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Reverse the nerf on Sentinels and Sage Healers


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Carnage should be buffed either the burst window or some sort of cc imu(root/stun-something to help them dps,chase and not being able to be shut down so easily)

Fury - it's ok in pvp overperforming in pve (if some changes are needed- lower the sustained dmg up the burst dmg)

Anni- good in pve weak in pvp probably don't touch to break the balance

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I think fury is fine.What needs to be done is heavily buff carnage so that it becomes an actual burst spec not a 50k crit with 10 s. set up that by the time you complete the enemy already has you slowed, stunned, netted, castrated and so on.Carnage should have been the pvp spec to begin with. It should be carnage doing those infamous 80k crits ppl are crying about not sins. I already said that i think damage is too low this patch in another forum post especially for marauders. Its just fury is the one that doesn't suck all too much.Annihilation is worthless in pvp and carnage is a joke. If you think about it this is the fourth nerf that Carnage has received in a roll.

While i dont agree with crying that maras suck now, cause it doesn't due to fury being decent, i think the class does too little damage overall and needs buffs for pvp especially carnage and annihilation.


I agree, carnage is garbage now, a dumpster fire. Swatting around two wet noodles. I resisted and respec'd rage.....dum du dum dum dumb.....it takes little to know talent....like the ole smash version.

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I'd prefer to make them fix it, because not doing so sets a bad precedence for every class. Its not fair.


There could be many ways devs decided to kill mara: useless tacticals, useless set bonuses, useless new ability etc. I think the reason mara was destroyed is partially because of useless set bonuses (yeah blade blitz crit while in camouflage is beyond any joke while dec. Sins got super stacking dps increase set) and new ability - it works only on meele attacks but fury has half of attacks as force.


I think devs killed mara intentionally by giving him bad set and half decent new ability

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What I'm saying is, fury maras were one of the top specs in ranked for a long time. Now, it seems like they're no longer one of the top specs in ranked. But they're still decent. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that to me.


Yet, you seem to be saying that mara needs to be one of the top classes in ranked for all time. And that's the part that seems silly to me.


You might be right about carnage though, I have very little knowledge of that


In previous threads i already proved ur not a ranked player. Pls stop pretending to be one. Mara wasn't that super fotm in ranked it was worse than merc, oper and required tonnes of skill to win (except for healer games where mara dominated but heal games weren't that often). If mara got caught in 4 dps game in stun chain he is dead. Esp if enemy team had a merc. Running away to regen in camo often didn't work due to chasing from opers or combat not dissapearing because of game issues. Plus in some arenas like rishi cove chasing mara was easy for even the slowest classes (arena is small and mostly nowhere to run/hide).

Edited by omaan
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In previous threads i already proved ur not a ranked player. Pls stop pretending to be one.


I've played more ranked than you the past two seasons. Last season I had four gold toons and multiple silvers, and I've never wintraded or defended wintraders. I know that's hard for you to wrap your head around.


Mara wasn't that super fotm in ranked it was worse than merc, oper and required tonnes of skill to win (except for healer games where mara dominated but heal games weren't that often). If mara got caught in 4 dps game in stun chain he is dead. Esp if enemy team had a merc. Running away to regen in camo often didn't work due to chasing from opers or combat not dissapearing because of game issues. Plus in some arenas like rishi cove chasing mara was easy for even the slowest classes (arena is small and mostly nowhere to run/hide).


"tonnes of skill to win" lmao. Mara main delusions are always fun.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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I've played more ranked than you the past two seasons. Last season I had four gold toons and multiple silvers, and I've never wintraded or defended wintraders. I know that's hard for you to wrap your head around.




"tonnes of skill to win" lmao. Mara main delusions are always fun.


