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I Love Corso Riggs


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If the game ever lets us cross-faction races, I will want to play a Sith Smuggler. That way whenever Corso says something sexist, I can whap him upside the head and tell him to get over himself.


Followed, of course, by snuggles. ^.^


Haven't read up on the Legacy patch upcoming yet, eh?


Your wish will be granted. Think you can even buy the option.

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Let's show BW what angry female smugglers can do. In case you missed the thing - in 1.2 harpoon shot is replaced with rocket jumping into the pack of mobs. Yes, same way Bowdar and Akaavi do.


It is now confirmed as "working as intended and missed in patch notes" now.


It was not announced anyhow, it does not make any sence (especially for sawbones\scoundrels\non-cover players), and also it's just unfair. I'm seriously unsure about resubing, even after new story-content comes. I do can self-RP around anything, but WHY are they doing THIS?!

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Let's show BW what angry female smugglers can do. In case you missed the thing - in 1.2 harpoon shot is replaced with rocket jumping into the pack of mobs. Yes, same way Bowdar and Akaavi do.


It is now confirmed as "working as intended and missed in patch notes" now.


It was not announced anyhow, it does not make any sence (especially for sawbones\scoundrels\non-cover players), and also it's just unfair. I'm seriously unsure about resubing, even after new story-content comes. I do can self-RP around anything, but WHY are they doing THIS?!



That really irks me, actually more than any of the other changes. I use Corso's harpoon as an extra interrupt.

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That really irks me, actually more than any of the other changes. I use Corso's harpoon as an extra interrupt.


Just let's give them feedback. In PTS thread. As much of it as we can. So that someone who invented this "improvement" would know it was a bad idea.


Whoever may call me pixel-loving lady, but I enjoyed mechanics I used to have while leveling a lot. Best healer leveling ever. Smart, plain, nice and...sigh, and yes - it's Corso after all. :p


I'm glad I've already had my share of fun, but it makes further content very unattractive, really. I don't even mind that they took away our giggling proc. But that just ruins all of my solo gameplay! We were not in beta, after all. We had 3 months of live servers. Of damn nice live. And they can't even say it's about pvp balancing! Since this thing did not work on player targets anyway.


Damn, I shouldn't have joked about changes for Corso in that necroed thread, really. Every joke has it's share of truth, as they say here..

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Just let's give them feedback. In PTS thread. As much of it as we can. So that someone who invented this "improvement" would know it was a bad idea.


Whoever may call me pixel-loving lady, but I enjoyed mechanics I used to have while leveling a lot. Best healer leveling ever. Smart, plain, nice and...sigh, and yes - it's Corso after all. :p


I'm glad I've already had my share of fun, but it makes further content very unattractive, really. I don't even mind that they took away our giggling proc. But that just ruins all of my solo gameplay! We were not in beta, after all. We had 3 months of live servers. Of damn nice live. And they can't even say it's about pvp balancing! Since this thing did not work on player targets anyway.


Damn, I shouldn't have joked about changes for Corso in that necroed thread, really. Every joke has it's share of truth, as they say here..


I'll make a post or two over there later on, trying to think of a way to word it. His harpoon also made him unique.

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Throwing in my love for Corso. Smuggler was the first class I played and I found him adorable, even though he seems a bit Anders-like with his jealousy (which makes sense since they have the same writer, at least he's not possessed by some ancient Sith power or something XD!). My smuggler wouldn't even flirt with any of the NPCs because she didn't want to break the poor farm boy's heart.


Now I've made a Scoundrel since my first Smuggler was a Gunslinger, so I can have tons of smuggling fun all over again (Damn you BioWare, why do I play your games over and over and over again?! So addicted!), and although she's romancing Corso, she's got a nasty habit of flirting with NPCs. *whistles*


So I'm curious... is going all the way with any of the NPCs going to break the relationship, regardless of whether or not he's your active companion? (because seriously, all your companions know all about your business.)



