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A Day in the Life of Sorcerers and Sages


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Well, not quite. You've chosen the only logical ones. Nobody would use Empowered Restorer set with the Slow Mercy tactical — it's pointless. :rolleyes:


And, yet again, Endless Offensive + Elemental Convection is the only player's option that can make Volt Rush be usable. That lead us to



OK. So, if I don't want to specialize in AoE I shouldn't use Volt Rush at all ? Not even put in on my action bar ? Is that your new philosophy ?

Well then, what a new expansion can offer to me if the only new thing is for a different specialization ? :confused:


And even if I do, what I suppose to do while collecting the set pieces and tactical ?

Or in 7.0+ (assuming all the doom predictions are false and we would get 7.0) ? Are you going to remade the abilities again ? :confused::( (That is one of the reasons I left WoW, Blizzard can't stop from remaking classes in every single expansion. :mad: )



Won't it be late then ?

It's not like you can tune the numbers and suddenly everyone's happy. :rolleyes: The new ability is a joke.

Get rid of the 10 sec. cooldown between Force Storm procs Lightning Storm and there won't be any need for the Volt Rush + Endless Offensive set + Elemental Convection tactical ! :cool: Just do this already, there is no need for some new complicated ability, “charge” system or not. I'm sorry, but abilities should be for players to use, not for the developers to praise their ego. :sy_darkside:

Valkorion's Phase Teleport would be so better choice compared to the Volt Rush. ;) Accompanied by the ability to freely mark the location for the Phase Walk and/or mark several locations for the Phase Walk and jump between them. :o


And, for Force's sake, can you, please, PLEASE, stop using Force Speed as an opener for various DPS abilities ?! :mad: Does nobody use it, you know, to run faster or something ? Can't you chain damage dealing abilities to the damage dealing/boosting abilities and utility abilities to the utility abilities ? :eek:



I'd love to have that lightning drain ability Valkorion has, so, so cool. Volt Rush is really a joke. What a let down.

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I can see into the future. I see: Stupid questions on the fleet. Where can I get the equipment from? And so on....


This is already happening on the PTS with people who should know better (including me)... what hope is there when it goes live.


I know this is off topic, but posting this on the pts forms feels like it’s not being listened to by the devs. We’ve had small changes but they will not pull back enough on the massive RNG implementation.


I’ve some really dumb questions myself. How do you re-roll amps and or equipment?

Where is this amp screen Musco asks if we can find and understand? (I can’t find it, hence I can’t understand it)

What do I do when the vendor RNG keeps giving me crit and accuracy implants when all I want is an alacrity ones?


The vendor needs to NOT BE RNG if every other in game gear drop is RNG, the vendor is your last hope to balance your stats and I spent 6000 tech fragments and still couldn’t get a alacrity implant from the vendor because it’s RNG.


This is not fun. I can say many people find this frustrating and not fun. I’m crossing my fingers you will come to your senses and make the vendor gear non RNG and let you pick the exact item you are looking for.


We also need a specific mods - enhancement - Armor - barrel - hilt vendor that isn’t RNG because my Rage Jugg gets tank drops 90% of the time and they are completely useless for my spec.

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We also need a specific mods - enhancement - Armor - barrel - hilt vendor that isn’t RNG because my Rage Jugg gets tank drops 90% of the time and they are completely useless for my spec.


All of my 3 Sorcs (Lightnin/Madness/Corruption) got tank gear 99% of the time from all of the sources. Guess, that's how it works. At least for now. :(

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Yeah, based on everything released so far, I still feel like I'll have to respec to lightning to compete in solo ranked in 6.0, which makes me sad.


Well, this new tactical looks interesting....


Sith Sorcerer


Killing Field:

OLD: Death Field spreads Force Slow's effect and Force Storm does 15% more damage to targets affected by your Deathmark.

NEW: Death Field spreads Force Slow's effect. Demolish hits all nearby targets affected by your Deathmark and Force Storm does 15% more damage to targets affected by your Deathmark.

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Well, this new tactical looks interesting....


Sith Sorcerer


Killing Field:

OLD: Death Field spreads Force Slow's effect and Force Storm does 15% more damage to targets affected by your Deathmark.

NEW: Death Field spreads Force Slow's effect. Demolish hits all nearby targets affected by your Deathmark and Force Storm does 15% more damage to targets affected by your Deathmark.


I like it. It's like a workaround to the nerf they did years back when they removed the snare off Force Storm. This adds one step but gives you the same effect with added damage, I think it looks neat.

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people's responses

week 1: volt rush total useless ability waste of space on quickbar

week 2: volt rush on lightning with convention tactical op rips everything apart in pvp 35m range aoe wah wah needs nerf wah wah

week 3 ...


Except I have not seen any "volt rush on lightning with convention tactical op rips everything apart in pvp 35m range aoe wah wah needs nerf wah wah," did it get buffed and now it needs a nerf?


Please show a link to thread or post saying it needs nerfed.

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Except I have not seen any "volt rush on lightning with convention tactical op rips everything apart in pvp 35m range aoe wah wah needs nerf wah wah," did it get buffed and now it needs a nerf?


Please show a link to thread or post saying it needs nerfed.


I can’t find it now, but I also saw it. A few people have a whine about lightning being OP now. Made me laugh so hard and made me sad at the same time because this is why lightning has been relegated to the bottom of the pack in pvp for the last 4 years.

Any time lightning gets a small improvement, the vultures come out asking for nerf because they won’t be able to kill them anymore without also taking damage.

I predict Bioware will either nerf it because 2-3 people said it was OP on the pts or nerf it in 3 months from bass crying in the pvp forums.

Lightning is Bioware’s kick toy.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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The fall out from other class tacticals is going to much worse in pvp than people realise. Some classes will become exceptionally OP in certain situations and others will be impossible to kill. (6 roll Operatives, double phase walk snipers)


Then you’ll have some that do so much splash and AOE damage that everyone will be asking for every class but their own to be nerfed.


I think this was done on purpose because it will be impossible to really gauge how balanced classes really are from now on.

Too many types of set bonuses, amplifiers (which I’m not sure will do much) and multiple tacticals.


I will say that Madness and lightning (who doesn’t need more AOE) will do some good AOE damage. But people like me who’ve been “screaming” for 4 years for more single target burst on lightning have been totally ignored.


I would have liked a tactical that made volt rush use all its energy at once on a single target (no AOE).

Musco even mentioned back in May that a possible single target burst tactical could be a possible idea to make forked lightning hit harder on a single target at the expense of its AOE damage. Why the hell couldn’t we have had that instead or as another option.

I would have even settled for a tactical that allowed crushing darkness to be cast on the move.


I hate AOE play because it feels like “cheap” dps to me (sorry, just my own personal opinion and preferred play style).

I only want to be able to play lightning as a single target dps burst spec. Like you play Arsenal mercs.


You have Madness for AOE, why the hell does lightning also have to be AOE too. No other class has a double AOE spec in it (except maybe Mara, but they are an exception).

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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