I doubt you played more than me. I have 8 gold 4 top three characters. Some of my characters have more than 1000 games played, some 200-300 games. Watching what you write about maras i hardly doubt you played ranked at all. More looks like you were just listening stories from real ranked players who had bad experience and you don't know how it really was

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I doubt you played more than me. I have 8 gold 4 top three characters. Some of my characters have more than 1000 games played, some 200-300 games. Watching what you write about maras i hardly doubt you played ranked at all. More looks like you were just listening stories from real ranked players who had bad experience and you don't know how it really was


rofl. It's too bad you don't play on SF. You and a certain delusional mara main there would probably get along great.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Stop arguing about who has played more ranked. Argue your points with actual arguments and not look at me i played 2000 ranked games i am a god.


5.10 fury mara was good. 6.0 mara is basically what 5.10 was, but losing a guaranteed crit on a vital ability and recieving some random *** tacticals that are nowhere near as good as they should be.On top of that a set bonus that boils down to 10% more damage.Oh yeah, and an ability that ONLY BUFFS WHITE DAMAGE, EVEN THOUGH ALL OUR AUTOCRITS ARE ON YELLOW DAMAGE.


You know that the class got nothing when the only interesting tacticals are for carnage, which we all agree is dog**** right now.That being fanged god and perma precision.


There is the Duxun set bonus(culling blade) that gives us dispatch autocrit and 2 leaps and usability on any hp lvl. That one could be good but has anyone even gathered it? I only have 1 piece by pure chance.It's still possible it's worse than Fearless, due to the fact that its sustain damage would be not that great.

Edited by Spasi
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Stop arguing about who has played more ranked. Argue your points with actual arguments and not look at me i played 2000 ranked games i am a god.


I only brought it up to counter a rather silly assertion that he made about me.


I was wrong about the other thread but this one is having some long argument pages feeling to it. I can sense it radiating off these pages.


I don't know, looking like you're going 0-2. I don't think there's much more to say. We all know mara mains are just upset they're not fotm anymore. The saddest part is that I think they're being over dramatic; maras are still going to be good in solo ranked.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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From a PVP perspective, sentinels are fine. Their new ability + Fearless set bonus allows for consistent burst* and the tactical which refreshes camo after transcendence is one of the best defensive tacticals in the game.


That's it....that's all I got because I'm too tired to go into lengthy detail, maybe later.


*Using the tactical which gave Zealous Leap Autocrit, I was able to, with 3 Force Clarity charges have a burst window of Zealous Leap > Concentrated Slice > Zen (not an attack) > Focused Burst > Dispatch...with each attack averaging 52k for a total of about 208k....in four GCDs....can I interest you guys in that?

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From a PVP perspective, sentinels are fine. Their new ability + Fearless set bonus allows for consistent burst* and the tactical which refreshes camo after transcendence is one of the best defensive tacticals in the game.


That's it....that's all I got because I'm too tired to go into lengthy detail, maybe later.


*Using the tactical which gave Zealous Leap Autocrit, I was able to, with 3 Force Clarity charges have a burst window of Zealous Leap > Concentrated Slice > Zen (not an attack) > Focused Burst > Dispatch...with each attack averaging 52k for a total of about 208k....in four GCDs....can I interest you guys in that?



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*Using the tactical which gave Zealous Leap Autocrit, I was able to, with 3 Force Clarity charges have a burst window of Zealous Leap > Concentrated Slice > Zen (not an attack) > Focused Burst > Dispatch...with each attack averaging 52k for a total of about 208k....in four GCDs....can I interest you guys in that?





That is very generous estimate. Probably too much.We have 2 abilities that dont autocrit meaning the burst isnt reliable.Moreover that specific rotation is easily countered.Also you have the issues with relic porcs. Not to mention those attacks rarely crit to 52k.More realistic would be between 40k and 50k. Taking all that into account we go from 208k down to 150k assuming no defensive CDs and you not getting pushed away rooted or stunned. Moreover you will need to sacrifice a DCD in obfuscate in order to achieve this. Sounds good, doesn't work.

Edited by Spasi
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From a PVP perspective, sentinels are fine. Their new ability + Fearless set bonus allows for consistent burst* and the tactical which refreshes camo after transcendence is one of the best defensive tacticals in the game.


