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Powertech Ability, Tactical Item, and Set Bonus Feedback


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Hey folks,


Let's talk about what Spoils of War has in store for the Powertech! Below you will find the Powertech's new ability, the set bonuses that are planned for them, and a list of their new Tactical items. You may see bonuses which refer to charges. We are introducing new tech in Onslaught which will allow abilities to have multiple charges, meaning you can use them more then once (per charge) and the cooldown will simply add a charge up to the maximum.


Keep in mind that all of this is subject to change


New Ability - Power Yield

Increases your armor by 40% and your damage done by 2% for 10 seconds. Getting attacked during this time adds an additional stack, up to 5 times for 200% armor and 10% damage done.


Set Bonuses

These bonuses will likely have the high end of piece requirements, such as requiring 4 or 6 pieces. The smaller piece bonuses will be more passive in nature (stat benefits, etc).


  • Explosive Yield - (4) Power Yield's duration is extended by 5 seconds. (6) Each time you take damge while under Power Yield, the cooldown of Explosive Fuel is reduced by 3 seconds.
  • Autocannon - (4) Searing Wave makes all targets vulnerable to Shoulder Cannon for 5 seconds.(6) Each Shoulder Cannon rocket has a 25% chance to trigger an additional rocket.
  • Doublecharge - (4) Jet Charge's range is increased by 5m. (6) Jet Charge gets 2 charges.
  • Carbon Conversion - (4) Carbonize's cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds. (6) Carbonize vents 5 heat for each enemy it hits.


Tactical Items

This a new item slot coming in Onslaught. You can only wear one Tactical Item at a time.



  • Ranged Rocket Punch - Rocket Punch now has a range of 10m.
  • Second Contract - Grapple gets two charges and activating it finishes the cooldown of Rocket Punch and Flaming Fist.
  • Sonic Heal - Sonic Missile heals all allies around its target.
  • Neural Trigger - Dealing damage to an enemy affected by your Neural Dart stuns them for 3 seconds and ends the taunt.


Advanced Prototype

  • Energized Blade - Retractable Blade's bleed effect deals more damage the more Energy Lode stacks you have.
  • Flame Detonation - Dealing damage with Searing Wave or Flame Sweep to a target affected by a pre-exploded Thermal Detonator causes it to explode, creating a large explosion and dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Powerlode - Power Yield instantly builds 4 Energy Lodes. Getting critically hit while under Power Yield builds an Energy Lode.



  • Explosive Weaponry - During Explosive Fuel Flaming Fist, Flame Burst and Immolate do damage to all nearby targets and Searing Wave hits twice.
  • Flame Dissipation - When Superheated Flamethrower reaches 2 stacks, it applies Flame Dissipation to you, lowering the cost of Searing Wave by 3 heat. Stacks up to 5 times and is consumed by Searing Wave at 5 stacks. When consumed, Flame Dissipation increases your periodic fire damage by 10% for 10 seconds.
  • Superheated Fuel - Explosive Fuel increases all Flame attacks critical chance by 100%.



  • Oil Fire - Oil Slick makes targets susceptible to Firestorm. Each affected enemy you hit increases your damage reduction by 1.5% and reduces the cooldown of Oil Slick by 5 seconds.
  • Thermal Screen - Heat Screen now stacks up to 6 times. Power Yield immediately builds 6 stacks.
  • Hotswap - Translocating a guarded target gives them 40% damage reduction and neutralizes you. You swap back after 6 seconds.


As a note, if you are a Vanguard player, you can expect to see these set bonuses mirrored for you as well, they are still in process.


Let us know your thoughts! Here are the types of feedback we are looking for. XX seems too strong or too weak. XX Set Bonus combined with XX Tactical seems too strong or too weak. I wish there was a Set Bonus or Tactical that had a specific effect or modified a specific ability not listed. Be as specific as possible in your feedback.



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One thing. ED was re-balanced to be scaled up, it helped the class. Kolto heals like 2k ticks, there any way it can be scaled up just like ED was? Kolto on PT is weak as hell.


