :D


...What? I didn't get that conversation after leaving Coruscant. The first conversation I had with Corso on my ship was his drunken advances. This one, and it happened on Taris: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usg6bLQBj38&context=C3bfec1bADOEgsToPDskKoAXmIq_5erRS-s-trWnnB My smuggler kept shooting down Darmas' advances, though she flirted with him ONCE after beating him at cards, and it was more profusely thanking him for all his help than actually trying to woo him. It didn't result in anything besides Darmas saying he'd like to see her again sometime.


Did something get skipped? Did I lock myself out of a romance?


And my smuggler would probably react with vitriol if Corso suggested that she was a floozy. I always think of a little backstory for my characters, and she's been pretty lonely since being widowed a few years before the fiasco on Ord Mantell. :(

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Hmm... I wouldn't take that as him calling her something bad. Just saying, it won't be like that with me, meaning "I will stick around". I guess this is when it comes down to rp, you can make it into meaning that which suits you best since, hey, your're the one playin it. I would go with the I-will-stick-around-version, since that feels more like Corso for me.



And as far as unknowingly locking yourself out of romance, perhaps something like [end romance]-brackets on the dialogue options that ends it for sure. Didn't write a actual dialogue here, it's more about the actual mechanic.


Corso: makes a pass at your smuggler


Smuggler options in dialogue:

1: *something 1*

2: *something 2*

3: sleep it off [end romance]

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I don't hate him, but I don't really mind if his sensitive ears are bothered by my cynicism.


Earlier on, I was a lot more negative, because seriously, guy, I could see you coming a mile away with your "oh I have a soft spot for the girls, I'm going to treat you like a fragile vulnerable mess who forgot to bring a blaster to a firefight and can't shoot her way out of a bag." I don't need someone to wipe my nose and call me pretty, thanks.


Now I guess the dynamic has settled into something like grudging tolerance or something. I oscillate between wishing he'd run off with my credits already and feeling sorry enough for him when he dies that I'll revive him.


I thought that offering different looks for a non-mechanical character after they've already been introduced was just BIZARRE, so I also have never used his customization.

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