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My experience playing marauder (up to level 34)


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So, I picked Marauder as my AC for the obvious reason like many others I guess, to have dual sabers.


I've leveled up till 34 before rerolling sorcerer, and I can tell the difference is just huge (I'm not gonna touch on pvp, just how it feels leveling up)



Since my experience is low-mid level, I'm just gonna compare how it felt as a marauder and sorcerer:


-starting out: basically we start out with a fairly crappy companion that doesn't complement at all our class, a glass-canon class doesn't need another glass canon as a companion, we needed a tank or a healer. Vette is a complete joke for a marauder.


Compare that to sorcerer: we get a tank, a really good one at that, and we do both dps and healing, you basically get a one army character that can control mobs, heal, and have a tank.


As a marauder all I had is dps and pray I could kill stuff fast enough not to die. With sorcerer I have complete control over the fights, because I have the tools to.



-mid level (level 24): so far I've been able to do amazing things with my sorcerer that I couldn't even imagine as a marauder, I've been able to solo most heroic 2 quests of my level, and 2-man heroic 4 quests no problem.


It's just to be expected when you have a very good cc, a tank that you can heal, while doing good dps, all I have to do is manage my force to use the most force efficient skills while healing the companion, it's really good.


As a marauder, I couldn't solo anything of my level that required more than 1 player, it's just not gonna happen when you have no tank, no heal and no cc whatsoever on your own compared to sorcerer.



So yeah that's it, I don't know how it is at high level, all I can say is, marauder is not a class that is self sufficient. Why? Because it's one of the few classes that can fulfill only one role, and it's not doing it better than the others at that while at the same time losing all the advantages the hybrid classes have. On top of that you don't get survivability nor control to make up for it.


I'm really puzzled by the class design of marauder tbh, I get it, it's a glass canon. But how is a low survivability melee class, with no cc, no stealth, no "sneaky" mechanics supposed to work exactly?


Alright that's it.

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So... many.... flaws......in...post.....


GG, I want less people playing this class anyway.... =)



Well I never said I was going to stop playing my marauder, just pointing out how much more difficult it is compared to some other classes :p


It feels like the rogue class in wow without the stealth and controls.

Edited by Demorase
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So, I picked Marauder as my AC for the obvious reason like many others I guess, to have dual sabers.


I've leveled up till 34 before rerolling sorcerer, and I can tell the difference is just huge (I'm not gonna touch on pvp, just how it feels leveling up)



Since my experience is low-mid level, I'm just gonna compare how it felt as a marauder and sorcerer:


-starting out: basically we start out with a fairly crappy companion that doesn't complement at all our class, a glass-canon class doesn't need another glass canon as a companion, we needed a tank or a healer. Vette is a complete joke for a marauder.


Compare that to sorcerer: we get a tank, a really good one at that, and we do both dps and healing, you basically get a one army character that can control mobs, heal, and have a tank.


As a marauder all I had is dps and pray I could kill stuff fast enough not to die. With sorcerer I have complete control over the fights, because I have the tools to.



-mid level (level 24): so far I've been able to do amazing things with my sorcerer that I couldn't even imagine as a marauder, I've been able to solo most heroic 2 quests of my level, and 2-man heroic 4 quests no problem.


It's just to be expected when you have a very good cc, a tank that you can heal, while doing good dps, all I have to do is manage my force to use the most force efficient skills while healing the companion, it's really good.


As a marauder, I couldn't solo anything of my level that required more than 1 player, it's just not gonna happen when you have no tank, no heal and no cc whatsoever on your own compared to sorcerer.



So yeah that's it, I don't know how it is at high level, all I can say is, marauder is not a class that is self sufficient. Why? Because it's one of the few classes that can fulfill only one role, and it's not doing it better than the others at that while at the same time losing all the advantages the hybrid classes have. On top of that you don't get survivability nor control to make up for it.


I'm really puzzled by the class design of marauder tbh, I get it, it's a glass canon. But how is a low survivability melee class, with no cc, no stealth, no "sneaky" mechanics supposed to work exactly?


Alright that's it.


I have found cmplete frustration in the Maurader class, enough to cancel my account even. I should not have to reroll because of their lousy balance issues. I liked playing the class but when I do a quest that is suppose to be my level and I have the best equipment and all skills up to date and ready and get my head handed to me seven times in a row, thats a broken game, its not my fault. I don't know where its broken but I know its broken. I been playing MMO's since EQ. Never have I seen such BS. As you can tell I am really annoyed at the moment. I had looked forward to this game a long time. Maybe I will try a sorcerer in my remaining time and chalk up 24 levels as a marauder a complete waste of my time...