Carbon Conversion - (4) Carbonize's cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds. (6) Carbonize vents 5 heat for each enemy it hits.


This seems like it'll probably be idea in arenas, with high alacrity you already get it around 39s cd, this will put it at 29. Imagine that 2x every 30 seconds. Could this either not be a thing or make carb unaffected by alacrity?


Neural Trigger - Dealing damage to an enemy affected by your Neural Dart stuns them for 3 seconds and ends the taunt.


This is a cool idea, no lie. But a stun on taunt? Are we reworking resolve? The amount of time a single PT can lock down someone with CC will be crazy.


Sonic Heal - Sonic Missile heals all allies around its target.


I don't understand why this would be a thing, pt needs help itself, not it's allies. Sonic re-bounders are pretty good if this was tied into it, it'd be amazing for team play. But alone seems just... weird?


Doublecharge - (4) Jet Charge's range is increased by 5m. (6) Jet Charge gets 2 charges.


Could we at least get PT/VG leap fixed or redesigned for this to even be useful? It's by far worse than warriors and knights, half the time it doesn't go off. Sometimes it does and it desyncs your character for a long time. Rarely it just works as intended.


Other than that these look cool, though shoulder cannon was nerfed in the past, I hope auto cannon doesn't bring it along the path to another nerf.

Edited by Beyrahl
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One thing. ED was re-balanced to be scaled up, it helped the class. Kolto heals like 2k ticks, there any way it can be scaled up just like ED was? Kolto on PT is weak as hell.



I don't understand why this would be a thing, pt needs help itself, not it's allies. Sonic re-bounders are pretty good if this was tied into it, it'd be amazing for team play. But alone seems just... weird?




Could we at least get PT/VG leap fixed or redesigned for this to even be useful? It's by far worse than warriors and knights, half the time it doesn't go off. Sometimes it does and it desyncs your character for a long time. Rarely it just works as intended.


Other than that these look cool, though shoulder cannon was nerfed in the past, I hope auto cannon doesn't bring it along the path to another nerf.


And this ^^

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Most of the changes look though though a few of the tactical items seem to be too situational if not outright useless. I believe it would be better if Sonic Missile granted more defense,or even 2 charges of the shield buff, than healing. Unless the healing is actually substantial.
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The thing I don’t like about this patch’s sets are that we were told we could hybridize but doing so with the bonuses currently on 4/6 makes it impossible to do so. Hopefully a 2 bonus comes out but it seems each set focuses entirely on 1 ability instead of allowing actual hybridization. It almost feels like we should start having 8 pieces to each set with 6 being max so we can get the 4 bonus of 2 sets even though it might be weaker but help us shore up weak areas while others may just want pure power on 1 ability.


The 25% rocket chance looks like the worst set bonus I’ve seen yet though. 6 pieces for 1-2 extra rockets per 1.5 minutes. Almost no reason for a set other than power yield or carbonized. Rockets would be better at 50 or 75%.


Would also like to point out power yield is almost exclusively a tank / pvp ability now since it requires being hit which makes it garbage for raiding. Why not make it a stance swap where you can use it constantly but swap for damage or defense increase that way it provides unique mechanics and something new. Yet also provides a new type of skill ceiling to know when to swap.

Edited by hawkages
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Hey folks,


  • Oil Fire - Oil Slick makes targets susceptible to Firestorm. Each affected enemy you hit increases your damage reduction by 1.5% and reduces the cooldown of Oil Slick by 5 seconds.



I almost got really excited when I saw this. For the longest time I've wanted to have an ability that lights the Oil Slick on fire, either turning it into an AOE damage or have Firestorm put a burn/dot on anyone standing in Oil Slick....


Please devs give us a Oil Slick/Firestorm combo as an offensive ability :(

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DISCLAIMER: I am about to complain, nothing I say is made with intention to hurt, offend, belittle or harass anybody!


