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Did I make the right class?


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I recently made a warrior and am getting frustrated a bit.. Not trying to diss anybodies opionion or inputs on this class but I find it kind of week. In DPS is a marauder stronger then a sorc and sniper, or..? I just find the Marauder storyline so good and involved that I think I am sticking it out because of that (plus I love the idea of having two lightsabers :p) But I do care more about DPS then the storyline in the long run. The main question I am trying to ask is that, does the marauder do great when it comes to DPS or does the sorc or sniper beat it? Thank you everybody for your future input.
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If you want to be OP go sorcerer. If you want to have to work for what you get, try marauder.

At level 30 I usually run with a sniper and a BH merc. I get out damaged by both, and vette as well. But, in groups, I am usually the last man standing. It's all about know how to use your skills. And marauders have A LOT of them. Learn them and you'll be fine.

If you want be the DPs master, I can't speak about 50, but maybe not marauder. But damn we look cool and it's a fun and gratifying class to play.

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Melee is always slightly under-powered in large scale PvP if not played right. If your server is like Death Wind Corridor and you get stuck with Huttball all the time you're in even bigger trouble.


Huttball was not designed with melee in mind and, if I recall correctly, there was actually a Dev interview that stated melee was going to be hindered quite a bit, which is true to a point.


It comes down to knowing how to play your class and how to work your cool downs. If you're going to die Camo/Predation and ****. Get a pocket healer and a tank to guard you and go to town.


Another tip: don't waste your Charge. If you can run up to an enemy do it, so when they knock you back you can charge back in. Also, get a snare up RIGHT AWAY, and if they're a healer/getting healed pop Deadly Throw on.


Remember, though, Damage Done is not the important factor in War Zones; if you did 400k damage good for you, but if you lost you probably weren't doing your job.


Queueing up with 4 guildies, the other 3 not 50, I get out damaged by my Sorc buddy all the time, however my main focus isn't damage: it's making amazing Huttball plays with my Jugg buddy and winning games 6-0.


Underpowered in terms of e-peen flexing? Yes, overall damage is almost always going to be heavily biased towards ranged DPS. Underpowered in terms of usefulness? Not a chance. Undying Rage is ****-ing overpowered.

Edited by Kibaken
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