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Good star wars ideas


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Hello Community


I do not know if I have written it now in the right forum please correct me if I did it wrong. With the Nautolans as a playable race is schonmal good start.

But I still want to pick up on that I miss very important breeds in the game like the Wookies, Rodians, Weequays, Gungans, Arconians, Bothane r, Devaronians, Dugs, Duros, Evoci, Farghul, Gamoreans, Sullustans, Advozse, Anx, Gand, Gran, Ixtotchi.Lannik, Kubaz, Mon Calamari, Nikto.Ongree, Quermian, Quarren, Selkath, T randoshaner, Voss, Vurk, Ugnaughts, Weequay, Kel'Dor just to name a few I would like to see as a playable breed.

I mean the breed diversity is what makes Star Wars.


Furthermore, I would like to suggest that maybe some planets you know from books and games like Kessel (as you can tell a super bounty hunter, smuggler story, etc.)


Malastare is known for the dreaded Podracer. For example, you could drive a podium racer or bet on podracers in the background for credit.


Dathomir the armor is from the Dark Sisters are already in the game because you could make a gloomy place for the Empire z.b.


Tannab I know of books that are a cult there the disciples of Ragnors and who have done with Rancors experiments maybe that's worth a story.


Xa Fel is the Imperial shipyard world that has been built many star destroyer and other Raunschiffe may have a story about an attack by the Republic


Yag'Dhul could be told a story as a trading paradise and Spice War.


Raxus Prime was indeed a garbage world z.b. Rogue, Schmuckler, murderers, etc. use


Saleucami could possibly be told a story about Desateure.


Da Soocha Is an underwater world in Star Wars


Denab a battle republic against empire history.


Klatooine A story about the Hutten the inhabitants are the Hutts The capitals were Veneron and Treema


New Cov the spaceship battle is already there, only the planet is missing. The planet is as much as I know the empire loyal loyal because you could easily make a huge battle of empire and republic.


Drexel If there is an underwater world Bioware could venture something new and create an underwater world.


Fondor is the planet that has the largest space shipyards because you could collect your own ship or modify your own materials.

I could go on with the planets, but I think the planets are part of Swtor.



What would also be great if you with the professions z.b. one or several spacecraft could of course use a lot of materials

as Jedi or Sith seek his padawan or disciple even in the world. You could find something on many planets.

As a soldier or smuggler or bounty hunter you could rekut his new Rekuten z.b


Why can not you race breeds that do not speak Basic like now, for example, equip Wookies with a Universal Translator, or the Companion translates for that breed as it does, for example. Han did at Chewie.

May the force be with you

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For the species you suggested most if not all of them would never be added as a playable race. As a companion yeah I could see that.


There are a million and one threads about it but essentially they will only add a playable race that meets the following requirements:


  1. Body size and structure fits within all existing and future cutscenes
  2. Must speak Basic
  3. Must work with all armor sets
  4. Must be romance able (i.e., must have a human like face such as lips for romance scenes, eyes, nose, etc).


These are the basis on what they go by. All existing playable races now are just skins of the human models layered over them. It keeps the work minimal and doesn't require extra work of going back through the entire game and make adjustments to things.

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I was under the impression that races needed to meet 4 things.


1. Speak Galactic Basic Standard (i.e. English)

2. Be able to use the Force

3. Must fit the generic human body type (Hutts and Jawas are out)

4. Must be romanceable


What I'd like to see them do is release races that don't meet any of those. Here is how I think they can do that.


1. Release them locked to the non-force classes or just one class on each side so Jawas would be Smuggler and Bounty Hunter class locked. (less voice work needed = cheaper to make)

2. Make them NOT romanceable (again, less options = cheaper to make)

3. Must have other races/species that fit that body type so Jawas, Chadra-Fan, Ugnaught, Tynnan and Ewoks could share the same body type. I don't think Ewoks are visible/found during SWTOR so can't see them being in game. ( If they can't reuse the same body type like Hutts then I don't see them being in-game and so is probably a waste of resources)

4. Don't use normal armor types so Jawas would get some other way to boost stats. Maybe their weapons give them all the stats their armor would give them plus the weapons stats. Or could allow them to just change shoulder pads, backpack, belt, gloves, boots, implants and earpieces and give them a multiplier added to them to make up for missing armor slots.

5) Don't need to speak Galactic Basic Standard. If they are locked to one class per side and 99% of us don't know *** they are saying anyway they can just get the voice actor to do like a 100 Jawa/species lines and then just combine them in different ways during cutscenes. Most of us would not even know but they would have to have subtitles enabled so we can at least read what we are saying, lol. This right here is the main reason SWTOR falls short imo. Locking voices to classes instead of race/species is wrong. It reduces the possible variety, uniqueness and replay value of alts.

6) All races/species that are set up like the above start on a non-starter world and come at a higher level. Maybe give them a story they all share kind of like a 9th class option. Find a mutual story they all could be part of and share in. Maybe some slave trader took one of their family and they are hunting them down and so no matter what race they are they start on Tatooine/Nar Shaddaa or some other planet where slaves are sold.