Edited by Loniki
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Yeah I agree, the funny thing is that with my marauder I had crazy good gear for my level as well just like you, while my gear is complete garbage on my sorcerer and still things are going so smoothly :p





Nope, I've been annihilation from level 12 when I realized carnage wasn't gonna cut it.


But the mere self heal from the dots is kinda lackluster compared to actual heals that the sorcerer has+ shield. And that's not even counting the avalanche of CC at my disposal.


ps: sorcerer even has the same healing on critical dots thingy just like marauder on top of all that, isn't it funny considering all the stuff it already has xD

Edited by Demorase
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let me guess...your marauder spec is carn?


Actually I picked and chose from every tree picking what I felt would be the most useful to me. If you have only one real choice to go, that does not make the class any less broken. If there are trees that don't work, its still broken.

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I'm asking this because carn spec is a little gimp compared with anihi against elite mobs...


the self heal is aparently bad, but my marauder have a lot of crit gear and it helps a lot with dmg mitigation...


As I say everytime, until now I dont have big issues fighting elite mobs (I'm lvl32) like I had while spec'd carn...


ps.: I played sorc on beta, but I feel marauder more promissory...on next patches I hope we get some good news...

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I haven't been having any problem soloing quests personally... I decided to go Anni though so that might be why. There is a very particular rotation I have to do when I fight elites, but more often than not I come out on top. Perhaps you can try that out next time you play your Marauder. For elites I usually do this: Charge > Deadly saber while in the air > Rupture > Ravage > Vicious Saber after that jut keep up rage drop berserk and cloak of pain during CDs. Again that is for Annihilation spec with Quinn or Vette. Any Rage gurus can post up their rotation as I know it's different for that spec.


I totally agree however that Marauders compared to the Sorc is at a huge disadvantage and we would benefit greatly from a tank or CC companion. Just my $.02 :)

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no offence here as im low level (15) but i really hate those who just troll on other players with the typical "it cos you ant got the skill for this class"


bla bla bla go home loser i say to them


People have plenty of right to complain about a class if they feel it is weak but its upto them whether they stick it out or not, so i hate when people flame on them for posting comments about class.


On topic i agree with a lot you said, in beta i rolled sorc and at first i wasnt very impressed, sure DPS is huge but your weak as hell.....once you level above 13 its insane, the sorc is like you said a 1 man army, and i seen enough battles to prove this correct.


The ability to have a companion who is a tank + the ability to do moderate heals is enough to hold most battles....add the fact your DPS is HIGH compared to other classes it makes for very easy and most importantly FRIENDLY BATTLES, ie isnt hard to master.



My point is this, marauder is love and hate, but i wont disagree with those saying it is weak compared to other classes, side by side, it is and i have yet to see anyone prove otherwise....maybe high level with a skilled player sure but it is flawed in a good few places.



I wont re-roll sorc as i like marauder so far and enjoying the Anh spec, but il let you know once i hit level 34 as i can compare to my old sorc more:D

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So you're telling me you want every class to be the same? You want Mauarders to be able to heal, have a tank/healer companion, and do amazing dps?


I'm not going to deny that there is some balance issues at this point, and that there will forever be balance issues, but what would we be if we could heal, cc, and have amazing survivablilty alongside our great damage output? We would be every other class in the game, don't you see the redunancy issue there? This is what makes this class a class, not that it's easier or harder, it's just diffrent. Sure we can't heal ourselves but we can makesure the enemy dosen't heal themself with our interupt or healing debuff. We can vanish out of poor situations, and if worst comes to worst pop Saberward and then pop it again. A sidenote, if we did start off with a tanking companion, don't you think that'd tick off some juggernauts? And honestly, Vette destroys people faster then i can at some points. As long as you gear her she's one hell of a companion, even after i got two healing companions i haven't stoped using her.


All in all, the class lacks in some places, but it's suposed to. Where it fails in some places it is better in others, and it's only up to you to figure that out. Try reading some well written guides here on these fourms or try Google. I don't know what people expect from a class that is pure dps, it says when you pick the class specialization that all it does is damage. Persoanlly i am having too much fun with this class in PvP and PvE.


Anyway, i hope you enjoy whatever class you choose, and just realize there is no problem with this class, goodluck. :)

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So you're telling me you want every class to be the same? You want Mauarders to be able to heal, have a tank/healer companion, and do amazing dps?


