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I Love Corso Riggs


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Corso saved my life today... I was fighting Sith Ravagers and somehow managed to get to almost know health...I started kiting the Ravager and I was certain I would die when suddenly the Ravager went flying back due to Corso's harpoon shot. I survived! :)
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Glad I play on an RP/PVP server, though it is a little hard to RP being married to the same companion every other smuggler gets, lol!


I generally leave storylines mostly to entirely out of my RP in every game. You can't take RP seriously with everyone being from the same elite squad of troopers, training under the same master, having been ripped off by the same guy etc.


The storyline and your companions are great but they are something I do on my own and make sure to keep separate from my roleplay.


Anyway Corso is a great companion, obviously not from a romantic standpoint for me, but from the standpoint that he makes a great sidekick. My character is mostly lightside but I have no problem whipping out my blaster and blasting away some gangsters who deserve it even if it gives me a few darkside points.


Corso seems to fall perfectly in line with that and seems just about as happy with a more reasonable darkside decision as he is with the lightside decisions I make. Its also quite handy to have him as your companion as a scoundrel. With either healing or DPS having a tank to pull the aggro off you is great. Especially if you like to use back blast a lot.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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Corso! *gasp*


So after insane flirting and being all giggly and girly Corso *finally* made his move and kissed my main. Of course that was AFTER he told me about the fiance he ditched! *** Corso?! Don't you dare turn out to be "that" guy! Hrmph :cool: But other than the fiance thing- squee... lmao



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I love the scars too. And I keep him with the dreads, I just can't change him. If I could just change his hair, maybe I'd do it. Maybe.


(I haven't seen all the mods out there for him, just the few at the start and the one at the fleet)


I had a customization for a while that changed his hair but left the scars. He may have been slightly more tanned too... let me see if I have a screenshot.


Bah sorry no screenshot. I'll take one later and post it for ya. :)

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So in the middle of that super fun Jungle Fight on Belsavis, I gave Corso's gear to Akaavi. I had forgotten I did that and got a super nice surprise when I walked on to the bridge of my ship. There was Corso, in his skivvies and boots. I think I'll keep him like that.


mmm mancandy.



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I think the reason so many people dislike him is the harpoon shot is frequently a pain. YOU CAN TURN IT OFF. It's a little bit glitched so when you dismount you have to click it off again. It's hard on my hubby tank when he suddenly pulls a mob back toward us and he loses all his threat, but for lower levels especially he is the only reason I stay alive. Just finished the romance with him and it's amazing! Looking forward to going through it again on my scoundrel.
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ya BW fix CORSO. what a pain in the but to tell him not to use a crappy ability in the first place. GET RID OF HARPOON it sucks


Are you kidding??? You just must not know how to work with that ability at all. I personally loves when he pulls someone right to us opening them up for a backshot, blaster whip, or sucker punch. Mainly backshot. It also will piss off anything you are fighting and draw the aggro to him. Hes saved my *** with that ability plenty of times. Harpoon FTW.

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Are you kidding??? You just must not know how to work with that ability at all. I personally loves when he pulls someone right to us opening them up for a backshot, blaster whip, or sucker punch. Mainly backshot. It also will piss off anything you are fighting and draw the aggro to him. Hes saved my *** with that ability plenty of times. Harpoon FTW.


Agreed. I was super pissed off at it for the longest time, and really tired of turning it off, so I just left it.


Now I just think he's reeling stuff in because he likes to watch me kick them in the crotch. :p

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Agreed. I was super pissed off at it for the longest time, and really tired of turning it off, so I just left it.


Now I just think he's reeling stuff in because he likes to watch me kick them in the crotch. :p


Yeah, his harpoon shot used to drive me insane...my husband would get furious about it though since we leveled together lol


After 50 levels, however, he actually likes it now and makes a game out of it with his own harpoon shot and his droid companion (4x or something like that) forming a triangle and harpooning the mob around, while my scoundrel butt chases it -.-

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Whats wrong with do gooders? :mad:
Well, when I'm trying to play a Gunslinger who's a right bastard, quite a bit. He never likes a thing I do---he whines when I shoot the unarmed girl, he complains when I hit on women, he moans when I sell out the Republic. Blah blah blah. You can just sit on the ship and make my gun parts, buddy.


