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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why so many STUNS?


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This shows that you’re not even trying to understand the problem. You seem to think nobody has a problem with the amount of mob CC could possibly have played the game before.


Snipers get an easy way to have CC immunity on a fairly short cooldown. Hooray for them. You know why that works in these situations? Pay careful attention here: it’s fire and forget protection against mobs that do not telegraph their CC. Why does this matter? Let’s use your operative example. Let’s also disregard the fact that this only works for concealment operatives. Keep in mind, there is no cast bar or early warning that you’re going to eat a CC. So...when exactly should the operative roll to not eat the CC? You can’t compare Entrench immunity to operative roll, or really ANY other classes’ immunity ability. Entrench might be the most powerful cool down in the game. Other abilities are not even close to being in the same league when you’re talking about NPC CC. Force speed does not make you immune to stuns. Assassins get a CC immunity CD, but sorcs don’t...sucks for them I guess? Stun immunity for warrior’s Charge only works on veng juggs and because mobs don’t always CC right off the pull, this is not a surefire defense.


Now, let’s look at your l2p argument. Classes besides sniper that have a CC immunity have longer cool downs on those abilities. Class hard stun CD have cool downs as well. Unless you’re going from pack to pack very slowly, there’s going to be downtime on those abilities. Just making sure I understand—are you saying that mob CC is fine because these abilities have a short enough CD that they’re always up, or that people should wait for the CD before every pull?


For the rest I don’t even know. Kiting mobs as a melee class? Uh...what? Even if this was a thing, you realize a lot of the CC is not point-blank range. Right?


AoE abilities stunning mobs? Nope, mobs that do this are almost exclusively silver and above. Use interrupts as a ranged class? Nope, the CC abilities are INSTANT and can’t be interrupted, remember? Stun and kill them before they can stun you? Maybe. Much easier said than done if your class is not as bursty as another.


Ranged classes, particularly sniper, have a massive advantage in this department. Just because a couple of classes have an easy time with mob CC is not “proof” that it’s fine for everyone else and that anyone raising the issue is just lazy or not skilled enough.


Dude, what i don't want is drooling mobs that don't fight back. So they stun, you can CC, stun, root etc. as well. My point has always been not to be a victim and actually take the initiative, not just stand there, pop no defensives, no stuns, no CC and just do your rotation and get stunned and then be very surprised and say how terrible the game is. No sympathy from me. Sorry. Especially if it's something just in KOTET/KOTFE. That stuff isn't current content and is only a few hours. A few groups stunned you more than usual, cry me a river.

I don't have that experience. I have not noted any mobs stunning me constantly, wich tells me this is an exaggeration and a waste of time.


Honestly, every class has tools. I am not gonna go waste my time to study every class for people who can't be bothered to read their abilities. Also, we went from STUNS to CC now. These are different things.


Honestly, deal with it. Sponges aren't fun for anyone. Stop expecting to faceroll everything you come across.

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I'll go ahead and post in this thread since the OP decided to make the exact same thread 5 days later and it currently is lower down on the page. Some of the language I am discussing is from that post.


Broadly speaking, I've resisted posting in this thread b/c my response is going to across come as a bit snarky and to their credit the OP made clear the desire to "vent." I literally, however, do not believe the situation is nearly as bad as the OP states. Specifically,


1) I have not encountered one set of mobs in this game where EVERY one in that group has a CC, with the possible exception of when it is just two of the same kind.


2) I have not encountered one mob, champion, or even boss that has 4 hard CCs.


3) I have not encountered one champion, or even a boss that can stunlock you to death unless you also already (and foolishly) happen to be standing in a red circle of death, or didn't deal with adds appropriately, etc.


Is there a notable increase of mobs who can stun starting with KotFE? Demonstrably yes. Having played through it on 24 characters, one on each Advanced Class Discipline, I have a pretty good sense.


There are, indeed, also some FPs where this is more annoying. As Rolo points out, the trash in Traitor Among the Chiss / 'For House Inrokini'! can be annoying, but they are easily identifiable. Similarly the knock-backs in the final fight of Meridian Complex are annoying, but then again, it's the final fight.


Put differently, the OP does not help his / her situation when I literally (I too hate when people overuse that word) believe he / she is grossly exaggerating. At the end of the day, he / she is not having fun, which is unfortunate, because I hate to see players leave.