My opinion:


To be frank, these Powertech changes look and feel rushed.


1) New Ability - Power Yield

This is exactly the same issue as Stabilized Armor... why is this effect, dependent on the user taking damage?

This immediately relegate's it's usefulness in raiding, as when dps'ing your fundamental mind set is to avoid taking damage wherever avoidable!

Either make it two-pronged LIKE THE EFFECT! or it will remain useless and highly situational. Effects that involve my ability to be more useful should be based around MY performance, not the performance of others


2) Set Bonuses

Explosive Yield - Same as point 1), it shouldn't be specifically based on TAKING DAMAGE, if the effect as BOTH damage reduction AND damage increase

Doublecharge - Jet Charge gets 2 charges? What of Battering Ram utility? And how will this interaction now take place?

Carbon Conversion - This just feels like you ran out of ideas, despite the fact there are some fantastic ideas in the Powertech forum, on the post YOU created!


3) Tactical Items

Sonic Heal - Are you trolling?


Thermal Screen - Heat screen stacks 6 times? What about Heat Blast?? Does it consume all 6 stacks and get a heightened effect to reward you for stacking the deep 6? or just boring 3 stack?


Flame Detonation - Why doesn't this interaction consider the use of Flak Shell?!


Seems like only the force users get all the fun toys... ...can't say I'm surprised, oh well, looking like another dead season for powertechs. At least I have a 200% armor rating to make me look like im trying not to die in a situation where I'm going to die anyway


You have marauder and juggernaut (INCLUDING TANK) on route to getting a raw 25% damage amp for FOUR abilities... with no hidden stipulations that are outside of their control, not to mention synergy and methods that allow them to prematurely stack the effect, and stack it in combat at a hastened rate


Assassins flipping sh*t in the background resetting abilities at will like they're preparing for the second coming of Christ


Operative getting longer stunlock than a world boss


and I have to sit here, facetank and pray to god my opponent isn't stupid enough to kite me for 10 seconds? So I can ramp up? Assuming 200% armor rating is going to do anything for me...

Please reconsider this, these changes are saturated with ignorance, and lack of knowledge on the class and it's core design, performance, opportunities and capacity

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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Hey folks,


New Ability - Power Yield

Increases your armor by 40% and your damage done by 2% for 10 seconds. Getting attacked during this time adds an additional stack, up to 5 times for 200% armor and 10% damage done.


Nice for tank, but kind of short. We'll have to see the cool down. Good also for PvP. Up to here seems in line with what PTs need most, a DCD. But the offensive part i have to agree with the critics, should not be tied to getting damage, it makes it pointless por DPS in a Raid.


Set Bonuses

  • Explosive Yield - (4) Power Yield's duration is extended by 5 seconds. (6) Each time you take damge while under Power Yield, the cooldown of Explosive Fuel is reduced by 3 seconds.
  • Autocannon - (4) Searing Wave makes all targets vulnerable to Shoulder Cannon for 5 seconds.(6) Each Shoulder Cannon rocket has a 25% chance to trigger an additional rocket.
  • Doublecharge - (4) Jet Charge's range is increased by 5m. (6) Jet Charge gets 2 charges.
  • Carbon Conversion - (4) Carbonize's cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds. (6) Carbonize vents 5 heat for each enemy it hits.

Explosive Yield: Seems OK. Actually completes the new ability. Good for tanks.

Autocannon: What does vulnerable actually do? More damage?, how much more? Does it makes shoulder cannon into some sort of AoE? I just don't get this bonus at all. The 25% chance of an extra missible and requiring 6 pieces seems like a bad joke.

Doublecharge: First 5m, really, its already 30m? Then an extra charge.... Wasn't there an utility that did something similar? But was even better because it actually lets you use it in less than 10m. Seem you have a real problem in trying to undestand what playes feedback has been. Not only for 6.0, but since 5.0. The biggest problem with Jet Charge is that that it available very late while leveling. PT need a gap closer sooner. Warrior get it at lvl 1 and sins and ops get stealth at very low level. 5 more m, you know were you can shove those, right?