I'm not going to deny that there is some balance issues at this point, and that there will forever be balance issues, but what would we be if we could heal, cc, and have amazing survivablilty alongside our great damage output? We would be every other class in the game, don't you see the redunancy issue there? This is what makes this class a class, not that it's easier or harder, it's just diffrent. Sure we can't heal ourselves but we can makesure the enemy dosen't heal themself with our interupt or healing debuff. We can vanish out of poor situations, and if worst comes to worst pop Saberward and then pop it again. A sidenote, if we did start off with a tanking companion, don't you think that'd tick off some juggernauts? And honestly, Vette destroys people faster then i can at some points. As long as you gear her she's one hell of a companion, even after i got two healing companions i haven't stoped using her.


All in all, the class lacks in some places, but it's suposed to. Where it fails in some places it is better in others, and it's only up to you to figure that out. Try reading some well written guides here on these fourms or try Google. I don't know what people expect from a class that is pure dps, it says when you pick the class specialization that all it does is damage. Persoanlly i am having too much fun with this class in PvP and PvE.


Anyway, i hope you enjoy whatever class you choose, and just realize there is no problem with this class, goodluck. :)


No one asks for the same, we want balance. Usually in a MMO as damage goes up, armor goes down. Hopefully a companion that actually compliments your class and not just a story chatactor. I don't know where the screw up is with Marauder. Perhaps because of only three levels of armor, or more likely poorly designed effects that don't do any form of crowd control. One area of effect that does some damage but they are right on you again. Compared to Inq that does a full blowback with enough stun that you can kill one of them before they are on you again. Not to mention they have a tank. Marauder class is a damage class with no real form of crowd control. It is so poorly designed that people have discovered only one of the three skill trees are worth a damn. So poorly designed that you have to play a certain rotation to survive and even thats a gamble. Add underleveled quests that with this gimped class you have to be two levels above to be able to do them, or as I mentioned, know the secret combinations and don't spend any points in the useless skill trees. Thats broken!

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No one asks for the same, we want balance. Usually in a MMO as damage goes up, armor goes down. Hopefully a companion that actually compliments your class and not just a story chatactor. I don't know where the screw up is with Marauder. Perhaps because of only three levels of armor, or more likely poorly designed effects that don't do any form of crowd control. One area of effect that does some damage but they are right on you again. Compared to Inq that does a full blowback with enough stun that you can kill one of them before they are on you again. Not to mention they have a tank. Marauder class is a damage class with no real form of crowd control. It is so poorly designed that people have discovered only one of the three skill trees are worth a damn. So poorly designed that you have to play a certain rotation to survive and even thats a gamble. Add underleveled quests that with this gimped class you have to be two levels above to be able to do them, or as I mentioned, know the secret combinations and don't spend any points in the useless skill trees. Thats broken!


Vette is an amazing companion and even if you dislike her go for Quinn, he's a great healer. Sure, i do agree having a tank/healer off the bat would be delicious, but not detrimental enough to break a class, if you play your cards right you won't even need a companion. Yeah we have **** CC except for the fact that we have a 8 second CD interupt, use it, trust me it works. When you're targeting down a healer, and you deny every other heal, it's golden. And as for AoE ,which you seem to confuse for CC, Vette also comes into play with her many AoE attacks that destroy mobs. As for the three talent trees, all three of them are viable options at this moment in the game, from my experience i know that two of them are good. I played Carnage up to around 29 and did fine with it and decided to try out Anhi which is now my personal favorite. As for Rage i hear it is one of the best in PvP, don't take my word for it though, read some other posts. So that's untrue, and you use the term rotation quite a lot, wich might be another flaw in your play. This class, and many others in this game, use a priority system. Anhi for example you want your DoTs up at all times, when they are up use them, if you can shout then do it , when force choke is up go for it. You get tons of moves as a maurader, sure we aren't gods of lighting and can't just lightning AoE everything down, but we have enough moves that we can destroy everything one on one. Use cloak of pain, one of the utmost important skills, when you feel outnumberd. If you don't like the way it plays then don't play it. If this class isn't what you expected or you truly believe it's 'broken' play an Inq i hear they're tons of fun. This is personaly what i've seen from playing, maybe i'm wrong, idk. It all feels smooth to me. :)

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First of all I'd like to thank you all for the constructive comments, I see some of you got my point and somewhat share my view.



To answer TheGiordano, I don't want every class to be the same, I don't want my marauder to suddenly be able to heal or nonsense like that.