Since I know what's going to happen in Act 3, I flat out refused to flirt with Darmas (except for the one where he wants to play cards and she suggests they get to know each other better, simply because Corso makes an interjection and she replied that no one can replace him, and he totally loses his train of thought, so cute!)


She was going to have some "fun" with Lenn on Alderaan, but I'd gotten the convo with Corso where he wanted to court her RIGHT before that, so I would have felt bad and refused Lenn's offer. (and am now kicking myself, Lenn's adorable)


So to make up for it, she slept with Skavak, but didn't have Corso as the active companion (couldn't stand the -161 hit!) He hasn't said anything about it.


Now I'm headed for Balmorra and Numen Brock. I've put the brakes on playing with her and gone back to my Agent until I know that any fun sexytimes with Numen (and later on Lokir Ka on Voss) isn't going to totally ruin my Scoundrel's relationship with Corso.



Any insight would be would be appreciated. And if they're relationship breaking, well, she's going to have to settle for being a flirt instead of a ****. :p

Edited by Ellyria
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I noticed today that when he says "When we're back on board, Captain, I'd like a word with you" he has an adorable little stammer over the "I'd."




When i noticed that i have the same reaction, he is so cute *-*

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I love Corso! He is truly some wonderful eye candy, love his personality too.


I keep upgrading the mods on Sparkles just because he gave it to me, lol. I also find myself just clicking on him just to hear him say "Anything you want, Captain." :)

Edited by trfriers
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I love Corso! He is truly some wonderful eye candy, love his personality too.


I keep upgrading the mods on Sparkles just because he gave it to me, lol. I also find myself just clicking on him just to hear him say "Anything you want, Captain." :)


I prefer "You sure do have an interestin' idea of fun!"



If only he knew...

Edited by silvershadows
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I love Corso --- don't know if it'll get to marriage or not -- I'm a light III now and lvl 39


I was going to refuse his "courting" offer - but he was so broken hearted, I changed my mind --- flirted with the yummy guy on Balmorra (and more ) but made sure he was not there (and it was before he made the courting offer) --- liked Darmas, but he's on my you - know - what list now -- never liked Shavek; he stole my ship for Pete's sake !!

and the guy on Voss -- no just no - he's married -- no --- lol


I've really tried to cool it with Corso -- I like him a lot -- but marriage ? I dunno ......


PS -- don't feel bad Corso, my bounty hunter was never into Torien -- so you did better

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I keep upgrading the mods on Sparkles just because he gave it to me, lol.


i couldn't make myself retire Flashy or Sparkles on my gunslinger. they were treasures given to me by my dearest farm boy, for pete's sake! >_< dual-wielded them both all the way to 50.

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I'm new to the smuggler class, just level 17, so corsos all i have at the moment, but Bioware will have a hard job replacing him for me!


Corso's hilarious. Theres never been a better drinking/shooting buddy in the galaxy


Although if he tried to kiss me on the bridge, we gotta problem

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i couldn't make myself retire Flashy or Sparkles on my gunslinger. they were treasures given to me by my dearest farm boy, for pete's sake! >_< dual-wielded them both all the way to 50.


I know right! I'm level 32 and I still mod Sparkles, I don't think I will ever retire her either. I think it's just so adorable he gave it to me, I wish it had a description on it, something like "Given by Corso Riggs." That would be cool.


My affection with him is at 9200, I suposse I went overboard with the gifts. I would always get a little upset when my compaions came back with a gift he wouldn't like, such as imperial stuff lol. When they come back with a weapon or courting item I find myself talking to the computer saying "oh he'll like this." I rushed through the class quests just so he would talk to me again. Had to have my fix!


/sigh he is just so perfect =)

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Corso is great, he's the only companion I use. Do want to get the affections up for the rest ad do their quests, Corso is just my go-to-man for combat. Love his lines. "Take that!" "Now you're dumb, ugly and dead!" Awesome stuff.
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