Carbon Conversion: Seems kind of good for PvP. But PTs have already 2 Stuns with carbonize CD at 45 does it really need a new reduction?

Tactical Items



  • Ranged Rocket Punch - Rocket Punch now has a range of 10m.
  • Second Contract - Grapple gets two charges and activating it finishes the cooldown of Rocket Punch and Flaming Fist.
  • Sonic Heal - Sonic Missile heals all allies around its target.
  • Neural Trigger - Dealing damage to an enemy affected by your Neural Dart stuns them for 3 seconds and ends the taunt.

Ranged Rocket Punch: As a tank, very situational. As DPSs, pyro i think may work (never played it but i think all skill are other than rocket punch are 10m+), but AP has retractable blade at 4m, so....

Second Contract: A PITA for PvP, might be a popular choice for some.

Sonic Heal: I picture this in gen chat LFM 1 tank, 1 fank, 1 heales one PT with Sonic Heal and gtg. [/s]

Neural Trigger: Again. PTs already have TWO stuns, one is AOE and BOTH can be extended 25% with a single utility point. Why add a third Stun?

Advanced Prototype

  • Energized Blade - Retractable Blade's bleed effect deals more damage the more Energy Lode stacks you have.
  • Flame Detonation - Dealing damage with Searing Wave or Flame Sweep to a target affected by a pre-exploded Thermal Detonator causes it to explode, creating a large explosion and dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Powerlode - Power Yield instantly builds 4 Energy Lodes. Getting critically hit while under Power Yield builds an Energy Lode.



  • Explosive Weaponry - During Explosive Fuel Flaming Fist, Flame Burst and Immolate do damage to all nearby targets and Searing Wave hits twice.
  • Flame Dissipation - When Superheated Flamethrower reaches 2 stacks, it applies Flame Dissipation to you, lowering the cost of Searing Wave by 3 heat. Stacks up to 5 times and is consumed by Searing Wave at 5 stacks. When consumed, Flame Dissipation increases your periodic fire damage by 10% for 10 seconds.
  • Superheated Fuel - Explosive Fuel increases all Flame attacks critical chance by 100%.



  • Oil Fire - Oil Slick makes targets susceptible to Firestorm. Each affected enemy you hit increases your damage reduction by 1.5% and reduces the cooldown of Oil Slick by 5 seconds.
  • Thermal Screen - Heat Screen now stacks up to 6 times. Power Yield immediately builds 6 stacks.
  • Hotswap - Translocating a guarded target gives them 40% damage reduction and neutralizes you. You swap back after 6 seconds.

Well, since i play PT Tank i will focus on this say that i do like more the Oil Fire. It is in the line of what we wanted, except it lacks something, like actual damage.

Thermal Screen...mmm

HotSwap. Well, i know some people wanted this ability as something usefull. I would have preferred replaced. Its just a Meme. Put Power Yield there and for a new general ability think of something that actually makes sense for all PT specs. But since that won't happen because that would require common sense, lets be polite and just say i still don't like Traslocate. What does neutralize even mean in this context? You cannot move? You cannot recieve damage? You are joined to the force for 6 seconds and then reapear?


Well, from reading this as a PT tank i would choose:

Explosive Yield (complete) and Oil Fire (maybe swaped to Thermal screen for fights with few to no adds). Add power Yield and What to we gained:

A new DCD that last 15 seconds (I still don't know its actual CD), potential reducing another CD (Explosive Fuel)

An increased damage reduction with oil slick and potential reducing its CD.........




What about what we lost? Because we are loosing things:

2% Damage reduction for 5s with heat Blast (Every 15s)

2s CD reductions on both taunts with Rocket punch (this is extreamly usefull on mechanics that reset or jump aggro)

3s Duration of Oil Slick (that is 30% extention)

4s Duration on Energy shield


Are we actually gaining something? Maybe we do, but not that much and with added complexity (RNG).