The problem I have with the class is, like you said when you take away something, you need to give something else of equal value in order to have balance.


Marauder has no other options than dps, yet it's not amazing at it, it has 0 control, low survivability, it's stacking up uneeded disadvantages.



I mean I love my sorcerer but in all honesty there's no way in hell I can justify the control, the huge huge huge survivability (would you rather have medium armor or a shield spell that absorb insane amount of dmg, plus heals, plus a sprint?), and great damage all at the same time that I got.



For everybody's enjoyment I don't want sorc to be brought down to marauder's level but rather see marauder being brought up to sorcerer's level.


And since you can't give absurd damage, I think what needs to be done is actually give much more controls to marauder and give it actual survivability (not to the point of being able to tank but not less than sorcerer); the naked melee glass canon concept is just not going to fly.

Edited by Demorase
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I lvld up my marauder 2 25 and so far i have died like 8 times on hard quests and I like that, I hate comparing this game 2 wow but lets for a sec, @ Wow i would never die if i dint agro alot of mobs or go for an elite quest on my own here I do and in my book thats a good thing.

whats the fun if ur just killing everything without a challange ffs..

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Hi. I am a LV35 Operative but decided to make a marauder alt. All I can say is it took me some figuring out, but it's not bad like most people are saying. I'm LV20 on it.


LV1-10 was a breeze as marauder. I think it took me 2 hours max. Then I did BT and tore mobs UP! Once I got to Kaas though things got a bit more complicated. I noticed my survivability had dropped significantly because the mobs were a lot more difficult.


What did I do? I learned to used the abilities given to me. Cloak of pain is a MUST. All you do is pop it as you force charge in, and everything dies with you taking little damage at all. By time you get to the next group, you will most likely have cloak of pain off cool down again. I'm rage spec btw, not annihilation or carn.


Is there a problem with the companion? Not really. With the amount of dps both of you have, you SHOULD be tearing through mobs without a problem. Also you get 4 more companions before you finish leveling up. Whats the problem? You should pick one of the other ones if you dont like Vette.


So I noticed you gave up at LV34. Well buddy the game gets a lot harder post 30 so no matter what class you play it's not going to be easy at this level. Get used to it. Don't reroll when the going gets tough.


Also on that note. I played several classes in beta before I found operative in which I said to myself "this class fits my play style perfectly." So maybe marauder isn't the right class for you, but that doesn't mean the class is broken. Sure they lack survivability, but there are ways around it.

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if you have problems soloing mobs and complain about cc....everyone got cc with them..just dont attack mobs first but let your companion always take first shoot at mobs...you can take elites down quite a bit before they turn to you....use bleedings then forcechoke for free damage from dots and companion throw your cds and burn it down...32 now and never experienced problems with non 4 man quests till now....i roll quinn for companion Edited by readdar
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I respecced Carn from Rage around level 30, and it was great. Also as a marauder there isn't really a class you can't beat 1v1. The CC isn't great, but with Carn you get a root attached to your ravage which is awesome. After level 35, you basically force charge, open up with a rage builder and then Gore. Hit with ravage, (guy stops) force choke, then a couple of vicious slashes and it's dead. I'm not gonna stand here telling you to l2p. It's a hard class to play. Read some of the posts on this forum it's really beneficial.
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Just wanted to add my 2cent.


I started playing as a Assassin and rolled my marauder when I hit 38.

Assassins are really fun in pvp when they can smack some face but

levling just makes me want to kill a puppy.

Im not gona go into details but that class is broken in terms of solo questing.

(No its not a L2P issue or L2gear your pet issue). :rolleyes:



Ok back to the Marauder.


The first 10 levels fly by and I havent had an issue with elites so far and im now lvl30.

I might add that the first elites I tried on my assassin almost ended up in a broken monitor and keyboard. :mad:

Vette has some really nice dps and it helps since she can hold agro and kill of 2 mobs on her own when im busy killing that silver mob.

I used Quinn on some elite mobs and he has some nice healing going but the dps from Vette usally helps more to bring the mob down faster.


The spec I used the first levels was:


Shii-Cho form.

Just VS (manage your rage with cooldowns) your way through mobs and enjoy the pwnage with Vette.

After lvl25 I respeced full Annihilation and its not as boring or as fast as just VS but it gets the job done and you dont want to split your points now.

Juyo form.


A good tip for a new marauder might be to pick up Biochem and make med pacs.

The pacs you get are easy to make and have good healing early on and they WILL help you level faster.

