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I Love Corso Riggs


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I have to admit that at first I hated Corso Riggs, because he harpoons people in my carefully set up fights. And he's a bumpkin.


After reading this thread, I appreciate him a lot more, and I now mostly just heal him, so he can harpoon all he wants.

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But no smooch as of yet, and as far as the flirt of "you wanna have my babies? let's get practicing!" He just says to quit teasing and shut the door. Totally different from the responses I've seen on YouTube.


that particular one should have been in your final conversation with him. >_> at least the one i'm thinking about is. i don't remember seeing that flirt anywhere else, unless i'm blind or something.

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Yea i was EXTREMELY dissapointed.


I hate to compare this game to WoW cause it's totally better but...


At least in WoW, if you had a text letter, you had an option to make a physical copy of it that you could keep. They really need to implement that here so that when you get a letter from a romance quest, or hell even some of the funny/interesting ones from quest npc's that you can keep them for the sake of nostalgia.


That was a great idea with letters that you can save =) Me likey!


There are some letters that I would like to save for story purposes or that they meant a lot to my smuggler. A way to remember the high points in her story. Hope we could get something like this.

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I hated listening to Corso in Beta when other smugglers walked past me, but have grown to like him. I like his goofy stoner looks, sort of Riggs from Lethal weapon gone to pot, his personality reminds me of an Owen Wilson buddy character, hes the ultimate wingman for a male smuggler.
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That was a great idea with letters that you can save =) Me likey!


There are some letters that I would like to save for story purposes or that they meant a lot to my smuggler. A way to remember the high points in her story. Hope we could get something like this.



Well once I get around to leveling all the toons I plan on playing I'm definitely going to put together a little movie with the corso quests and some parts of the class quests, just need to work on a soundtrack :p

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It's so awesome that Corso has so much love!!


I've been snooping on Torhead.com and found an handful of "breaking up" quests. How dramatic but makes me a bit sad! We all know that when you flirt with NPCs, Corso will make jealous comments. But if you go too far, I'm assuming these negative talks will trigger...or if affection falls to low after courtship.


Poor Corso!!


Has anyone triggered these? Tried to find them on youtube but seems like snippets from torhead are the only spoilers. :p





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*doesn't even look* god no. just no. i can't. >_< it would break my heart so. don't make me think of such sad things! D:


Yea, I'm making my gunslinger a snappy ice queen. Even mouthing off to Corso at first :D But NO WAY am I going to even try and trigger these.


The snippets enough are quite the downer, let alone having to see it in action with my character!

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I want more letters!! Wish they'd make more than just three, darn it!!


DAMMIT! There are only 3?! And here I was thinking it was a nice daily thing...and then they stopped and I got really sad. I've been waiting for the day when another surprises me in my inbox and causes me to melt in my seat in a fit of girlish giggles...sigh. :( They were so sweetttt too.

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Has anyone triggered these? Tried to find them on youtube but seems like snippets from torhead are the only spoilers. :p





Whoaaa there are actually breakup quests??? This is news to me!!! O___O I would never be able to do it...when I flirt and get negative affection, I always press esc at the end--I only like doing it to hear his responses, but can't even bear to go through with it xD Although.... if triggering them will make Corso talk again.... :\ Haha jk...would never do that to him :)


I really miss hearing him ask to talk though.. T__T Hopefully BW will include more of him in the expansion. Otherwise, I might just have to make another smuggler to start his story up again. Can't believe this hunk of a pixel man has affected me like this D: Glad to see I'm not alone ladies :)

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But now Corso wants to buy a farm on Dantooine, sent me a letter about it all excited... why send me a letter just talk to me on the ship!


Really. Dantooine? Why not Alderaan dammit, you're the one always asking me when we can go to a nice world, yeesh!


I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!!! Saying something like this in person would have been SOOO adorable!! Getting the letter was nice and sweet but... seriously he's like right there :\ No need to send an email!! He could get a ton of kisses outta this if he said it in person! Blaaahh.


Also whoaaaa, sorry for the consecutive posting! Just been reading through this gem of a thread and couldn't resist responding to some of it :)

Edited by elorahhh
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I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!!! Saying something like this in person would have been SOOO adorable!! Getting the letter was nice and sweet but... seriously he's like right there :\ No need to send an email!! He could get a ton of kisses outta this if he said it in person! Blaaahh.


it was kinda weird when i got my first letter from him. he had been escorting me around Belsavis when i decided to take a break in the main area and sell, check my mail, etc. so the two of us walk over to the mailbox and lo and behold, there's a message from Corso. i kept looking back and forth from the letter to Corso for a minute, then i finally asked him, "When did you even mail this out? We've been in the jungle for days." i still haven't got a straight answer from him.

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Bringing us back to an earlier topic....fanfiction.net has added in all the characters from SWTOR including the classes but there isn't anything posted yet. You know just to let those of us with fanfiction aspirations know that a set-up is already in place and posting something, anything really, would be greatly appreciated! I miss talking to Corso so much, and letters are just not the same!
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I miss talking to Corso so much, and letters are just not the same!


Reeaaaaaalllly hope they add more story with the companions. If they just add generic class stories without so much as the companions commenting during progress I'd be so disappointed.


I'd love for them to add a romance side pack to download containing a lot of extra companion missions. I'm sure it will be very popular!!


Until then, just have fraps and rerolls....

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Reeaaaaaalllly hope they add more story with the companions. If they just add generic class stories without so much as the companions commenting during progress I'd be so disappointed.


THEY FREAKING BETTER. if they don't, then i'd prolly have just one smuggler that's beyond level 50 and like ten that all stop at the end of Corso's quest line.

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So I rolled a second smuggler so I could have one of each advanced class...I think I like Corso more the second time around (I didn't think it was possible, but I totally do). I blame the fact that I have been using and abusing the "Esc to exit conversation" option and trying out different responses. For example, the other day after unlocking the "Bold Declarations" conversation I found this little gem:


My girl told Corso she was no lady. His response?



Being a lady mean you can't have engine grease on your elbows or a blaster at your hip. It means you deserve respect. It means you make the decision of who to put up with and how to be treated. No matter what you say, you'll always be that to me.



Now can someone please find a mop? The puddle I just melted into needs to be cleaned up.

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So I rolled a second smuggler so I could have one of each advanced class...I think I like Corso more the second time around (I didn't think it was possible, but I totally do). I blame the fact that I have been using and abusing the "Esc to exit conversation" option and trying out different responses. For example, the other day after unlocking the "Bold Declarations" conversation I found this little gem:


My girl told Corso she was no lady. His response?



Being a lady mean you can't have engine grease on your elbows or a blaster at your hip. It means you deserve respect. It means you make the decision of who to put up with and how to be treated. No matter what you say, you'll always be that to me.



Now can someone please find a mop? The puddle I just melted into needs to be cleaned up.


Posts like this are why I dress up all my female companions in the Slave Dancer outfit...:cool:

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My girl told Corso she was no lady. His response?



Being a lady mean you can't have engine grease on your elbows or a blaster at your hip. It means you deserve respect. It means you make the decision of who to put up with and how to be treated. No matter what you say, you'll always be that to me.



Now can someone please find a mop? The puddle I just melted into needs to be cleaned up.


how does he do that? >_< i swear, he's so charming it makes me mad sometimes. i'm like, "dang it, Corso, stop trying to make me feel good! it's working!" D:

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