I was really expecting something better.

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Please remove the need to eat damage during power yield this isn't particularly helpful to dps who want to use a dcd for a specific single target hit in pve. If you do decide not to take in this suggestion please at the very least allow aoe damage to generate stacks and not just single target.
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!Speaking from the perspective of a pve player!

A lot of people seem to really dislike the new ability, but I personally feel like it gives Powertech DPS an amazing cooldown that could be used to off tank bosses when energy shield and explosive fuel are off cooldown. This would give us an even more insane burst window whilst helping with tank damage: with 200% increased armor and an additional 25% flat damage reduction through energy shield we should end up at around 80-85% damage reduction, not taking into account any damage reduction we gain through the passive skill tree. Powertechs can gain an insane amount of dps when taking damage, this ability would definitely fit into the unique playstyle of the class. I obviously understand that a lot players want to move away from the playstyle of taking damage to deal damage but exactly this and its burst capabilites make the class special. I've played PT for a long time now and I definitely think this is a great ability for pve.

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!Speaking from the perspective of a pve player!

A lot of people seem to really dislike the new ability, but I personally feel like it gives Powertech DPS an amazing cooldown that could be used to off tank bosses when energy shield and explosive fuel are off cooldown. This would give us an even more insane burst window whilst helping with tank damage: with 200% increased armor and an additional 25% flat damage reduction through energy shield we should end up at around 80-85% damage reduction, not taking into account any damage reduction we gain through the passive skill tree. Powertechs can gain an insane amount of dps when taking damage, this ability would definitely fit into the unique playstyle of the class. I obviously understand that a lot players want to move away from the playstyle of taking damage to deal damage but exactly this and its burst capabilites make the class special. I've played PT for a long time now and I definitely think this is a great ability for pve.


powertechs gain the least damage related benefit when taking damage as offtank what are you talking about? a sin, juggernaut and even a marauder get and do way more. so saying that the niche of taking damage to increase our dps belongs to a powertech is a baseless statement, that you've added... absolutely nothing to validate or demonstrate this.

How does off-tanking gain more damage for us? two utility points that are out-dated and are easily beaten due to reflect mechanics from sin and juggernaut, and that even rebuke out damages? One utility that only triggers once every 3 seconds, and one only applies when energy shield is up?


You have to be joking

Don't know what kind of pve you do but care to explain what you mean when pt gains damage by offtanking... which is wrong :D

Not only are there a healthy number of classes that do it better, you fail to even prove we have it to begin with rofl.

pls stop sabotaging the discussion with awful information that is flat out wrong. it makes a bad class look worse

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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powertechs gain the least damage related benefit when taking damage as offtank what are you talking about? a sin, juggernaut and even a marauder get and do way more. so saying that the niche of taking damage to increase our dps belongs to a powertech is a baseless statement, that you've added... absolutely nothing to validate or demonstrate this.

How does off-tanking gain more damage for us? two utility points that are out-dated and are easily beaten due to reflect mechanics from sin and juggernaut, and that even rebuke out damages? One utility that only triggers once every 3 seconds, and one only applies when energy shield is up?


You have to be joking

Don't know what kind of pve you do but care to explain what you mean when pt gains damage by offtanking... which is wrong :D

Not only are there a healthy number of classes that do it better, you fail to even prove we have it to begin with rofl.

pls stop sabotaging the discussion with awful information that is flat out wrong. it makes a bad class look worse

You are probably just trolling, but sure I will gladly give you a lot of examples. Also, I didn't say Powertechs gain dps when off tanking, they gain dps when they take damage, this new ability would just make it possible to off tank whilst taking way less damage than tanks.

PTs on Hateful Entity, where you are constantly taking damage.

MM Brontes, you are constantly taking damage during the burn.

MM Nefra, here we have long periods of time where we are taking damage.

MM Dread Council, here you have multiple periods of time where you are again taking constant damage.

