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Post your keybind setup!


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Alright everybody, we have a ton of buttons - how are you managing them?


Maybe also post how you play - i.e. I use a Razer Naga so I keybind things to num pad to pop w/ my thumb.


Just hit 40 and I've reached the threshhold where I no longer have easy access to all the skills I want to use regularly without hunting and clicking. Hoping someone comes up with a clever bind system to inspire me.

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Level 37 currently....




3-Zealous Strike

4-Overload Saber

5-Master Strike


Shift 1-Force Camoflauge

Shift 2-Force Sweep

Shift 3-Cyclone Strike

Shift 4-Force Leap

Shift 5-Force Stasis


Q-Relic 1

R-Relic 2

F-Force Kick



X-Leg Slash



Shift Q-Saber Ward

Shift E-Rebuke

Shift F-Pacify

Shift G-Crippling Throw

Shift X-Transcendence



A lot of my keybinds are due to force of habit from WoW. For example my WoW Warrior's Charge was Shift 4, Throwdown Shift 5, trinkets and cooldowns Q and E and their shifts, etc. Most likely Merciless Slash will be R.

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I've gone through and overhauled mine. Now I have to learn to replay the game :(


Along the left bar I have skills that are seldom used - my hour long buff, my stances, my quick travel, my fleet pass, etc.


For my standard centre bar I find it comfortable to use 1-5 from the WASD cluster, with 1-3 being most comfortable/effortless, so 4-5 are high use, but somewhat situational abilities, and I generally only use 5 in conjunction with 4 so I can roll a finger or just touch over.


1 - Strike

2- Zealous Strike

3 - Slash

4- Force Sweep

5 - Pommel Strike


Num pad (naga thumb pad) - keybound to bottom centre bar. A lot of these are just habit for me, in other games my interrupt is always on naga 7, my distance closer on 8, my execute type ability on 11 and my stuns on 4 and 10. Things like that, just because it's comfortable for me. 5 is a natural resting place for my thumb so I have merciless slash there as I basically want to be throwing it on cooldown. From the 5 key I find the easiest things to "reach for" are keys 1 and 2 so I have my key burn abilities there to maximize burn uptime, etc.


1 - Cauterize

2 - Overload Sabre

3- Master Strike

4 - Blade Storm

5- Merciless Slash

6- Force Cyclone

7 - Force Kick

8- Force Leap

9 - Zen

10- Force Stasis

11- Dispatch (will go here - currently empty)

12- Force Camoflauge


Shift + Naga pad is bound to right bar and this is where my defensive cooldowns, relics, medpacs, and situational abilities (pvp stuff could go here but I don't bother).


Again, as 5 is my natural resting place I have things like shift + naga 5 being rebuke, as I'm more or less hitting it on cooldown and I find the right bar easy to watch along with my 2 bottom bars/castbar of enemy and display (allows me to somewhat tunnel out the left side).

Edited by shoveljon
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Off the top of my head....




3-Zealous Strike


5-Force Stasis

6-Master Strike


Q-Force Leap

E-Force Sweep

Shift+E-Cyclone Slash

F-Blade Storm

R-Precision Strike





G4-Blade Ward


G6- Force Camo


Mouse 4- Kick

Shift + Mouse 4-Saber Throw

Shift + Mouse 3-Leg Slash


I am using a Logitech G15, and have most of the important PVP and PVE cooldowns in easy reach on my keyboard. Anthing else major can be easily clicked as I keep it in a logical place on my bars, plus I level with a healer (the wife), which makes things easy for managing what I do and where I do it.

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Only lvl 19 but I found a set that I liked

Move with mouse

f and g are straft left and right.


Then I put the skills on rows 1-5 (openers focus/builders) tab-r (spenders) and a-d (defence stuff)


Lol I discovered that if i rest my hand on the 1,2,3 and pinky on tab I can hit everything and not get confused.. This is coming from someone who has never really played a computer game before so yeah.

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Only lvl 19 but I found a set that I liked

Move with mouse

f and g are straft left and right.


Then I put the skills on rows 1-5 (openers focus/builders) tab-r (spenders) and a-d (defence stuff)


Lol I discovered that if i rest my hand on the 1,2,3 and pinky on tab I can hit everything and not get confused.. This is coming from someone who has never really played a computer game before so yeah.




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Currently my key bindings are... Wacky...


Don't get me wrong, they work just fine, they use more or less the keys that everyone else uses but my theme is more "the way I play" than anything else. Hey, I'm clearing top 3 in kills and DPS in warzones so I can't have that bad a set up.


That being said I ordered a Razer Naga that should arrive tomorrow... That means I'm going to have to re-learn the entire set up I had... Sad face.

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Alright everybody, we have a ton of buttons - how are you managing them?


Oldschool DAOC style.


'Page' between bars with shift1-shift4 (to swap between bars 1-4). On bars:



1- Zealous Strike

2- Blade Rush

3- Force Scream

4- Strike

5- Disruption (interrupt - Force Kick?)

6- Vicious Throw (whatever your execute move is called - Dispatch?)

7- Force Leap

8- Riposte

0- Precision Strike

=- Medpac



1- Master Strike

2- Force Sweep

3- Deadly Throw (heal debuff)

4- Cauterize

5- Force Stasis

6- first Zen buff (variable)

7- second Zen buff (runspeed)

8- third Zen buff (dmg/heal buff)

9- 30 charge Zen cooldown

10- Force Cyclone



1- Obfuscate (blind, -90% melee/range acc)

2- CC break

3- Rebuke

4- Saber Ward (50% evade, 25% tech/force reduction)

5- Force Camo

6- Call on the Force (20m cd Saber Ward reset + regen for me/comanion)


8- Undying Rage (99% dmg reduction)


10- Intimidating Roar (AOE mez)



1- Warrior/Knight buff

2- Sprint


4- Relic


6- ShiiCho

7- Juyo

8- Ataru


Sidenote: this is for a Combat build. My Watchman build setup is slightly more tedious since it requires an additional 2 primary attack buttons ... :(.

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