You will eat em like candy when you level. :D


The second tip is just to learn to play your cards better.

Take another look at all your skills.

What do they do? How can they help me kill faster? Can I silence that silver mobs cast to help me survive better? Can I stun/incap mobs so I get time to burn down the others?

Try on a few packs and change keybinds around to make it more smooth.


Also dont skip group quests and bonus quests.

Being 2levels above the area you are in helps alot.


All in all I can just say that so far im having a blast on my marauder and I wont be going back to the assassin anytime soon.

That being said I still have 30-50 to go and I might end up having a massive rage on the flaws in the class.

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My experience is 100% solo up to 33 where I am currently. I've done all class and regular quests at level or below. There have been a couple hiccups, but nothing I didn't get right the second time. The challenge feels appropriate PvE wise (I do not PvP so no opinion on it).


As for CC, Disable Droid is pretty awesome, but beyond that I agree, we don't have anything. Defensive cool downs like Cloak are not CC. I use most of the defensive cool downs on almost every fight, I feel they do a good jump mitigating or avoiding damage. Obfusticate is fantastic to throw on a Strong mob then turn to the weak ones and getting 10 seconds to kill the weak mobs with the strong missing you 90% of the time. I've also gotten into the rhythm of using disrupt on channeled mob abilities. It's fantastic and the cool down is very quick and it stops you from receiving a lot of damage. People aren't joking when they say you have to use everything, but it seems like once you get into that mindset everything dies pretty fast and I typically end up at about 60% health after a pack, which Quinn quickly heals up before the next group.


The order which Warriors gets their companions is a bit wonky. Vette is fine until Quinn as the game really isn't difficult up to when you get him. I was disappointed with Jaesa when I started questing with her on Taris and I didn't really feel fights went too much faster than with Quinn. I took a lot more damage and had to Channel noticeably more often with Jaesa (speaking of which why don't I get a chance to pick a quest reward for her, just more Vette and Quinn stuff...?). I found it weird we got a second DPS companion before a tank however. I haven't really seen anyone comment on the tanks Pierce and Boonmark, but I'm looking forward to trying them out.


Overall, I really enjoy playing the class, and my experience has been mainly positive. Adding a short duration stun, or a little more damage reduction to Cloak would be very welcome though.

Edited by braveicus
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one thing i must say .


It does feel like a lot of fights in the game require a lot of " pre-battle prep" by this i mean you have to before using Force charge, use your Cloak of pain and all your other buffs before charging into combat, all in all i believe it around 3-4 buffs before using force charge:eek:


Given that once in combat it pretty good, untill they all run out and if you vs Elites then it pretty painfull without any proper CC abilities like whilewind or disables.


Force scream is ok for mobs but elites its pure rubbish as they immune from them, compare this to again whilewind which actually disables them marauder really is lackiing proper CC.


I think marauders weakness isnt damage or armour like some say but purely is the ability to CC, we need at least a proper disable or a proper stun that works for long enough to be usefull.

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I'm not gonna sit here and tell you all that our class is perfect - its' not. It definitely could use some tweaking, but nothing major. If you're having trouble surviving in PvE during quests your level, then I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but: you're doing it wrong. I've worked up to 35 so far, and have been doing just fine. I'm leveling as Rage because the benefits to Smash are amazing, and it's a decent skill when you look at the RageCost : Damage ratio, plus, it really helps with clearing groups quickly. If you're having serious problems, we have quite a few CC's to escape dangerous situations, Saber Ward is beast, Obfuscate makes you pretty much untouchable for a few seconds, force choke disables an enemy for some time, Force Camoflauge is amazing, not to mention if you're fighting melee: Crippling Slash + kite is a beautiful thing. I think you should practice survivability in PvP, it may increase your understanding of the class, or maybe your mental and physical reflexes to skills.


P.S. Don't be afraid to let Jaesa/Quinn/Vette/Peirce tank for a bit - send them in first to get initial threat, then charge in and mess some fools' up.


Good luck fellow Marauders. :)

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note to darth maul or darth vader(which ever marauder is designed around), OP says your a ***** :p


all i really read was marauder is to hard, and OP likes easy mode. i have heard lots of ppl have lots gripes with marauder, but i have seen lots more say marauder just needs to be played with thought to begin with, rather than just spam most powerful move over and over. this appeals to me. i'm only lv 17, if i can solo all main story quest to the end i'll be happy, if i need a group to do group content, i think the game is playing how it was designed. the only problem i can see with marauder is the gear, but i keep my fingers crossed for the future

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