VM Revan, during the burn you are again constantly taking damage.



I didn't include the exact parses, but you are probably able to click these links and see the damage breakdown for yourself. I don't know what kind of pve YOU are doing, but what you are saying is frankly wrong and sabotaging the discussion.

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My post was deleted, despite the fact it wasn't insulting in anyway, nor contain anything that could qualify as a personal attack, so I'm just going to assume somebody (most likely you) reported me


You are probably just trolling, but sure I will gladly give you a lot of examples. Also, I didn't say Powertechs gain dps when off tanking, they gain dps when they take damage, this new ability would just make it possible to off tank whilst taking way less damage than tanks.


I'm going to put this in really quick sentences.

As I mentioned previously: Many classes can do this better!

To quote myself

Not only are there a healthy number of classes that do it better, you fail to even prove we have it to begin with rofl.


Powertech has two utilities:

Pyro Shield - deals elemental damage when you receive damage

GAJ - vents 20 heat when stunned, knocked around, immobilized etc. next tech ability deals 10% increased damage

Let's go over this real quick

Pyro shield.

only lasts 15 seconds with a cooldown of 2 minutes (dps spec)

Marauder Cloak of pain lasts longer, does more damage, has cooldown reduction, and gets damage increase from utilities. lower cooldown

Juggernaut has reflect, deals more damage upon reflect, not only to the very narrow list of abilities you mentioned. but also negates the damage also lower cooldown

Assassin has reflect, self cleanse, combat stealth shenanigans, lower cooldown

Operative has cleanse, reflect, lower cooldown

Mercenary has the same utility and then some!


To quote you:

Powertechs can gain an insane amount of dps when taking damage, this ability would definitely fit into the unique playstyle of the class

You're wrong, every other class mentioned not only has better performances in those situations. they also have more options. So this is not an insane amount of dps when taking damage, and this is not a unique playstyle.


You are wrong.

Have a nice day

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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My post was deleted, despite the fact it wasn't insulting in anyway, nor contain anything that could qualify as a personal attack, so I'm just going to assume somebody (most likely you) reported me




I'm going to put this in really quick sentences.

As I mentioned previously: Many classes can do this better!

To quote myself


Powertech has two utilities:

Pyro Shield - deals elemental damage when you receive damage

GAJ - vents 20 heat when stunned, knocked around, immobilized etc. next tech ability deals 10% increased damage

Let's go over this real quick

Pyro shield.

only lasts 15 seconds with a cooldown of 2 minutes (dps spec)

Marauder Cloak of pain lasts longer, does more damage, has cooldown reduction, and gets damage increase from utilities. lower cooldown

Juggernaut has reflect, deals more damage upon reflect, not only to the very narrow list of abilities you mentioned. but also negates the damage also lower cooldown

Assassin has reflect, self cleanse, combat stealth shenanigans, lower cooldown

Operative has cleanse, reflect, lower cooldown

Mercenary has the same utility and then some!


To quote you:


You're wrong, every other class mentioned not only has better performances in those situations. they also have more options. So this is not an insane amount of dps when taking damage, and this is not a unique playstyle.


You are wrong.

Have a nice day


You should probably read all the PT utilities and the passive still tree again. Obviously juggernauts or mercs have reflects, but you will only be able to utilize these on abilities you can actually reflect. I‘m guessing you are probably not raiding on the highest difficulty, so let‘s take a look at Nahut. That‘s the third boss of the newest operation and during the first phase of the fight you are constantly taking damage that you can‘t reflect. You can however deal damage through pyroshield and close and personal (disregarding the energy regeneration you additionally gain from this). This make powertech dps the best dps class by miles during that phase.

Regarding offtanking, you don’t seem to realize that mercenary or marauder dps can't taunt. All the other classes you mentioned don’t actually gain anything from it; most direct boss attacks can‘t be reflected. Some can be and in those situations reflects are better, but with the new ability PT dps have a dps gain in nearly every situation.