Edited by Darth_Vainous
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More immersion:


- Start a business, get paid daily (Maybe own a bar or something, plenty of possibilities)

- Relax at a lake (There are lakes right?)

- have a drink at a bar, maybe even some small talk.

As a few examples.


The way I see it, money is tight in this game, so little things would not only be cost effective, but also add more enjoyable content to the game.

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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This right here is the main reason SWTOR falls short imo. Locking voices to classes instead of race/species is wrong. It reduces the possible variety, uniqueness and replay value of alts.

It's less wrong than you think. Think of practicalities for a moment.


Right now, the per-class voicing means that the player character voices require 48 different voice actors (eight classes, two sexes, three languages makes 48).


Per-species voicing would, at launch, have required 54 voice actors (nine species(1), two sexes, three languages makes 54), plus six more when they added Cathar and another six for Togruta. Furthermore, *all* content released at launch would have required *all* the voice actors to record *all* the class-specific content.


Now let's add some new content where the player speaks: every single line has to be written for all 54 / 60 / 66 actors. (Half that for sex-specific lines, of course.)


Something tells me that the cost of doing that would have meant that the number of added species so far would be essentially none at all.


(1) Human, Cyborg, PB Sith, Red Zab, Brown Zab, Twi'lek, Mirialan, Miraluka, Rattataki ==> nine.

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I didn't say it was cheaper to voice individual races just that it takes away from the replay value of alts when ALL races sound the same instead of sounding unique. And at launch I doubt they had the budget they have now.


And I think the Humans, Miraluka and Cyborgs could've had the same voice. And the Imp and Pub Zabraks could've shared the same voice. So instead of 9 they'd only need 6 voice actors. So 6 x 2 x 3 = 36 which is almost half of the 54 you mentioned. But it's over and done with and unless they want to overhaul the customization of characters and improve the voices to race instead of class we are stuck with it.


I just came back about two weeks ago, since having last played around Hutt Cartel xpac with level 50 being max, and I am thinking of cheap ways to improve the game and possibly bring players back. I am pretty sure they are on a low budget for stuff but I was thinking if they introduced races outside the norm it would be cheaper. You have them all share the same story, be of a higher level probably around level 20 and so skip the starter and faction planet cutscenes/voiceovers, plus they would need to have less armor options like Jawas and Wookies so would get a multiplier to make up for that, would be locked to 1 -2 classes on a faction so wouldn't NEED to use the Force or guns, and they would share a body type with other possible future races to follow so it's not a waste.


It was just an idea I was throwing around for future possibilities. Wasn't laid in stone or whatever, lol. I appreciate your opinion and always welcome it from others. Sometimes we don't see things that are right in front of our faces and so an outside opinion helps on occasions.

Edited by Darth_Vainous
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plus they would need to have less armor options like Jawas and Wookies

Better to do the same thing with their armour that they did with Togruta helmets, where you can put whatever you want in there and it has no effect on the character's appearance.


(Practicalities again: rather than messing with the stat-accumulation system that currently just works, reuse and extend another system that *also* just works.)

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I was under the impression that races needed to meet 4 things.


1. Speak Galactic Basic Standard (i.e. English)

2. Be able to use the Force

3. Must fit the generic human body type (Hutts and Jawas are out)

4. Must be romanceable


Yes to 1 and 3. I'd love for playable Ithorians but appreciate that there would be significant expense involved in rescripting and re recording the entirety of the game's voice acted content just for them. Plus every item of clothing in the game would need to be adjusted for them.


No to 2.


I've just checked to be sure and in canon there's no such thing as a race completely devoid of force users. Beyond it there's only one from outside of "our" galaxy. In canon there's just races which despise force sensitives who kill, exile or outlaw them. Like Chiss who are already in the game.


What do you think would make a race unromanceable? I'm not aware of any Star Wars races which eg. all look like children.

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What do you think would make a race unromanceable? I'm not aware of any Star Wars races which eg. all look like children.

The problem isn't the *idea* of romancing them, but the mechanical difficulties in all the existing conversation cut-scenes where the player character kisses the companion (or occasionally other NPC). *How* does the companion kiss a Kel Dor, for example?

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They will not put in the work to disable specific romances for races, lock to certain classes, redo thousands of cut scenes, voice work, etc.


Every playable races follows a specific template and they are not going to redo that template or branch off of it in the ways that are being described.


It's a theme park MMO with a certain formula and design that they maintain vs a sandbox MMO that would allow for all those combinations.

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You can also start these classes with LVL 50 without the romance. Since I believe I will no longer play videos.

-If it must be absolutely easy to adjust the companion on a male / female form I do not know if this is so much effort?

Or maybe just new companion of the same breed with insert z.b.

Or simply tell the player that there will be no romances. Must all characters have romances :-)

-Basic as a language in Star Wars is learned by most races, if not a translator can be fetched.

I think that you do not have to change much because of the armor if you only have to show certain areas.

Such as. with the Wookies do without the helmet and only zb. put on a headband.

Chest just a monition belt z.b. and done

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