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I'm another "Team Corso" girl. He kissed my smuggler girl the other night and I think he's ruined me as far as other alts go - from what I've seen so far none of the other LIs for females are as fun, interesting, and sweet as Corso. And my word, is he good looking! I'm not a dreads fan, but he definitely makes those dreads look good.


My husband makes fun of me a bit for drooling over Corso, but I tell him it's because Corso reminds me of him, personality-wise. ;)


My favorite moment:



When we went into a bar and the guy at the counter started telling my smuggler that she was so good-looking that she would never have to buy her own drink - and Corso started talking about how good he looked. My smuggler agreed - love that little bit of flirting between them. He's cute when he's jealous.


Edited by moxiedoodle
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Corso rules. Really. His personality is 100% win.


Bowdaar is just, ugh too cliche. Like i know the Han + Chewie thing but I don't want a ugly Wookkiee!


The Droid pisses me off. EVERY TIME I ENTER THE SHIP HE DOES HIS STUPID GROVELLING! OMG....is there a way to turn his voice off? It's just do wimpy and annoying. I hate having to pass him as I leave my ship, as i will once again be forced to hear his stupid voice.


Risha, well, I have no say on her. I just got her today. So. Yeah.....




I've had Corso out since I 'got him' except for one pull seeing what the Droid does (lol one pull was too much!) and i think I did half a 'kill x' side quest with Bowdaar. I Loved the sotry of saving Bowdaar, but I don't overly care for him as a character.


Besides, Harpoon Death Grip is SO useful. And I love how sometimes if you kill someone mid-harpoon, they get stuck there a la matrix.

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So as much as I hate his grapple ability...


I was trudging through the sands of Tatooine. My duster was... dusted, and my blasters were heavy. I was itching for some action. Corso walks along behind me. My buddy from Ord Mantell, and first mate. I glance over at him through my sand crusted goggles.

"Dunno why you're lookin' at me. You're in charge." He says. As if I didn't know.


There are some sand people up ahead. Perched on a ravine, just begging to be put out of their misery. I activate my stealth field, sneak up behind one, and set off a thermal charge. It knocks him back, into the ravine. I've never seen scum fall so fast. There's a crunch when he hits ground zero.


A blaster rifle shot disintegrates the rock just a few paces to my right. And get this, the under handed slime-ball that shot it? The same damned sand raider I had just blew off a thousand foot cliff. My blasters can't reach him from here. He's got an angle at me and firing...


"Fight me fair!" I hear Corso yelling, as he takes aim, and fires his grapple. Now, I fancy myself a pretty good shot. Probably one of the best in the galaxy. But I'd be damned my man Corso hadn't just nailed that raider with his grapple, and pulled him all the way back up to our high ground. And if they'd have been any further apart, it would have been a blasting parsec. Dang thing was so stunned all it took was a blaster whip to the head to finish him.



True story.

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Honestly I couldn't stand any of the customizations so I left him as he is. I love his hair :p


Farming up Nar Shadaa commendations so I can give him a fully moddable headband and not have his face covered by some ugly helmet is pretty nice too.


I have a problem with loving my smuggler too much - my main is supposed to be my sentinel, but every time I get a few levels on her, I switch over to the smuggler and catch her up lol.


Looking forward to finishing up the romance quest and whatnot. Glad I play on an RP/PVP server, though it is a little hard to RP being married to the same companion every other smuggler gets, lol!


I'm right there with you, I love playing my smuggler and I have a guardian thats my main. Corso is a cool guy but I'm liking Bowdarr more. Both my gunslinger and guardian are around the same level too.

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Aw, poor Corso.


I like him. Ever since I met him at the hangar bay in Ord Mandell, he seemed like an ok guy. When I got him as a sidekick, I was overjoyed! Mainly because I wasn't forced to kill him, drive him off or just leave him in Ord Mandell.


I can't wait until the game allows for same-sex partnering, I will just shower him with gifts (he likes weapons, military gear, trophies and courting items, right?).

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^ ^ Awesome story!!


I, too, am a woman in lust w/ Corso. It drives my boyfriend crazy! I tried to switch over to Bowdaar, but just ended up missing my little hippie-haired southern farm boy.


"That's right, I got ya!" <3 him! :p



I seem to have gotten in some trouble over my love for Corso, lol, my fiance is somewhat unappreciative of him :p


Especially now that he and my smuggler have done the deed, which I can't even tell my fiance about cause he honestly might just get mad, lol!

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