If you want to discuss this further you should provide some sources for your claims, otherwise I will not reply since I‘ve already wasted enough time with this.

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So after claiming you can give many examples of situations where this applies, you've now fallen down to one. Impressive for sure!

It doesn't take much to realize there are far more situations where you can reflect than you are suggesting, which still puts corresponding classes with reflect ahead in dps spikes where the opportunity is at its most optimal. Not to mention, they have smaller cooldowns, which means they will be up more often. More damage return, used more frequently. Explain this "miles ahead" please!


If you're going to force bias in this discussion, by only considering the scenarios where reflect will yield no effect, then you prove this is more pointless than ever before. But even then, one fight doesn't justify "miles ahead", and never will


In the one scenario you depict as being an off-tank, 2 of the 3 classes with taunt have reflects, where targeted abilities can and will be reflected, thus, always making reflect a viable option so long as you taunt the boss and use cooldowns that will be come off cooldown much faster than Energy shield. Which, makes reflect a far better option. Despite that, these 2 of 3 classes still have better option select than a Powertech, which is one of their biggest issues right now, that you seem to keep evading on one hand, then suggesting this is somehow a 'unique playstyle' on another.

In the other scenario you depict as being a dps with no taunt, 2 of the 3 classes without taunt, have an equal or greater option, being mercenary's Pyro shield, which performs on par with Powertech, or Marauder's Cloak of Pain, which outperfoms Pyro shield AND close and personal, two classes which have far greater synergy with the corresponding abilities, Energy Shield, and Cloak of pain, both as passives, and with utilities in mind. And that IS even if you consider the usage of Close and Personal, which has a 3 sec cooldown and only triggers on aoes, not targeted dots that happen to hit everybody in the raid... like the majority of spells you listed such as Affliction and co.

In fact, Nahut is the only tangible one you used out of the list you brought up in the first palce, and its the one you're now trying to use for this example in your last post. Pretty dishonest, but sure, I'll pretend otherwise. Pyro and C&P still fall behind, sorry to say. And once again, all these classes, have better option select, meaning if they don't have optimal choice available, they can still cleanse, and use other cooldowns to give interactions that enhance their playstyle


You then mention the idea of using this new cooldown will make you sponge damage better than any tank. This is wrong, as the ability is Adv. Class based, so a Shield Spec can still sponge better than you. And skills like Immortal from Jugg will easily beat this both in stat and in principle. So I don't know what you're talking about

Even then, you have not addressed any of my points, about other classes currently having better option select than PT, you are just suggesting that in situations where reflect isn't viable due to a very, VERY narrow select interaction (apparently at your convenience), that Pyro shield is better. Which it isn't, because Cloak of Pain is still better.

Furthermore, other classes having similar effects, so once again in your example used, with Nahut, where you are constantly taking damage, a Mercenary with Pyro shield will be on par with your own Pyro Shield, and a Marauder with Cloak of Pain, will be dealing more damage, and his effect is twice as long as yours, and is half the cooldown of yours, meaning the class will have their ability up more often, and will be reciprocating more damage over its duration.


Despite that, you still ignore my original question, which is to say "How does this validate that this is a unique playstyle, when there are so many different classes who can perform the same interaction?" Unique, being, one of a kind. Having good dps opportunity doesn't make you unique, it just means you have a good utility for the scenario listed. many classes can trigger reciprocation, so how is this a 'unique playstyle'?

Feel free to answer that anytime, unless you don't want to 'waste' your time, evading the questions made in the first place. lol


Here it gets even better! Because Marauder are getting a 25% damage buff with their next ability, which will trigger every 30 seconds. Which is give or take, around the same time their berserking will come up and I can only begin to imagine the possibilities with Berserking, Furious, and Ferocity combos. I can't wait to see what happens then.

There is no mention of the new 200% armor cooldown, so if it is greater than 30 seconds... well, it will be a very short lived long expected outcome. Enjoy that


You're wrong

Have a nice day

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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