That's it....that's all I got because I'm too tired to go into lengthy detail, maybe later.


*Using the tactical which gave Zealous Leap Autocrit, I was able to, with 3 Force Clarity charges have a burst window of Zealous Leap > Concentrated Slice > Zen (not an attack) > Focused Burst > Dispatch...with each attack averaging 52k for a total of about 208k....in four GCDs....can I interest you guys in that?


Sorry but you can't use that tactical on zealous leap. Without refresh on camouflage mara is a dead meat in ranked. So minus dps tacticals. New ability works only on white damage attacks... it isn't working on focus burst or force scream. Literally it buffs only furious strike, dispatch and ravage (from main dps abilities ofc). Yet dispatch works only on low hp player or the one with obfuscate on so it is situational and ravage never was a powerful dps ability anyway.


All these fails with useless set bonuses and weak dps tacticals lead to marauder becoming useless. Wait when juggs get their ed cd reduce and people will completely stop playing mara

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Merc healing doesn't take as much skill as a sage and its sad to see skilled sages parsing so low.


That's an interesting statement.


For me, I always found sage/sorc heals easily the most simplistic of the healers, especially over the last few years. Merc heals aren't necessarily hard to play, but they are a bit more complex than sorc heals.


Anyway, I have read most posts here, but nothing is mentioned as to how sorcs were nerfed, what exactly what changed that nerfed them?

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That is very generous estimate. Probably too much.We have 2 abilities that dont autocrit meaning the burst isnt reliable.Moreover that specific rotation is easily countered.Also you have the issues with relic porcs. Not to mention those attacks rarely crit to 52k.More realistic would be between 40k and 50k. Taking all that into account we go from 208k down to 150k assuming no defensive CDs and you not getting pushed away rooted or stunned. Moreover you will need to sacrifice a DCD in obfuscate in order to achieve this. Sounds good, doesn't work.


Any incoming damage can be countered, for example burst classes can get accuracy debuffs or hit into a well-timed DCD (knowledge gained from experience in dealing with said burst class)....dot specs can be countered by........not stacking. Sentinels did not invent having their damage countered, nor did they invent having troubles with roots and stuns.


Sorry but you can't use that tactical on zealous leap. Without refresh on camouflage mara is a dead meat in ranked. So minus dps tacticals. New ability works only on white damage attacks... it isn't working on focus burst or force scream. Literally it buffs only furious strike, dispatch and ravage (from main dps abilities ofc). Yet dispatch works only on low hp player or the one with obfuscate on so it is situational and ravage never was a powerful dps ability anyway.


All these fails with useless set bonuses and weak dps tacticals lead to marauder becoming useless. Wait when juggs get their ed cd reduce and people will completely stop playing mara


Save for Watchman, most of a Sentinel's rotation has to deal with white damage. It doesn't literally buff only concentrated slice, dispatch or ravage, it also buffs zealous leap and slash. I will agree that the tacticals aren't totally game-changing from a DPS perspective like sorcs, sins and ops....but Cauterized Corollary can help maintain the attack buff from a Force Clarity charge gain by increasing your chances of getting a Force Clarity charge (and causes your Concentrated Slice do a little more damage each use). Perserverance gives you an autocrit. If you're playing Carnage, Fanged God Form simplifies the rotation incredibly.


Yes, it's true that in Solo Ranked, the Force Camo reset tactical is preferable, especially if you know you're going to be the first target...but....like I mentioned earlier, Sentinel didn't invent having to use a defensive tactical in Solo Ranked to help with survival under focus....most classes will have to do something similar.


Also, unless there's another buff coming (in which case I'll take back what I have to say), the Enraged Defense CD reduction is mostly useless for DPS Juggs in SR as they'll be dead before the ED comes back....even with the CD reduction because every Jugg uses Endure Pain as a last resort, like they can't take more damage after Endure Pain is over because they'll be dead.

Edited by Csjbo
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