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Iokath mission: Defeat Iokath Sentinels


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I am seriously struggling with this mission. I have tried it over 50 times and literally cant last more than about 10-15 seconds. The sentinels wipe me out as fast as I can get 1-3 attacks off. Is this a bug? How can I fix. It literally has me stopped in my tracks as far as story line goes. I would love to play the new content but cant until i beat this mission.
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This may be the same issue that testers discovered during the 6.0 PTS. The mission is "Showdown on Iokath". The problem was the player's stats were not being buffed appropriately when in the walker. In 5.0 the player has about 550K health in the walker. On the 6.0 PTS, the player had about 110K health, making defeating the droids pretty much impossible.


Chapters 1 and 8 of Eternal Throne were having the same problem and maybe still are now that 6.0 is live.

Edited by TerraStomper
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I am seriously struggling with this mission. I have tried it over 50 times and literally cant last more than about 10-15 seconds. The sentinels wipe me out as fast as I can get 1-3 attacks off. Is this a bug? How can I fix. It literally has me stopped in my tracks as far as story line goes. I would love to play the new content but cant until i beat this mission.

Same here, can't progress with the story because this quest is bugged.

They should fix it asap

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Is this really a bug, and have they announced a plan to fix this bug soon? I can't progress past this point in the Iokath story and it's really starting to piss me off (walker combat in general is doing that as well). Took me forever to get past the walker portion of chapter eight in KOTET last night, and now I'm stuck here in a walker again.


Do the devs think these things through before implementing updates or do they just kinda wing it?

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I was having the same problem then i went and bought the Modified Iokath armor cell for walkers (from the rep vendor) and after that me walker ha 1.2 mil HP and i was easy to finnish the fight.


confirmed this works just use it when outside of the walker then do fight

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This isnt working for me (IMP) Still 100k HP


if your thinking this works for the chapter walkers or the iokath chapter droid .... i dont think it works ... this is only confirmed by me for the walker on the showdown on iokath story mission in that it helps keep you alive when fighting the 3 droids at the end :/


side note: how in the world did our characters get that walker even into that room in first place ... the door ways to small and there a room above i do belive and we got out of it outside the room x.x

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This isnt working for me (IMP) Still 100k HP


It didn't work for me either. I'd like to get this toon into Onslaught, but it doesn't look like that's going to be possible any time soon. I feel bad for new players who wanted to play the expansion. Without the rep to buy the token buff they won't be able to even attempt to pass the droids.

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It didn't work for me either. I'd like to get this toon into Onslaught, but it doesn't look like that's going to be possible any time soon. I feel bad for new players who wanted to play the expansion. Without the rep to buy the token buff they won't be able to even attempt to pass the droids.


Yep, i found it yesterday and started grinding reputation tokens to get this item... but there is a wall: you can only farm an ammount of reputation and have to wait for the resets on tuesday... now i have to wait for a fix, or for tuesday to even try it...

I don't really want to skip this stuff :(

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I cant believe this was found on the PTS and they did nothing.

Yeah, it's rather disgraceful, especially because when you look back, its not the first time it has happened, yet they remain incapable of learning from it and just do the same stupid mistake once more.

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Does this only affect Iokath stuff that is in the KOTFEET chapters, or also the Iokath stuff that leads into the Traitor arc? I'm trying to push my Theron-mancing character through to that content now but if I'm gonna be bashing my head into this bug I'd rather hold off and play a different toon until it's fixed.
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Does this only affect Iokath stuff that is in the KOTFEET chapters, or also the Iokath stuff that leads into the Traitor arc? I'm trying to push my Theron-mancing character through to that content now but if I'm gonna be bashing my head into this bug I'd rather hold off and play a different toon until it's fixed.


I am in the Iokath traitor stuff and cannot progress. I try every day, but even with the buff I can't kill even 1 of the droids before I die. I think it would have been possible if I hadn't hit 71 during my fight. In my original attempt I had 1 droid down, hit 71 when it died, and immediately died to the remaining 2. When I ran back in all 3 were back up and now I can't even kill 1 before I'm dead again. Incredibly frustrating.

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Does this only affect Iokath stuff that is in the KOTFEET chapters, or also the Iokath stuff that leads into the Traitor arc? I'm trying to push my Theron-mancing character through to that content now but if I'm gonna be bashing my head into this bug I'd rather hold off and play a different toon until it's fixed.


It seems the problem persists with the Chapter 1 of KoTET with the Walker. I'm taking more damage than I would usually take and I'm on story. It could be because I'm lvl 71 but I'm unsure right now.

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I can confirm this is still an issue. Tried to run that bit 4x this morning. Droids have 515k heath, hit insanely hard with 3 of them even dodging the AoE rings. Being that is this for my Knight moving toward finally getting reunited with Kira for latest update, it is double frustrating.


Did a bug report but have gotten no reply. Doubtful anything would be addressed for a while so.. well yeah. Frustrated and disgusted.

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I was having the same problem then i went and bought the Modified Iokath armor cell for walkers (from the rep vendor) and after that me walker ha 1.2 mil HP and i was easy to finnish the fight.


You need Friend rep status to buy the armor. I am a little short on reputation... can you earn more rep if you haven't got past this mission? This bug seems like a 100% story progression roadblock.

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I was having the same problem then i went and bought the Modified Iokath armor cell for walkers (from the rep vendor) and after that me walker ha 1.2 mil HP and i was easy to finnish the fight.


This worked like a charm! Thanks so much. I used it right before I entered the room with the walker but I also used the movement and speed buffs and that helped a lot.

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You need Friend rep status to buy the armor. I am a little short on reputation... can you earn more rep if you haven't got past this mission? This bug seems like a 100% story progression roadblock.


You can loot some reputation from the droids running through the area between republic and imperial bases. But there is a limitation for every week, maybe you have to farm it about 2 Weeks, because of the limitation.

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