Absent identification of specific encounters, however, which are not provided, it is impossible to offer concrete advice. And the OP's contention that s/he can't provide one specific example because there are "literally" too many I hope most would agree is absurd on it face. Happy to help out, but you gotta provide us more context, even if it is just "The Kaliyo Chapter, in particular, is annoying" (which it is).


Bottom line, once you learn the encounters / mechanics, you can more easily identify which specific mobs are most annoying (and many are) and deal with appropriately. But, yes, some fights are more annoying than others. Personally, I don't want everything to be just spanky spank.



Edited by Jdast
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©Jdast. I'd give you an uptick for this post, if I could. I'm by no means a good player. "Decent", maybe "Average" is more correct. I'm 58 years old and I'm lacking in the responsiveness department. That said, yes, there are mobs, elites and bosses that stun you. Yes, this sometimes can get annoying. Yes, Onslaught made the game harder.


But I don't find it nearly as difficult as the OP does seem to think it is. Although I believe that he/she thinks that players should be able to just face roll through the game in order to get faster to the loot. Correct me if I'm wrong.


This defeats the purpose, though. At least in my humble opinion.

Edited by Electricdawn
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I'll go ahead and post in this thread since the OP decided to make the exact same thread 5 days later and it currently is lower down on the page. Some of the language I am discussing is from that post.


Broadly speaking, I've resisted posting in this thread b/c my response is going to across come as a bit snarky and to their credit the OP made clear the desire to "vent." I literally, however, do not believe the situation is nearly as bad as the OP states. Specifically,


1) I have not encountered one set of mobs in this game where EVERY one in that group has a CC, with the possible exception of when it is just two of the same kind.


2) I have not encountered one mob, champion, or even boss that has 4 hard CCs.


3) I have not encountered one champion, or even a boss that can stunlock you to death unless you also already (and foolishly) happen to be standing in a red circle of death, or didn't deal with adds appropriately, etc.


Is there a notable increase of mobs who can stun starting with KotFE? Demonstrably yes. Having played through it on 24 characters, one on each Advanced Class Discipline, I have a pretty good sense.


There are, indeed, also some FPs where this is more annoying. As Rolo points out, the trash in Traitor Among the Chiss / 'For House Inrokini'! can be annoying, but they are easily identifiable. Similarly the knock-backs in the final fight of Meridian Complex are annoying, but then again, it's the final fight.


Put differently, the OP does not help his / her situation when I literally (I too hate when people overuse that word) believe he / she is grossly exaggerating. At the end of the day, he / she is not having fun, which is unfortunate, because I hate to see players leave.


Absent identification of specific encounters, however, which are not provided, it is impossible to offer concrete advice. And the OP's contention that s/he can't provide one specific example because there are "literally" too many I hope most would agree is absurd on it face. Happy to help out, but you gotta provide us more context, even if it is just "The Kaliyo Chapter, in particular, is annoying" (which it is).


Bottom line, once you learn the encounters / mechanics, you can more easily identify which specific mobs are most annoying (and many are) and deal with appropriately. But, yes, some fights are more annoying than others. Personally, I don't want everything to be just spanky spank.




A lot of this I can agree with. It doesn't help the discussion to come out with stuff about how mobs just stunlock you to death because that's not really what happens.


My biggest complaint with NPC CC is that it's BORING. I duo almost all content with my wife. If I'm a melee character and we're doing heroics, there's going to be packs of mobs that chain their CCs at the start of the pull. The problem is that the NPC CC doesn't serve any purpose right now other than to be annoying. There's no threat. Just an instant-cast speedbump that stops me in my tracks for a couple of seconds and then I go right back to smashing their face in. Mechanics like that have no value. They're not educational, they're not engaging, and they're not a threat. They simply take away control of my character with no warning so that I can't participate in the fight unless my CDs are up. That is a mechanic that should be used very sparingly, not on every single pull of certain heroic missions.


I can agree with having challenging mobs in the game as long as they make sense. Other games manage to not have statues while not taking away control of your character. A mechanic that's vastly more interesting is a briefly telegraphed 1-2 punch that you can either dodge, interrupt/stun, or cooldown through. Put "bad" on the ground, and if you don't move out, you eat a 1-2 punch of a stun quickly followed by a heavy hit for a big chunk of your HP. Even something where the only visible cue is the mob winding up for a big hit and having to move out of the way is better.


There's ways of making NPCs and pulls interesting. Giving so many of them instant-cast stuns and mezzes is not it.

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